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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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Having a serious case of the "missings" and for some reason feel extra in love with you right now. How did 2 people cause such an incredible chemical reaction in each other?! I am invisible on gchat and unblocked you for a second... I suppose that's kind of like breaking NC, except you have no idea I am there wishing we could talk. Maybe the universe will smile on us again one day, but I know that it's out of my hands and any contact initiated by me would just be me trying to push things my way. I must be strong out of respect for you and for me. So I am going to express my love for you right here. I have a lot to be thankful for in my life, even if I don't have everything I want. The universe is being good to me and I hope the same can be said for you. Let's live our lives well, my love. I'll start by not focusing on the things that are out of my hands.


Slowly, slowly I am learning to let go.

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Quite a transition in the last month or so...not that long ago, I couldn't imagine life without you. Now, I can't imagine life with you and I am free from the chaos that surrounds you. Sure, I think of you often and fondly - but I don't miss you at all. I have finally made it to indifference.

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Wow. It's been awhile since I wrote anything here. It's going to be my birthday next week. Nah, I don't wonder if you'd remember because I know you do as your sister was born on the same year but 2 weeks earlier It's hard to get rid of me from your mind like that, right? LOL.


I am doing good, I can feel myself changing to be more mature person. Dealing with criticisms and not taking things personally.


My health, however, is failing. Your name was removed from ICE, so, you will not be getting any notifications.


I saw the picture of you and the girl in extremely pink shirt in the background. Wow. Finally, someone comes out of private shell life. See, I told you.. if you love someone, you'd want for the world to know that you love her You know, just want to scream "I love you" out loud and jump for joy kinda thing. I didn't get that. But of course, I already knew that you didn't actually love me. (Busted


It was a blow to my ego at first. But, I am happy for you. Finally, *now* you know how I felt when I was with you! The sheer happiness. Smile like crazy person. Holding someone close to your heart and never want to let go.


And that, Mark, is love. The thing that you're feeling for that girl IS actual love!!


I am glad. Take a good care of yourself.



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i don't have any urge to contact you, i haven't started to miss you yet and hope it will never happen. i don' t hate you, i feel numb with disappointment. disappointed we couldn't make it work afterall, but i think this is your fault. because you are not acting like a man should, and you knew it. you lost to yourself. you won the battle but you lost the war. you know i am so important to you, you gave up so much to get me but you lost to your stupid ego. does feeding your ego make you happy? i always thought i was the one who couldn't control my emotions, but you are the one in actual fact. never mind, i don't care any more, my heart for you is dead.

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Hey H, I hope you're in a better state of mind. Much calmer and much grown up. I have been struggling with my feelings for you, but I feel so much better now. It definitely still hits me on and off, but I just try to cool it off as much as I can. I don't know what's next and I don't know where I'm exactly standing after this long time, but I do know that whatever happens, I will be taking a good care of it and above all, myself. Well, at least hopefully I will.

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It's good that you called a therapist. Too bad s/he didn't call you back. Depressing when somebody doesn't think you're worth responding to, isn't it? Maybe you could learn something from being disregarded in that way. Maybe not. So, is that why you called, to let me know you'd made a call? Or was it to let me know about your mix-up with the checking accounts? Or that you're working on Sunday? Or to find out how work is going for me? I didn't think there was any reason to really call.


You said you'd call me back later. Why say that? You never do. In fact, I'll bet I don't hear from you for another 7-10 days. You'll even pretend to forget about my birthday, which is an excellent idea. I wouldn't want it any other way.

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I really, really want to pick up the phone and text you. I really, really want to check my email and see something, anything from you in there. But I'm not going to. I've been doing all the heavy lifting and if you really want a friendship out of all of this, I need to see effort from your end. If I get none, no big deal- I am probably better off. Until then, I will just live my life and do what makes me happy.

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Ok - this is my last post in this thread for "you" dear.


I thought I had cleared out all your emails, but to my dismay, I found some emails to you from my sent folder in my personal email addy.


I read through them today and it didnt hurt. I just was like "Wow". I read one that you sent me in Cuba. You were so proud because the vikings game was on at your hotel (as mine) and you recognized that they were my favorite team and that it was likely that I was in tune with the game that night. You were so proud of yourself in the email you sent to me. Today, it actually made me smile And not in a miss you kinda way. Just in a "thats the girl I was madly in love with" way.


I read some emails where I was clearly the fool. Being led to believe that the reason you cheated was because of me LOL. I read them and was like " * * * was I thinking?". I deleted them - moving on.


But just so you know. One day, in the spring of 09 when your mom was sick, you took a pic of you in your sedan. You were sitting in the parking lot of your work, I was in Jersey for work and you sent it to me in the a.m to start my day. You were (and still are) in this pic, absolutely stunning. I didn't delete it. That picture to me is a reminder of you, the one I loved with all my heart. I looked at it and I will admit, it stung a bit. But I actually looked at it and smiled. And felt the love in your eyes. Not something I felt from you often.


So, I'm keeping it. You are so stunning in this photo, I cannot and will not delete you.


I love you Babe. I know we are better off. I don't regret us. Its a lesson learned. I hope you find what it is you seek. I wish you nothing but the best, even if it is with some guy.


I think of you often. I hope you are well. As for me, I am okay. So no stress. Getting into some trouble but really, Im just making up for some lost time. Really. I am okay.


I love you with all my heart. If you were here and I had one more night, I would kiss the tat on the back of your neck and say "Good night you. Sweet Dreams" like I used to. Only your dreams are now without me. But I am okay with this.


All the best you. Maybe one day our paths will cross again.


Til then.................

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I just went through some old log when we were still in the beginning of our relationship. I don't know why I read all of it. I feel so bad right now and I'm starting to believe that you were fake. You betrayed me. I know people change in time, but someone's own beliefs and principles should never change. You manipulated me to get me and when I gave in to you played your game and left me in the dust. I'm just in a shock mode right now, and I don't know what to do. I want to cry.

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Im an emotional wreck still over you, avoiding you is all i can do and it hurts... I had a fun time last night with friends, you remember Drew and Lauren right? Well their engaged and planning their wedding for next year.... They asked about you and all i could say is that it just didn't work out... They were shocked... ohwell

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I have to see you in less then 15mins, I don't even want to look at you in the eyes let alone see your face in general... I'm starting to get pissed off at you again this is a good thing... I wish we weren't in the same major now!!!!!


I have the exact same problem with my ex. Same major and I have to see his face 3 times a week. This is torture. Sigh

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I love you, therefore i need to get out of your life, I've been thinking about it and it's not healthy for me to be around you right now. I still have strong feelings. I still want you, I still want my heart to sing for you but your toying with my heart. Today was to much I had to become numb because i can't just be a friend to you. We did things that I just can't forget and things that i do regret but to be buddy buddy with you is not going to happen. I'm not going to be around you, I'm not going to give you my opinion, my love, my time and trust into you. Today made me think real hard and yes... I Do believe that i am starting to heal. But as I'm typing this i know your texting your new boy toy and think everything is alright between us when it's actually over between us. I have nothing else to give to you. I gave you everything but but a happy future. Good riddance I'm sick of caring about you I reached my limit.

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I want to text you, but I won't. I know for a fact you want to talk to me...you told me yourself you have to make yourself not text me sometimes. But I hope you text me sometime soon. I know I completely agree with you that we need time to focus on ourselves and growing up & maturing enough to be together again, and we both feel the exact same way. You still want to be with me, and I want to be with you. It's been over a month and we still feel the same way about each other. I like to believe we'll still feel the same in a few months, and even in a year. We'll be ready. And I'm not looking for another guy at all. And I know you aren't looking for another girl either. I'm crazy about you. We talked about having kids on Sunday and Monday, and you told me "You know if I ever have kids, they're going to be yours". And it's true...I do know that. And you so badly want a daughter. We'll be together again someday babe. Not in a week or in a month, but hopefully within the next 5 years. A lot of things can happen between now and then. But I have faith in us. We're perfect for each other, you know that as well as I do.

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