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I'm finally there and I just don't care about you any more. Wow - I never thought I'd get here but I did. You text me now and though I don't reply I get the feeling life isn't so good for you now. Well after you left me so heartlessly I've actually moved on. I've met some amazing people and had some great dates and experiences. I can say I'm happy. You broke me and took me to my knees but now I am happy again. Hugs and take care x.

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I can't believe you left me. I still cry nearly every day, and I feel bad for the one time I made you cry. You don't even feel bad at all for me. I am so hurt.


I am so lonely. I try and keep busy but you still consume my thoughts. You are taking everything from me including my confidence. I have no longing to take you back, but I still long for you. I hate sleeping alone. You ruined my life!!


I am having a bad day!!

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I hope you and your new boy are happy together. I really do. Well not really, I hope he fu--s (wait, no swearing) you over and you come crawling back to the one person who treated you right for the past 2.5 years. You told me you dont feel a spark between us anymore?? Maybe if you made an effort to be intimate with me once in a while instead of me having to beg you for some lovingness we could have made this work. But nope. I was deeply committed to you and all you had going for you. You wanted to go to the other side of the country for a few months just after I got back from college and I fully supported you after the initial shock. You kept saying you might or might not go, then you change your mind and fu-- with my emotions. I hope your new guy screws you over so hard that you come crawling back to me, because then when I reject you, you'll know exactly how I have felt since you broke up with me you b----. I tried my best to make us work, but nothing was ever good enough for you. There was always something wrong with us that made you unhappy. A week before we broke up you had a loving, yet concerned conversation with me about how we need to make some changes in our relationship as we both had gotten too comfortable in the relationship. I completely agreed and said I would work on changing our faults and so did you. It doesn't happen in a week babe. I told you this then, and I am still telling you this now. If you were saying these things just to give yourself the balls to break up with me then congratulations. You completely throw me under the rug just so you don't have to feel bad about breaking up with me. Well screw you and your new guy cuz I know I'm better than you. You ran to me to tell me all your daily problems and I listened and gave advice. I was your rock. You were mine. I'm moving on to create a better me, while you go fill a void with some other guy. I'm sure your family and friends respect you for that.

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I’ve been consumed with thoughts about you and hope that by having you come back will everything right again. This sounds totally odd…. I know. What the hell am I talking about? I was so crystal clear on the state of our relationship. I was clear to you and I thought I was clear to myself. So f****** sure that there was no more left to explore. But I was comfortable. I wanted to see you every week. In my mind, I wasn’t looking for something else. I did feel that there should be something better. There’s that word again. Should…. F****** Should. I do remember the pain of breaking up. I didn't want to be hurt again and I don’t want anyone that is in a relationship with me to get hurt. I guess I used it as an excuse to be lukewarm and distant. Enjoy the brief moments together and not get too attached. Should something better come along, then separation will not be too hard. We can probably remain friends.


That is exactly what happened. Just as I had drawn it up. Something better came along for you. Of course it came along for you first because I wasn’t looking. I expect things to fall in my lap as you did to me. But that does not happen often. So this is where we’re at. 6 months after you called it off. You are off on your new life with someone from work no less. I don’t blame you for doing so. It does make sense. I can see so vividly in my mind that this man is now experiencing all the things with you that I experienced before. This man is intimate with you in all the ways that I was with you before and seeing you enjoy it more… because this man loves you. Wow… the pain that I have is immense. I fight it because I’m scared. I think I should not be going through this. I’m better than this. But am I? No… I am going through this and in some morbid way, I’m glad. There was no way that I would’ve been able to make this realization if it didn’t happen this way. You had to let me go.


So now I’m alone again. I have every right to do whatever I want. But I can’t let go. I want so much to let you go. All the moments that we’ve shared before now comes back and hits me like a ton of bricks. Small tiny events from going to the supermarket or just watching TV on your couch. Of course the big events like going to dinner in the city early on and the talks that we had which I coldly told you my feelings. Those hit hard. How do I let that all go when I now feel like you may have been the best thing to come into my life and I let it go?


Since you left, things obviously are not the same. You don’t look the same to me and you are not the same person to me. I avoid you but want the contact. I look for you but don’t want to see anything. I am left with confusion. My self esteem has taken a beating and it has been a rude awakening. If I had to do things over again, I would. But life doesn’t work that way, does it? You treated me so very well during the time we spent together. I cannot find any fault with that. I hoped for another chance but second chances are hard to come by. In terms of relationships, I don’t believe in giving second chances so it’s unlikely to think that a second chance would be given to me. You do deserve more and you were brave enough to go for it.


There is no other way but to let you go. Let go of the attachments and thoughts that I now hold on to so dearly. Let go of the jealousy that grips me so tightly. Let go of the regret that consumes my mind at times. Just simply let go of thinking of you. I want to let it all go because I’ve got to move on. I don’t know what the future brings. I appreciate the times that I had with you. I just want to move on.

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Why did I have to hear your voice this morning, laughing and generally being the woman I remembered before things got negative. My mind is really messed up right now. Not only that but I heard others who are associated with you doing the same. You knew I was right there in the area... are you trying to kick me when I'm down?? I hate this so much, it's the worst prolonged pain I've ever experienced, bar none.

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Even though I never plan to speak to you again.....


The childish ,foot-stamping part of me really asks why, if you ever cared, if I got it all wrong, if I was being paranoid.....why aren't you here telling me that you love me, that I got it all wrong?


But my logical side knows why...because you were caught, because I finally found out how weak and shallow you are...and I bet you're ashamed,I bet you're disgusted with yourself right now. I would be too.


Thats all

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I'm not gonna lie. Since we broke up a month ago, my mental thought is 99.4% about you, 0.6 % about school, family and everything else. I miss you so much that sometimes I can't breathe. I know we were dating only a few months. But everything simply felt so right. And it felt like a part of me died.


Why did you have to cheat on me? I'll never forgive you for the pain, for the nights I lay in bed groaning from the sheer pain and heartache that you caused.


It's better now, at least; I don't cry on the outside anymore.

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I was with you today, and had to act as if not actually being with you as a couple, does not bother me, even after everything you have done, I still find at this moment in time that it does. It has been 8 weeks now since we split, and I was the one who forced the issue, and if i could i would turn the clock back and never let it happen!!

I miss you, even though when i think of it, we had stopped doing alot together, but worst of all our son misses you. You mentioned today that you wish you could get a house to live in, as you hate being at your mom and dads, and when I said you were offered back a week and half ago, you said it wouldnt work. HOW DO YOU KNOW???

You looked really sad and depressed, and terrible but i knew that if i mentioned that there are still some small feelings for you, you would withdraw.

I can not hold out forever as I want to get over you, if there is no chance of reconcilliation, I need to be able to wake on a morning where my first thought is not of you, I want all the pain and hurt that has been caused by both sides to stop and go away.

I wish I could actually tell you this, but if i tried you would not listen and would just get angry, and I do not want to go back to square 1, for our sons sake.

I wish you had it in your heart to forgive and forget, which is what I would try and do, and as for it would never work, life is full of lots of possibilities and nothing is set in stone. Just take the chance and we may be suprised.

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I really wish you would have told me why you checked out on me. I wish even more you would have talked to me and told me what was bothering you so we could have worked on it. I now feel little for you since finding out you are a liar and a cheater. Wow, I thought I knew you but I guess not. I am upset with you that you strung me along for 3 months post break up while you were f..king another guy. You really are a piece of work.


I am so glad I finally manned up and told you I was going NC and that the break up was for the best and we needed to both move on. It is not what I really felt but I realize now that I can never trust you again. How did something so great get so ugly. I don't know and I never will. Soon it won't matter I will have someone else.

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You betrayed me, I had to deal with that betrayal not you. Now you go and do this, you say you hurt me, you say things are your fault. Then why did you spend the last year lying to me instead of fixing things. Now you say your trying to help when your just hurting me more. Im worried that after were over you will be fine, and move on. I will be left seeing you with a new guy after a 4+ year relationship.


Your the one thing in my life I have actually put everything I had into, and its failing. How do you think I feel....

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Well i am here again, after waking up with my first thoughts being of you. I have been thinking and reckon that you only miss our son and not me, was I that bad? am I that bad? In spite of everything I miss you, and would still have you back in our home as a family.

But if you do not want that for definate let me know, as I really need to move on, I can not stand this lonely empty feeling I feel, and I just want to be loved and most of all held.

I need to let go.

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Saying goodbye to you is one of the hardest things. It's something I never thought we'd do ...because I just held on to what you were saying as true, that things would change for us, but nothing changed. This stagnancy and your compounding addictions I can't go down in again. I feel as though someone has died, you have died, and I'm crying as I leave you farther behind. It's like I'm in a vehicle and I turn to look out the back window as the mirage of you grows smaller and smaller. The look on your face is that of sadness. How could I ever leave you? I'm sorry. You've given me too much pain, and I need to be happy again.


I have a bittersweet relief and feel hopeful for what lays ahead for my life...

without you.


My heart hurts so badly... I'm crying for what I tried to believe we could have...


I truly hope you are happy someday ...soon... I want you to be truly happy. I don't think I played any part in that. Now we are freed up to find true happiness and love.



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I was pmsing last night and felt insecure. You got mad at me for being too insecure and took things I said to heart. I said I was sorry and tried to explain but you didn't want to hear me. You said goodbye. I am so sad but I know that it is up to you to want to heal things. Maybe it is better this way. Maybe.

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This week has made me numb. I would have thought that months out I'd be better, but your grip on me was really strong for such a small lady. Anyway, if your wondering I consiously decided on not showing up for after work drinks with the crew.. until I know I can handle myself for a prolonged time with confidence and dignity around you, I will make this same decision time and again.


I also realized last night, with sadness, that your are likely gone forever. I do wish you well and many times hope things hadn't turned out as they did. Too bad you'll most likely never reap the benefits of knowledge and understanding that these last few months have given me. Sounds cold, but I do have to thank you for spurring me on to gain insight into human nature that probably never would have come. Hopefully you have taken this time to learn and gain in understanding as well. I wish you and your daughter only the best.


with Love,



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I hate seeing you with our friends looking so 'normal'. I hate not knowing how to act around you because I don't want to make it awkward, but every time I fall and we end up talking more than needed, I come home and cry and feel terrible. I know we will probably never see each other again after the next month and it kills me that you don't care, in fact, you probably welcome it. I hate knowing that I am hurting more and that you dumped me and that you are back with the 'love of your life.'


It just doesn't seem fair and I don't understand why this had to happen. It's going to be a rough day.

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I know we fell in love, and then things went way too fast. You would joke around about eloping. But when you broke it off with me last week it broke my effing heart. How could you do this 2 weeks after you suggested we move together to another CITY and get jobs and be together. YOU were the one who wanted to make it official! you are such a flake and so effing moody to be around and I was starting to feel miserable and felt like I was dating a child. So why does this hurt so much? I guess I still thought there was a chance things would return to the way thing were before you got all weird. Maybe you didnt get weird, you just ARE weird and I was too blinded by love to let myself realize it. I have wasted so much time being depressed and anxious and ruminating about stupid stuff about us. I wish I had the foresight to break it off with you first. I knew we werent going to work out, just wish I had the balls to act on it quicker and not fool myself into thinking things would improve. You effed up with me, so now go back to dating your regular array of addicts and people who treat you so badly. You missed out on a really good guy.

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i saw your msg about 'i want too but tooo late you break my heart'.


first of all, i am starting to get mad your telling everyone i broke your heart. lets recall, when we moved back, you slept with that guy in the us. you slept with the teacher at your school. you slept with ryan. who knows who else you slept with.


i remember sitting in your house in bangkok, and the teacher sent you the txt msg 'looking forward to seeing you'.. and i asked you about it.. this was the same guy, whose wife called me before, saying you and him were having an affair. i don't know why i just didn't get up, and leave...


i felt along time ago, you leaving me. i don't know why i stuck around. no wonder i sat around, didn't take care of myself... and drank all the time. you really made me have no good feelings about myself... imagine what it felt seeing you come home run into the shower... or walking home, and seeing you walking with another guy.. right past me into some bar. or hearing that at your birthday party, you didn't want me to go because you had another guy there.


everything that happened in the end don't blame on me. i made some mistakes for sure, which i won't repeat. but don't blame it all on me.

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Twice you broke up with me. Twice you told me that you didn't "have the time for a relationship." Twice you began dating someone else not very long after that. I'm not really sure why I gave you a second chance when you begged to get back with me last summer. It's really the biggest regret I have. But I do know I'll never buy into your BS again and will never give you a third chance. I hope for your sake that you treat this new girl well and that neither of you break the other one's heart, but I fully expect this relationship to fail for the same reasons ours did: lies and an inability to step up, be a man, and actually plan things.

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Dear ****,


I'm feeling pretty disgusted with you right now. Not that you care, but I finally put another nail in our coffin. I found a reason to delete the rest of the pictures of us off of my Facebook. I heard the other night from a mutual aquaintance (who is on her way to becoming an actual friend now, to me) what you said about me behind my back, while we were still dating! How could you do that? Now, I'm really starting to wonder if you ever did love me. How could you compare me to your ex-fiance (now your girlfriend again) like that to other people and so crudely? Just because I wasn't ready to get more physical than we were, and she apparently had no trouble doing so, doesn't mean that I wouldn't have been eventually. You knew my boundaries going into our relationshp, long before ever started dating. I still can't stand that you lied to me about everything. You never voiced what you wanted while we were together- I'm not a mindreader, afterall. I thought I meant more to you than that. I don't know what was real anymore. Thanks for giving me more trust issues- I appreciate it.


I want to move on...to someone else who knows how to treat me with respect and honesty! One day I want to forgive you. I really hope and pray that I will, but I have a feeling that it's going to take a lot more time.

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