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Guys: what do you think of short girls?


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What do all the men out there think of really short women, in terms of physical attraction? Do you find it attractive, or a turn-off, or is a woman's shortness not even an issue at all? Would love to know what all the fellas think!

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So apparently I was wrong. Tall guys do loves short girls. So too bad for you short guys out there, even the tall guys are competing with you and guess what? shorts girls prefer tall guys too. So that leaves nothing for you hobbits out there. You can try the tall girls though, if they even bother to take alook at you. LOL

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I generally find the shorter girls more attractive myself. My ex is 5'1"… which probable looked a bit strange with me being 6'6" and all. Don't get me wrong there are taller girls that I do find attractive, but it just doesn't seem to be as frequent as with shorter girls… that may have something to do with the fact that I find it more attractive for a girl to have enough weight on her that you don't feel like your going to break her, and for a taller girl to not look so frail they generally are a bit more massive, and massive isn't good.

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Umm I am short (5'7'') and I have dated girls exactly the same height as me. I never dated anyone shorter than 5'6''. I think alot of tall guys like the short girls because being taller does give some kind of control over someoen who is smaller. I really think it is a subcouncious thought. Also tall guys and short girls must have some pretty wild sex. (taller the bigger I suppose, or taller the more strength? so they can pick up a girl and its easy to have sex standing)



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I've pretty much dated girls around my height (I'm only 5'5). Though in High School I had a GF who was an inch taller than me. I can't say that I don't find taller women unatractive though. With my being such a hobbit, I find my chances of being with a taller lady extremely unlikely. Most women don't like guys who are under 5'8. And thank you so much for the encouraging words noregret.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Personal preference i'd say really. My gf was little shorter than me i didn't mind and now im after someone new who is a bit taller than me so no i don't really care about height it's the peronality and all the other things that make that person special.


- whitefang

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ya i am only 5 6" -5 7" and i am taller than both my parents. this is where it sucks. tall girls like tall guys. short girls like tall guys. and then short guys get no where. in general anyways. i have been turned down before because I was too short (she was 5 2"!!!)

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That sucks Drumson. It seems that alot of women have this "I won't date a man who ins't at least a foot taller than me" rule. If that is true, guys like us are going to have to start dating women who shop in the children's clothing section of our local stores. The downside to this is that it isn't socially acceptable for a grown man to go to Kids R Us and look for a potential date.

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I guess I prefer the girl to be a little bit shorter than me (5' 8") Maybe I feel this way b/c the one girl I'm in love with is but I dont know....Personality comes first though, then looks...and Height is probably around 5-6 on the list IMO

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