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  1. until u find someone else who you like, but usually you never forget them
  2. theres this girl who i like and she likes me, and is always looking at me 2...she definatly likes u
  3. The girl i like is shorter than me by at least 6 inches, but that doesnt stop me...i still need to ask her out but thats not important not now. Just go with your instinc, love is not something you can control, it just happens
  4. im alex....i really like this girl at school , cant get her off my mind, and i know that she likes me. How do i ask her out? This will be my first time asking a girl out, and i really dont wanna mess up. Thanks everyone. I cant wait to hear your responses!
  5. thanks agian, but how do i ask her out? This would be the first time, and i dont wanna mess up....
  6. thanks for ur responses everyone....i think she like me 2...
  7. Hi... My name is alex, and i just got back from a school trip. On the trip, i became friends with this one girl. We sat together at every lunch, dinner, and breakfast for the whole trip. One night on the bus she was tired, and i asked if she could use me as a pillow. Of course, i said sure, so she put her head down on my shoulder, and fell asleap. She did this during the broad daylight as well, while she was wide awake. Do u guys think she likes me? cant wait to hear ur response....
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