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wow, so this is what other people see?

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I recently bought a new camera, and i am still trying to figure out all of the settings on it and everything..


I took a photo of myself from further away using the self-timer on the camera, and i am in a state of shock. I look a lot larger than what I see in the mirror. I know that cameras can distort things a lot, but this is how it was with my last camera as well. At first i assumed it was the camera, but now i just feel upset with myself. I didn't know I looked this horrible.


I've been working hard to get back to a healthier weight, but I feel so discouraged right now.


I guess I don't trust my own perception anymore.. because this is not what i have been seeing in the mirror at all.


I don't know what it is that i'm asking for,,but i would appreciate any advice.

I feel like giving up.

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I actually know how you feel, but mine is with the way I look. I'll look in the mirror and think I look ok, then I'll take a photo and I look ugly as sin.


But thats just not what people see in us, we are too critical of ourselves, its really great you're working on things, remember not to be too hard on yourself, just keep at it and you'll eventually get where you want to be and trust your perceptions again.

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thanku everyone,


for the last few months, i've been working pretty hard to lose some weight, and I honestly thought i was making some progress.

I feel very stuck right now..

I'll keep working on it, but i have this horrible, sick feeling inside right now

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thanku everyone,


for the last few months, i've been working pretty hard to lose some weight, and I honestly thought i was making some progress.

I feel very stuck right now..

I'll keep working on it, but i have this horrible, sick feeling inside right now


making progress does not mean you have reached your goal and are instantly happy with your body. it means you got started and still have work to do. keep at it. give up and you'll like future pics even less

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Oh, I've been there! Sometimes seeing a photo of yourself can be a bit of a shock, but it could be that the angle, lighting etc. are distorting things a bit. A really great photo can made a person look better than they do, and a bad photo can make a person look absolutely terrible. Just think of some of those tabloid photos you see of celebrities...those papers go out of their way to find the worst possible photos of attractive people, because it's so shocking to see them that way.


Be proud of the fact that you've been working so hard on your health and keep up the good work!

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I remember when I was at my heaviest...I saw a picture of myself and was appalled.


It was THE motivating factor that helped me lose a tremendous amount of weight 5 years ago. I have kept it off within 10 pounds.


Use that picture as motivation...hang it up where you can see it and never EVER quit!

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