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Between my two restaurant jobs where I walk for 10 hours nearly every day, plus the jogging, biking, and work-outs I do on my days off, I've been keeping myself pretty fit. I'm also starting to diet, so I'm really becoming happy with my body. However, my upper legs will just not go away! It's so frustrating because they just don't fit my body and they look out of proportion. So does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can tone them? Maybe my glutes as well...

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Where fat is deposited on your body is determined genetically. It sounds like you get more than enough exercise to tone the muscles, the issue probably is that is where your body deposits fat. You can try losing 5 lbs, or recognize that women do tend to store fat on their upper thighs if they have a certain body type.

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Something you can do almost anywhere, any time--for balance, I grab the arm of a couch, back of a chair, or the edge of my bed--anywhere there's room for a full swing of the leg behind me. I do a few sets of 20 reps each leg of lifts behind me, then I turn to the side. I alternate sets of pointed toe then flat foot.


I add sets of full extensions by bringing knee up to chest then swinging it down and out behind me.


Also, if you have access to an elliptical, use it backwards. It builds supporting muscles you don't use when moving forward.



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Between my two restaurant jobs where I walk for 10 hours nearly every day, plus the jogging, biking, and work-outs I do on my days off, I've been keeping myself pretty fit. I'm also starting to diet, so I'm really becoming happy with my body. However, my upper legs will just not go away! It's so frustrating because they just don't fit my body and they look out of proportion. So does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can tone them? Maybe my glutes as well...


I have the same problem so will be glad to read the replies, my calves are fine and shapely but my thighs...let's not go there, lol.

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