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sex on the first date - confused


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She's playing you BIG TIME.


I bet you good money that she puts out on EVERY first date, cops the, "oh, I never do this" crap, and then tries to suck what she can from her prey.


She's a user, and a liar.


Move on.


(and get yourself tested PRONTO!)

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Hey you have nothing to do with that, you did the right choice to go, now you just have to convience her that it is okay, sometimes we as woman feels lonily and is desperatly innneed of attention, but at the end we feel bad especially in cases like that, one night. But there is no bug deal with that. Life goes on.

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Again i think you should call her up, you not calling her will just make matters worst for her, she will feel dirty and nasty, make her fel special and you should even try to do it again, don't leave it at that. Me as a woman this is what i would want to see happen.

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I'm getting that feeling too.


Haven't had a chance to get to a computer, but I called her Wednesday and we met yesterday for about an hour and everything seemed ok until today.


Ok, we met last week and on the first date (Saturday) I brought her some cookies and a card for her Bday which is today because she said she had plans for her Bday (going out with her girlfriends).


I call her this morning and wish her a Happy BDay. Then I text her saying I wanted to take her out for her Bday on Saturday.


Then I get a call today and she says she is disappointed that I didn't get her flowers. Is that kind of demanding on her part?


So after telling you not to call she is disappointed that you didn't get her flowers? Get away from this chick ASAP.

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Or, you could just give her some space to sort out her feelings.


If you have been clear and honest and done your best, then giving her the space to sort things out for herself surely couldn't hurt. She might still be sorting out all the stuff from these last two relationships.


If you step back, she might do better and you surely would as well. I think it is demeaning to say "she's crazy,' or whatever. We all have weird feelings and they really come up when we try and get intimate. I don't think that makes us 'crazy,' just human.

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If she were the guy, and you were the woman....what would you think?


I think it's a bit much when just getting to know someone. Ok, so pushing you away after initiating and consenting to sex is one thing. Needed more information to see what she is really about.


But now, yes, I do think it is demanding of her to be saying she is disappointed you didn't give her flowers. You didn't have to get her a thing, your gift and happy b-day wishes were very sweet.


You've been a gentleman. Now it's up to you to decide if this woman is worth any more of your time and perhaps emotional investment.


There are so many women out there would appreciate what you have to offer.

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She just told me that last night before she went out the girls, her ex fiance came by with flowers and a gift, that she accepted.


Apparently he knows about me because he said to her, I guess you are moving on now, she said yes.


He also asked if he could go along with her which she replied no.

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OK, either you are bored and need this kind of drama in your life, or else you're fresh out of prison and she's an easy lay.


But dude - seriously. This chick is playing you, treating you like crap, and she's a mental patient to boot.


I don't believe for a second that some other dude dropped by with flowers. She said that to make you jealous, and make you feel small for not getting her flowers. She's manipulative and crazy.


And what is there to tell the ex-fiance about you? You're not dating. You are someone she banged once. So, you see she's playing him, too. If he even still exists.


Honestly, I am amazed at how men get involved with crazy chicks like this.



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