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this is the worst f*cking week ever and i dont even know why. i dont even know whats wrong anymore. my heart isnt broken, its beyond repair.. or any time it gets healed or filled up a little more it gets hurt too.


im just a giant crying f*cking mess tonight and i am starting to make more enemies than friends and i dont know whats happening to me and i keep exploding at people and i cheated last night for the first time in my life and the girl im dating is emotionally f*cked up herself which of course makes things worse and im just losing my sh*t and nobody else is awake so any comfort is really appreciated.

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Did you cheat because you felt something was missing from your current relationship?


Or did you cheat because of her erratic behavior?


I'm really just trying to understand. I want you to know though, cheating really hurts the other person to the very core. I'm just trying to understand your situation further.



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You need to tell her you did.

Things are going to get worse without a doubt.

But trust me, the longer you leave this the harder the fall will be for her.


I understand the whole heart thing.

I gave my heart to someone and she pulled out the stitches of an old wound.

I'm stitching my heart back up now.

Little did I know filling up her heart was only going to reopen a poorly sealed wound.

Our world came crashing down. . .

But it had to.

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all i wanted were some words of comfort. weve only been dating 2 weeks so i dont know how official we are so i dont know how bad the chaeting counts. i know its horrible, i know it makes me even more of a horrible person. im just falling apart please no lecuters i just need support

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Well I don't really have any words of wisdom for you because I don't know your situation. But I just wanted to let you know that I'm glad you came and posted about it because I love to try and be there for people cuz I hate those late nights when I feel all alone. You're not. All of us insomniacs are here with ya!! Chin up babe, I went through a phase where I hated myself. I was brought up in such an awesome family environment with good Christian morals and then I just let myself go and did some atrocious things. You feel out of control of your own life but just take a deep breath and know we've all been there and it will get better. We've all done stupid things and made mistakes.

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all i wanted were some words of comfort. weve only been dating 2 weeks so i dont know how official we are so i dont know how bad the chaeting counts. i know its horrible, i know it makes me even more of a horrible person. im just falling apart please no lecuters i just need support


I know that you feel bad for what you did, I can see that.


The thing is, you need to tell her that you cheated. Being cheated on is probably one of the worse feelings in the world. I understand that you feel bad for what you did, thats good, it shows that you have a conscience.


In the end though, its best to simply tell the truth. Believe me, people will always find out if you cheat. You don't even need evidence.


Source: Personal Experience and Intuition, that "gut feeling" that everyone has

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all i wanted were some words of comfort. weve only been dating 2 weeks so i dont know how official we are so i dont know how bad the chaeting counts. i know its horrible, i know it makes me even more of a horrible person. im just falling apart please no lecuters i just need support


You're still technically dating though.


And you say she's emotionally f*ked - that's quite an offensive term to use... but whatever.


What support are you exactly looking for?

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