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My Bf just broke up with me 2 days ago.. I can't sleep, i've been crying and i haven't been eating much either.. how can i mend this broken heart?? What is the best way to do this??? my friends tell me to get over him and move on.. but to me it's easier said then done.. when you still love someone... especially when he is telling me that he think's I will be better off with someone else... what do he means when he said that???

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The only thing that heals a broken heart is time. Keeping yourself busy makes the time that passes less painful, but that's up to you as to what to do. Saying that he thinks that you are going to be better off with someone else is a really horrid way to say that things just weren't working out as far as he was concerned. Ether that or the reason he really broke up with you was something that he just doesn't want to talk about. Ether way you just have to keep going.

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i've tried so many ways to keep myself busy and not think about him.. but when im off from work or if i am not with my friends or family.. i will sit down in my room and everything just come to my mind and i just can't stop crying.. i guess i just want to know what he really mean when he said i think you're better off with another guy... thanx

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I wish I could give you the answer to your question, but if I knew it I wouldn't be in the same situation. This girl is the first one to have blown me away and our relationship for me lasted a very long time, but the same night she told me she loved and we'd be together forever she broke-up with me and never looked back.


I knew how to handle all this from the beginning, but she became my life and replaced everything and everyone because I never felt more happy then while i was with her. I was having problems with roommates and my biggest consideration for a new place was so that we were much closer.


Now most of my close friends have graduate or they weren't as good a friends as I originally thought. Now I have to start all over from the beginning. My life has bee shattered into a billion pieces and is taking every ounce of me to find and pick these pieces up. Unfortunately in the mean time my time hasn't been as productive as it should. I missed her so much that I couldn't help but call/text message her explanations, anger, miss, and love.......it's so difficult and now 2 months later I've started to cry the past couple of days. I consider myself a strong individual unfortunately this one has me torn up.

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Some of my friends tell me not to call him up... or talk to him... i want to call him and talk to him so bad.. but i don't know if it is the right thing to do??? i've been asking myself so many questions that i do not have answers to... i wish i have some answers...

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hey babe,

i know exactly how you feel. i just broke up with my bf and it feels like it is killing me. my advice to you is go through whatever your feeling. it is like you have to go through all this pain in order to move on...i know it sounds harsh but it is beginning to work for me. i was feeling so low. like i couldnt get any lower...my friends had to constantly stop me from calling him...but this is something i need to do. my boyfriend told me the same thing and i know how that hurts, i dont want anybody else i want him.i even resorted to begging him but it is not worth it. i see that now. just hang in there and take things one day at a time. you will start to hit mile stones like...you didnt call him for five hours...you stoppped thinking about him for 2 hours...you went a day without crying etc. and over time these mile stones become bigger and more frequent.dont worry you will make it but it feels like it gets worse before it gets better.i am in the same situation so if you need to talk PM me. good luck

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yeah i haven't call him yet... i want to so badly... but all my friends say no.. so i haven't...so i should just wait til he calls first... but i don't think he will call me... cause he is the type that will not call, if you don't call him... that is why i don't know what to do... i miss him so much now...i can't stand the fact that i am not going to see him ever again... or hold him... hug him ever...

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I have gone throught he same exact thing. I am now 6 months on and the future is looking brighter by the minute. 2 days is nothing! Your feelings are totally normal. I know you feel as if you can't get throught his but you will don't worry about that.

Don't call him...it is way too early. Let your feelings settle first. He will probably call you soon to "see how you are" anyway.

I'm sure he still cares about you.

It's the worst feeling right now...I know.

I still want my honey back ... but you know what... I don't cry about him anymore. I am giving myself the time I need to rebuild MY life, heal and become a better person.

if he comes back (and i do really hope he does!) then I will be ready to build a better stronger relationship without the same hang ups and insecurities.

This will be the greatest learning experience for you...you will realise this soon.

So let yourself cry. Write out all your feelings on paper (i find this really helps).

It will get better!

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I feel my ex won't ever call me either....it's been 2 months 6 days....i don't try to contact, but these past 3 days have been as hard as the first 3 and I broke down. I miss her so much and knowing she is with someone else makes the realization that much harder that I won't every be with her again. I know, I know move on find someone else, but this girl broke the mold for me. I know I can't make her miss me if I don't let her be, but i'm afraid that me leaving her alone and not reaffirming my love and compassion will do the similar.

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There is no pain like the pain of a broken heart. It sucks bad! I wish I could tell you that all the tears and pain and thoughts and the feeling of solitude would soon fade, but they will not. You are not going to be able to move on until your heart is ready. I know it sounds cliche but God is in control and I have to tell myself that everyday. Take it one day at a time and if that is to much then take it an hour at a time. It is not going to be easy but what dosent kill us makes us stronger. Just a side not from experience at the point when I decide that all is well again in my life and I am ok with being me and ok with the situation, things usually happen. Either the ex comes back or you start to see others in a different light or someone shows intrest in you. Good luck and my prayers are with you. I know it hurts I am dealing with it now.

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thanx... i know it's very hard... right now im counting on going to work to forget everything... but this weekend i have 4 days off... i don't know what to do.. whenever i am off so many days i am usually with him... this really sux... but i guess i will try and see if my friends are busy or not.. and go out with them.. if not then most likely i will be on here reading comments... but thanks a lot....

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I know, the weekends are the worst. You almost look forward to going to work. weeekends are usually time to spend with your bf/gf...then suddenly you are all alone.

Try to go out and spend time with friends. I know you don't feel like it. but you kind of have to force yourself.

It'll help you to see that there are other guys out there... even if you don't want hem right now...they are there!


I think you should wait a few more weeks and if you feel like calling your ex..then by all means , call him! Just don't put all your hopes into him coming back. Keep it light and friendly.

He may come back....but only when he's ready. In the mean time get out there and try to have fun!


....Don't worry , I have been in your exact situation......I'm still dealing with it...I want my x back too ......But things do get better!!

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i know going out with friends are good... but i don't have much friends now.. i don't have much friends before i went out with him.. and ever since im with him... im with him every weekend... cause we live in 2 different cities... so whenever i am off im with him... now whenever i am off my friends are working... i work for the casino so i work on days that my friends are usually off...beside this weekend...that is it...


i thought i was getting better but i guess i am not... cause i just cried again today.. i didn't cried for 2 days but somehow today i just started to cry....i reallie misses him... reallie bad....

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Iam in the same situation...I broke up with him 4 months ago...but i still cant forget him..he is on my mind all the time..I stop my self from calling him and emailing him..but i end up doing that...and he doesnt respond...simply shows that he doesnt care..I know this..but still why do i feel that I still want to see him..and talk to him...Iam so depressed..that i dont feel like doing anything but just lie down and think of him...Sometimes i want to kill myself...cuz i cant take this pain anymore..It hurts rite in my heart. I feel that my heart was separated from my body and it was abused rapidly...wounded, teared apart and then put back in my body...for me to suffer the pain that its causing in me. I just dont have any remedy to heal my self...I dont know what to do.....i wish someone tell me something.....or an angel comes to rescue me....and remove all the pain that iam feeling..

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i feel you... that is how i feel the very first day... but i am getting better... but i still have those feeling... the worst part for me is because he left me... there is so many unanswer question from him... that i want to know.. but i guess i will never know... i reallie hate this pain too.. there are times i thought of killing myself too but ofcourse i didn't or else i wouldn't be here... the only contact i had with him was the very first day he left me.. i emailed him that was it.. after that i have not contact him.. or have he contact me... but i know one day he will have to contact me to get my stuff back from him.. i don't know when though... i think it will be 2 weeks from today... but who knows im not sitting around and wait for that call or email... well the truth is i am sitting around at home have nothing to do... so i come on this site a lot... just reading the comments people write on here... sometimes it makes me feel better but there are times it makes me wanna cry...

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