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Bf adds a lot of girls to his facebook page...


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my boyfriend seems to add a lot of girls to his facebook page....just wondering if anyone here has a boyfriend that seems to do this too! What do you think of it? Does it bug you? Do you find it odd?


Just curious mainly, coz mine adds so many. His facebook, say for example has 50 people on it, at least 80-90% of them are girls. He knows a lot of girls!! lol... but im sure if it was reversed and mine has mostly boys he wouldn't be okay with it. He's already told me that a girl with a lot of male friends or close male friends is suspicous. ...

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he has asked me about EVERY guy i have on my facebook... i dont have many anyways, im pretty selective who i have on mine...only a few guys - mianly work colleagues, but he asked 'who is he' for every one!

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how do you check someones applications?


We are together tho.


i guess, i find it weird because he was single for like 3 years. and knows all these girls - so in one way i should take it as a compliment right? we met from an online dating site.


when we go out with his friends, for like dinner or something - its ALL GIRLS! i haven't met a male friend yet! lol....

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They are such a disease for relationships.

Amen to that. Facebook and Myspace are breeding grounds for DRAMA. I don't understand why people are addicted to on-line profiles since they cause nothing but heartache and mistrust for others.


If you are that insecure about him having female friends, then discuss this issue with him WITHOUT getting defensive. Ask him if he knows them. Don't just assume... assumptions for the worse will eat you up inside.

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Mine used to do that, but the more serious our relationship become the more it stopped. He makes friends easier with girls than with guys, and I find it easier to make friends with the opposite sex as well. If I thought a guy was serious about me I'd definitely mention it if I thought he was adding them for reasons I didn't like.

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Amen to that. Facebook and Myspace are breeding grounds for DRAMA. I don't understand why people are addicted to on-line profiles since they cause nothing but heartache and mistrust for others.


Double Amen.


I didn't give Facebook or anything like that a 2nd thought until I looked through my partners Facebook inbox and saw a girl from his past that sent him messages wanting to meet him 'for a drink' which he declined at the last minute. Man we had a huge fight over that one. He offered to delete his facebook but then I thought, what kind of a girl would I be if I told my partner to delete his facebook?


But yeah... it's tarnished the whole thing for me. I used to think facebook was great.

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