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think these places are stupid but need help.....

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alright.....he is the situation! I like this girl a lot last year, but she ended up moving to a different school (new york) for her major (Texas)! so we were like 2000 miles apart so it wouldn't have work so we broke it off! to say the least it is not hard for me to get girls....just girls I like are rare! anyways, this year we talk on the computer some times, we tell each other that we miss each other, and she always repleys with "I miss you all the time", she told me she has had dreams about us having sex! Another big sign was she would bring up like days that we had, ex: for time we went to a party together or the first day we kissed, she would reply and say that a year ago we did that!! Anyways, I know she is not dating anyone in texas but I know she is talking to her 4 year old boyfriend again, alot! we might talk to each other twice a month now tops, but I guess my question is, I am going to see her this spring break, how should I act!!!!!! Last time I saw her I acted, that I like her a lot and would do anything for her, she didn't seem to like that, but I have a feeling that something will happen if we start drinking, should I do it, or refuse....making her think that she missed out on something great! She is a very shy girl, and is hard for her to show emotions, I just need to know how to act!!! and maybe if you think she is still interested in me or just or ex! thanks

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She doesnt seem that shy to me, just play it by ear, let her make the first move. sometimes you dont know what you got unless you lose it, she may have realized that she really likes you, or it could be she just lonely and wants to feel wanted.


In any case, do you like her? do you love her? are you willing to wait and risk four years for her? if not, just visit as a friend, tell her the truth, that you like her but just want to be friends right now.

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Long distantce relationships are not the best things. i understand that you may like her alot and she says things to you that keep you talking to her and that you miss her too. but just see what it is that you want. make your decison on whether you want to put yourself in a situation that might back fire on you. just be aware of everything around you. and make sure your ready to deal with the decison you make.

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