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Misconceptions about you


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I know the saying that you shouldn’t care what people think, and this isn’t really about caring about it, but just what YOU think people think about you. Do you think most people get what they see when they meet you? Do you think they usually get you all wrong, and why?

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Sometimes I kinda give a bad first impression. But I don't mean to. I'm pretty outspoken and I just don't really give off a friendly smile hi how are you? kind of vibe.


I can be the same too. I am a pretty blunt, tactiturn Yorkshireman and in America it seems a little out of place! I'm not that bad when you get to know me however.

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I have heard that a lot of people have either a pre-determined notion that I am beeactchy. The thing is it takes me a little bit to open up and be myself around new people. I am particulary shy so I probably come off as standoff'ish and beeatchy but I'm just showing caution around people.

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I've straightened up how I act in public more due to misconceptions about me. Mainly when drinking. My bf and I used to go out ALOT to bars and drink ALOT. We'd both act trashy and flirt with other people. I'd make out with other girls, etc. So, his family and people that we hung out with at the bars thought that I was a tramp. I can see where they'd get that misconception. I'm not a tramp. It didnt really sink in until I got pregnant and I went to the same bars and didnt drink. IT really opened my eyes to how I acted and how people thought the wrong things about me.

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I think people tend to think that i'm the typical blonde hair, blue eyed, tan, preppy, stuck up barbie type of girl. That's what people have told me that that's what they thought of me before they met me. If people would take the time to talk to me..i'm really outgoing and friendly, I love meeting new people and i'm really down to earth. I've also been told because I wear short skirts and shorts and revealing clothing..that I look easy..but I'm pretty much the biggest prude ever, haha. Except with my SO.

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I think it depends on the circumstances and environment. For example...are you the same at work as you are in a more casual environment...like a bar? I know when I am at work I hold back a lot of my "real" personality as an attempt to APPEAR more professional. Why? Because I want people to respect me for my job and my abilities.

This is only a small part of who I am....so no I don't think people always see the REAL me. They catches glimpses and glimmers....but that's how I like it. And as far as I'm concerned what strangers think of me does not matter to me at all...it's what the people

I care about think.

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Lots of people, be it dating, in school, at work or just dealing with general day to day things, have this misconception that I am a pushover and an easy target to be walked all over because of my good nature and eagerness to please...so they try...and then are completely dumbfounded when they realize how hard I fight back and that I can be a real b**ch when disrespected and treated unfairly.

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People think that because I'm quiet, I'm introverted and fragile.


People think that because I'm big, I'm tough and can fight. *


I find with this one, that whenever I get assertive with someone or tell someone to p-off, that people will always retell the story to a point where I'm doing things that I never did. I may have just told someone to "shut up", but then my friends who retell the story will add in that I grabbed the person and yelled at them to shut-up...Even when I correct them, I have heard back "But you would have if they didn't..." I correct them again and tell them, no in fact I would not.

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I guess i come off as a tough guy,cocky, a lot of my friends are that way but im far from it...it always crazy how when people sit down and talk to me and say how different I am..girls say it a lot...i dont know how to take it sometimes, as a nice thing or like why are you judging me before you know me.

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A lot of people think they can walk all over me because I'm quiet and typically the nice guy, but when someone comes at me in the wrong way, I stand up for myself. It kind of shocks people because they usually don't see that side of me.


I've also been told that someone thought I was arrogant because I'm quiet. I thought that was really funny.

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I would've thought that based on your handle, lol. Good to hear it's not true.
i actucally have another name on this board...i just made a new one because i didnt want to use the other one anymore...then after i posted, i realized it and i was like..ughhhhh.lol](*,)
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people think i'm mean, a player, a womanizer, jerk, stuck up, cocky, and unemotional. yeah, they say they get all of this by looking at me. pffft


well from your posts I'd say that you were (and maybe still are) a player, a womanizer (though I'm not sure what this means... I think it's just a similar version of player from my understanding... like women, chases woman... gets woman... leaves woman...), I've never ever heard you post something "modest"- so yeah, stuck up and cocky sounds about right.


Feel free to defend that you are indeed not a player/ cocky.


As for myself. People think that I'm a dirty, sl*tty, skanky girl because I love sex. But in fact, I've been with 3 dudes only one of whom wasn't a long time boyfriend... I love to have sex and do fun sexy things... with one guy. Sl*t? I don't think so... kinky and fun... perhaps

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^^womanizer meaning i take advantage of women at my own discretion. kind of the same as player yeah. don't get cocky mixed up with confident. i don't walk around thinking i'm the toast.


I see about the womanizer thing. There's a very, very fine line between cocky and confidant, I agree it's different. However, I'm not the first one to pick up on the slightly and sometimes more than suttle over the line confidence you have...

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It totally depends on the day and what mood I'm in. I really don't expect people to "get" me until I've known them for a long time, sometimes a very long time. I don't fit very many stereotypes so often people are wrong when they try to categorize me. I know because they've told me later, "I thought you were ______, but it turns out you are really _______."

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I see about the womanizer thing. There's a very, very fine line between cocky and confidant, I agree it's different. However, I'm not the first one to pick up on the slightly and sometimes more than suttle over the line confidence you have...


you only read what i put in text, which i can agree, could sound closer to cocky. you have no idea what i'm like in person.

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what's wrong with being confident?


Nothing. I think you misunderstood my post... I was saying I wasn't the only one to pick up on his over the line confidence.


Initially we were talking about the fine line between cocky and confidence... and I think his "confidence" crosses the line into cocky often. Or at least that's how it rubs off in his posts.

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I was surprised to find out that people think I'm very snobby and rude. It's because I'm quiet and not bubbly in any sense of the word. When I am getting to know someone I tend to make fun of them in a joking way and I expect them to do the same back. This doesn't always work and people get offended. Oh well.

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