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any other cougars out there?


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Labels don't bother me since they never seem to quite fit me anyway. I don't go to bars so I am not a cougar by the classic definition. I tend to have more than 1 date with men who can keep up with me, often they are younger, sometimes they are much younger. I am open to dating men older than me too as long as they can match my activity level.

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I hate the term cougar as well. It used to apply to a certain type of woman in a certain age group, but now it seems to be applied to any older woman, younger man relationship.


I met my husband when I was 34 and he was 23. I was not "preying" on younger men. It just happened that way. We're now happily married, and people like to joke about me being a "cougar" but I don't really find it funny.

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You know, if a woman takes on with a guy 10-15 years her junior, while of legal age for the gentlemen, they are "cougars."


If a guy takes on with a woman 10-15 years his junior, while of legal age for the lady, he's a "predator."


Put that in your smoke and pipe it!


Blessed Be,


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  • 4 weeks later...

Gah! It's weird! You know what, I think you should date guys older than you. Because YOU want to be the special one. Demi Moore will eventually get old, flabby, wrinkly- Ya can't help it! And Ashton, well, he'll want somethin' somethin' a little younger.


I just feel like if the women is younger than the guy, then she has many, many more advantages. And plus, 25 and 29-year-old guys are flaky- They're more excited by the older women due to their sexual experiences and possibly, maturity than by younger women. One of my guy friends ADORES older women, that is, HOT older women, because in his terms, they're 'fun' and 'forbidden' i.e. out of the norm. BUT, he ultimately says he will date someone younger than him so that his wife can be the 'star' of the relationship.

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The only thing that matters in a relationship is that two people truly love each other rather than using each other to satisy thier own selfish needs. Age doesn't matter.


BS. Try talking to a 19-year-old college girl going after her 45-year-old professor. Is THAT normal?

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I have no problem competing with these chicks-lol


I feel more like I'm in my 20s than my 40s...and I'm often told I look younger than I am. Most of the younger guys i've dated have told me they like older women because they are good conversationalists and because they are independent and ARE the ones who come home in the business suit, ready to talk about more weighty issues than the latest episode of Gossip Girl


I haven't been very satisfied dating the younger guys myself (approaching 40). As friends, great, no problem and I enjoy their company. But it's really hard to relate long term to someone in their mid to early 20s because our priorities and interests are in different places. I also am quite conscious of the fact that no matter how good I look for my age, I'm not gonna compete with a sexy little 22 year old at a bar in a skintight, boob baring dress when I've just come home from a 14 hour day at work, dressed in a business suit, and not really in the mood to get trashed as the evening's entertainment.


Sorry. Give me a guy closer to my own age.

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Um, yeah-I didn't really ask for these kinds of opinions. I was looking for people who had something in COMMON with me.


This is the exact type of attitude that bugs me. I don't look my age (that is me in my avatar pic). No one gives me and my bf, who's 25, a second look. Seriously. I have more in common with him than I do with some of the guys my age and older who have kids, have tons of drama with their ex-wives, prefer to sit around watching CSI, and couldn't tell NWA from Public Enemy.


I've been w/the 25-yr-old for 2 years now, going on 3. It's been the biggest challenge of my life but yes, we do love each other...yes, we do have a lot in common, and where do I see this going? Who knows, but I was married to someone 6 yrs older than me, and that sure didn't last. So who's to say whether this rel'ship will or won't, regardless of the age difference??


Just so long as the cougar doesn't get upset when her 23 year old boyfriend dumps her unceremoniously when the novalty wears off and he stumbles accross someone his own age (who has perky breasts, clear skin, white teeth and fertility). Someone his own age that actually has a common background based on age. They bond over the "kings of leon", rock climbing and the ability to dance and drink until 3:00 am.

Oh and when you meet his parents they are saying "she's a nice girl with a future" and not "hey, I know you, we have the same retirement planner"


To me, a 45 woman with a 25 year guy looks equally ridiculous as the 45 year old guy with a 25 year old girl (a coupling that has long been the scorn of most 45 year old women)

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I'm not looking for people's stereotypes or their derogatory opinions about "cougars"--much appreciation to those of you who actually stayed on topic!


Why are you people hating on this woman? She didn't ask for your opinions. She simply put a call out for others who have something in common with her. Enough with the thread hijacking!
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I've always hated it.


It implies that this haggly desperate older women who can't accept the aging process is preying on young men in bars for booty calls as a last gasp at youth. YUCK


That hasn't been my situation at all. I met the 25 yr old just out and about, living my life, and he asked for MY number. We had no idea what the age diff was til we'd gone out on a couple of dates.


The 27-yr-old and I met on a dating site. He contacted me. My posted age didn't affect him one bit-he said he contacted me because he thought I was attractive.


I think I'm beginning to hate the term "cougar".


I dated a 27 year old when I was 47-we got along great and the age difference was never an issue.

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Right on. I'm with you. Let's see if we can start a movement to ban the term forever!


I hate the term cougar as well. It used to apply to a certain type of woman in a certain age group, but now it seems to be applied to any older woman, younger man relationship.


I met my husband when I was 34 and he was 23. I was not "preying" on younger men. It just happened that way. We're now happily married, and people like to joke about me being a "cougar" but I don't really find it funny.

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Can't say I've ever heard the term predator applied to anyone other than an older guy who goes after underage boys/girls. Ever watch Dateline?


I've heard the term, "sugar daddy", which reflects badly on both the younger woman and the older man. But not "predator."


You know, if a woman takes on with a guy 10-15 years her junior, while of legal age for the gentlemen, they are "cougars."


If a guy takes on with a woman 10-15 years his junior, while of legal age for the lady, he's a "predator."


Put that in your smoke and pipe it!


Blessed Be,


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Yeah, I don't get this logic. I should stick to older guys because I want to be "special"??


No, I don't have any kind of egotistical need to be some guy's arm candy. I work out...I dress nicely...I maintain my looks so that no guy, no matter what his age, would be ashamed to be seen with me. But I don't need to be "special"--that's silly.


I hate to break it to ya, but a lot of younger women let themselves go, hon. I've seen some older man-younger woman couples where the guy is definitely the "special" one. So, you're engaging in gross generalizations there.


Demi Moore still looks pretty good, and I don't see Ashton running after younger girls. Quit stereotyping. If you love someone, which is totally feasible between an older woman/younger man, just as much as it is between an older man/younger woman, then when the looks fade (and they usually do, and can WELL before you turn 40!) you don't just go running off for someone hotter, yougner, sexier or whatever.


Gah! It's weird! You know what, I think you should date guys older than you. Because YOU want to be the special one. Demi Moore will eventually get old, flabby, wrinkly- Ya can't help it! And Ashton, well, he'll want somethin' somethin' a little younger.


I just feel like if the women is younger than the guy, then she has many, many more advantages. And plus, 25 and 29-year-old guys are flaky- They're more excited by the older women due to their sexual experiences and possibly, maturity than by younger women. One of my guy friends ADORES older women, that is, HOT older women, because in his terms, they're 'fun' and 'forbidden' i.e. out of the norm. BUT, he ultimately says he will date someone younger than him so that his wife can be the 'star' of the relationship.

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BS. Try talking to a 19-year-old college girl going after her 45-year-old professor. Is THAT normal?


Well, of course THAT's inapropriate.


I mean, come on....a big difference between that situation and a 30 year old and a 45 year old.

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Hello...I just posted in the "dating" section...am into a 21 yr old and I'm 35...a few issues popping up (as per my other post). Everyone thinks I'm younger than my age

(commonly told I look between 25 and 28 ). I've been with younger guys before but not that young...he's incredibly mature for his age- everyone who knows him thinks this of him- but perhaps he's intimidated by me anyways?? I need to read more posts about cougar-related obstacles to dating...

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