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from day 10 back to 0, she contacted me yesterday asked me if i have a good life... i was like * * * .. what a question.. she tried to talk about a tv series that i like.. well.. i was on my way to go out and that was it.. today i had time to chat so i tried to continue the conversation.. so.. we talked a little about it(tv series) and thats all.. i want to tell her how much i miss her but.. no.. and called psyhologizt and they have time only on 30 of april.. so its a long waiting.. and ofc 30 april will be 3 months since breakup..

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Two weeks. (I can't count days.) of NC.


The perfect song that hits my heart currently.


I hopelessly, helplessly, wonder why

Everything has changed 'round me

I'd tell it to your face but you lost your face along the way

And I'd say it on the phone if I thought you were alone

Why do things have to change?


You don't need my pictures on your wall

You say you need no one

And you don't need my secret midnight call

I guess you need no one


Is anybody waitin' at home for you?

'Cause it's time that will tell

If it's Heaven, if it's Hell or if it's

Anybody waitin' at home for you

'Cause it's time that will tell this tale


You're in and out, up and down

Wonder if you're lost or found

But I got my hands on you


Are you strong enough to tow the line?

Are you gonna make me yours or do I make you mine?

I'm in and out, I'm up and down

Wonder if I'm lost or found but I need your hands on me now


You don't need my pictures on your wall

You say you need no one

And you don't need my secret midnight call

I guess you need no one


Is anybody waitin' at home for you?

'Cause it's time that will tell

If it's Heaven if it's Hell or if it's

Anybody waitin' at home for you

'Cause it's time that will tell this tale


I hopelessly, helplessly, wonder why

Everything gotta change.


Hopelessly- By train.

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Broke NC by texting him to see if we can catch up since I'm in town for 4 days. Nothing special.


No reply and I don't think he ever will. It was expected. Considering his new relationship probably wiped everything we had and wants nothing to do with me. I wouldn't doubt he's still upset over our last quarrel 3 weeks ago. Then again, I don't know.


I'm only a little shaken up that after 6yrs, I don't exist anymore. I'm not surprised. I know I'm no longer involved in his life, but I thought after a month would be a good time just to catch up. Whether I want to hear anything he has to say about his new life, I don't care. I just wanted to talk to him again.


NC starts again at 1. If he ever replies, I don't think I'll want to talk to him then. Not saying my offer has an expiration date, just the duration of not replying says enough for me.

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Day 21

Hmm, I miss my ex. But I'm still ready to meet other guys. I had a fling with a fellow student and ended it. Now it's awkward between us and I hate being in this situation. It makes me want the stable, secure relationship simply to not have to deal with messes such as these. But I just have to learn how to be single again and enjoy it (and there are so many beautiful men in Copenhagen during the spring and summer time!)...

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I wish I saw this post before I emailed him today... But I guess its too late I already sent him this email. My situation is different, I was friend with someone but we are attracted to each other but decided to be friends. However things are getting tougher because it is long distance and we only communicate by email so I decided to say Goodbye. I guess when you really care with a person, you will still say hello no matter how much you tried to say goodbye. In my case, its been bugging me for ALMOST 2 weeks, so I emailed him today:


Casual Hey, Just checking if youre at least praying, Be good, Happy Easter. (Yes I am fickle-minded, but I am working onit) I tried to be less emotional but at the same time, I let him know I still think about him. I am not sure if he will respond but welll. I am happy for doing it.


What do you think of this?


I have a post for guys but maybe you can answer me. it is in the break up thread. Can you also give me insight?

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Day 20 NC and NIC.


So much better now. Had a few dates with someone that didn't work out. Had a date with another girl I like, and reckon she likes me too so have to see where that goes. Saw my ex leaving work as I was getting money out to go out with my mates. Don't think she saw me, not that it matters.


I feel so much better and healed!

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Day 24

Haven't seen my ex in a while, which is a good thing. I still miss him sometimes; other times I hate him, like right now. Today was good. Had one class and my weekend starts early. Weekends are definitely better now that time has passed since the BU. They aren't hard to get through anymore, & I can look forward to them again.

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28 Days Later, well i have gone a full 4 weeks NC now, i do feel better now than i did, and i don't have a problem doing other things, i still prefer to be on my own at the moment, but i don't go out with some close friends, i still miss her and want her back, but she hasn't contacted me at all. so i guess il just keep on this NC road for the meantime.

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Ok ...I'm in.


Day 1 (My cousin and him are friends on Facebook and i looked at his profile....lol). So i guess this is Day 1 for me.


He broke up with me 3 weeks ago. I think he has the GIG syndrome....I can't understand why till this day he ended things. Some silly reason about me being really reserved and him being a huge flirt. So i chucked it down to him having the GIG syndrome.


He called me 2 days after the break-up....Once with a blocked number. I picked up and heard him say "Hi Sweetie"....I didn't know it was him (he called my work phone). I was so startled i dropped the reciever. I wasn't expecting him to call. He called me several times after that (the same day) but i never picked up again. He hasn't called me since.


He needs to go and mow the lawns of the GIG syndrome he's suffering from. I believe i'm quite a catch and if he can't see it....well that's his loss.


So this is Day 1 for me and i'm ready for the challenge....bring it!

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YAY! A success story in here Good luck JohnGalt!!


DAY 11 nc - It's my birthday on sunday and I know I shouldn't be hoping for anything as I will just get disappointed but I can't help it...even if I do hear from him which is unlikely it's not as if it's going to be anything I want to hear ooooooooooo well onwards and upwards!


Happy Easter weekend everyone! Hope you are all enjoying yourselves

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Day 3 of NC (after slight break)...


Been at work for 11 hours now and still have stuff to do. Long day. Stressful. Usually I'd call him on my way home

From work and we'd talk about our day. Now I can't. I wish so badly he'd send me a cute text like he used to or that we'd chat and talk about life and go out for some frozen yogurt. I also miss te puppy we got....FML

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Day 25

Haven't seen or heard from/about him in a while. Kinda surprising. Today was alright. I've been thinking about him; mainly because I don't have anything to do since there's no class today. Hoping tomorrow will be better since I'll be going out with my family.

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Today is the anniversary of a tragic event from our native country...I want to talk to him so badly...I know he's thinking about it. I ran accross a story on CNN that gutted me. It was an update on a story he first told me about regarding Sarajevo's Romeo and Juliet...he said I was his Juliet and he was my Romeo....I'm sobbing both because of the sad story and for him....

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Today is the anniversary of a tragic event from our native country...I want to talk to him so badly...I know he's thinking about it. I ran accross a story on CNN that gutted me. It was an update on a story he first told me about regarding Sarajevo's Romeo and Juliet...he said I was his Juliet and he was my Romeo....I'm sobbing both because of the sad story and for him....


I posted a link to the Sarajevo Romeo and Juliet story on FB that led to me sobbing...and he has not liked or commented on anything of mine since our breakup and all of our contact (besides the contact the day after he broke up with me and had regrets) was initiated by me....I was hoping he'd remember that he told me the story of Sarajevo's Romeo and Juliet....now that he liked it, I'm left to wonder, does he remember when he told me the story? Why did he like it? Does it bring back some emotion for him too?

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YAY! A success story in here Good luck JohnGalt!!


DAY 11 nc - It's my birthday on sunday and I know I shouldn't be hoping for anything as I will just get disappointed but I can't help it...even if I do hear from him which is unlikely it's not as if it's going to be anything I want to hear ooooooooooo well onwards and upwards!


Happy Easter weekend everyone! Hope you are all enjoying yourselves


Happy birthday for Sunday!


Day 22 for me. Saw her with her mum at work yesterday, literally walked past them, but no eye contact from them, so I didn't say anything. Don't feel quite as good as I did a couple of days ago, still feeling ok and I shan't contact her. Only 2.5 months since BU.

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Day 24... I wonder if that's your new girlfriend or you're just trying to get an reaction from me. Well - you won't. In either way, you are just plain pathetic and you disgust me.

I'm moving on and don't need that kind of immaturity in my life.


And what's with that Gotye song?! It's understandable I want a clean break and that I need it to heal. It's selfish and immature of you to want any kind of contact from me... If that's the case anyway...


I'm better of without all that mess. And yes, I realised YOU were the immature one in the relationship, not me... And you'll regret it, trust me.

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Day Saturday..and you probably asking yourself why I havent called you yet,wondering if you really meant something to me or not.

I know you too well,and I know you had these thoughts.

Somedays you think I must be "suffering" and other days you just wishing me to be so.

But I know sooner or later you will feel that hole in your life,if you havent already.

The view is beautiful from this window,your favorite one.

Nobody is missing you around here.And you still wonder why?

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Thank you flatplane I woke up today to early chocolate presents from my dad I didn't expect anything as I'm not really having a birthday this year due to dissertation/exam woes I am hermitising myself but I now have chocolate supplies!!! Truffles, lindt bunny and lots of green and blacks


DAY 12 - I'm kind of hoping the ex won't say anything tomorrow as I think anything he could potentially say will just upset me as it's not what I want. I think he knows that I'd rather he left me alone than tried to be more of a friend in my life. It's kind of like an unspoken thing between exs I guess....I feel so separated from him, all I have left are the memories but even those are fading fast, I'm really not sure what I'm holding on to anymore.


Kind of weird as I dreamt about an ex ex last night, nothing sexual, he was just there and it was really nice to see him I seem to remember....kind of odd haven't dreamt about him in for a long time! He does tend to pop up every now and again but I don't think it's really about him, I think it's more about the associated feelings that I have now that he was the first person to introduce me too.

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It's going to be three weeks this Tuesday.

I've change my number and deleted all my e-mails.

I live 4 hours away.

I doubt you'll ever make contact with me AGAIN. Which is good for me and you to heal.

I miss you, a lot.

I wish so badly for things to work out, for things to be okay. But no matter how much wishing and wanting, you'll never return.


Oh baby, i miss you.

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24... You're doing a hell of a good NC-job... Well, the same can be claimed for me too. But I won't mess myself up by contacting someone who is acting so childish and selfish like you... You decided to go, so you and only you can decide to try to break the silence... If you still care about me, that is...


I'm so angry with you about your hanging out with that girl and when I think that you could be using her as a substitute for me... Man, it totaly pisses me off!!! I can't even say how disgusted and dissapointed would I be if I found out you two have something more than friendship! You'll NEVER EVER be in contact with me again and you'll lose potetial friend in me FOREVER if that's the case! And that's not me overreacting, trust me!

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