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Day 49 since our breakup (We've spoken a few times, and on the holidays.)


Saw each other for the first time since our breakup 2 days ago. Here's what happened.. (Advice would be great!)





So I'll try my best to make this short, and to the point. I posted my story on here a few months ago last year. I'll just give a quick recap...


My ex broke up with me 2 months ago. I had a really hard time with that. I thought he was the problem, and it was his fault etc etc. After last night I think I truly figured out why we split up. I saw him for the first time since our break-up. I'll get to that in a minute.


I was in a realtionship before this most recent one for a year. We split in January of 2010. Him and I ended up moving into a place together in October of 2010. That was my first time away from home living in my very own place. I started to grow with him, and I thought he was going to be the one. Well needless to say, the immature person that he is, he just walked out. He didn't want the responsibility of living on his own, nor did he want a relationship. It was just awful. I suffered emotionally from that quite a bit. I didn't realize how bad that situation really was. So unfortunately, because I wasnt fully healed, I lost the recent relationship. I waited 4 months after our break-up before I started dating this most recent ex, but again, that wasn't long enough. My emotions got the best of me, and I became a different person. It took over me, and took over my life.


I'm pretty hurt by my actions in this recent relationship, but he wasn't the nicest to be either at times. I made up lies, I tried to get my way with certain things and I just couldn't be an adult about things. But now I truly figured out what the issue was, and I feel good about it. Now I know what it is, so I can work on it better. I'm in therapy, and I think thats a great first start. I'd like to make 2011 a better year.


So to get to my story I need advice on. I saw him for the first time in almost 2 months. Here is the story:


Well Its been almost 2 months since I've been broken up with my ex. During that time, I have spoken to him off and on. It wasn't all nice texts, but there were some that were civil. We spoke on Christmas, and New Years. I initatied contact both times. He was very nice about it. Nothing mean was said. It was really good to talk to him. During our conversation, I think I ruined the good mood for us. I asked him to meet me for coffee. I think he was uncomfortable with doing that. I unfortunately was a bit too persistent for his liking, so I did upset him by acting that way. At the time, I didn't think it was so wrong. We haven't talked since I reached out to him on New Years Eve. And again, on that same day, I asked to meet for coffee. I think I blew it at that point. I became upset, and so did he. He said it wasn't a good day to meet, and he didn't feel up to it. I should have left it alone then, but I didn't. I was a bit pushy. So after that, he advised me to not contact him anymore, and that it was over, and we would never be friends. So ok fine. I blew it by asking. I didn't say anything to him after I responded to that text. I thought I would NEVER hear from him again.


So I'd say an hour passed, and I recieved an text message. I look to see who it is, and it was my ex. The message just contained the word "Do" so I responded back with "Excuse Me?" and he responded with " I'm sorry, I butt cheek texted you" I thought about that for a few minutes, and found that to be very odd. First off, he ALWAYS clipped his phone to his side pocket, and he has an iphone. He ALWAYS locked it. I didn't think that was possible to "accidentally" text someone. So I figured he did it on purpose. So after he apologized for "butt texting" me, I erased the message, didn't respond back, and put my phone down. About 5 minutes later, he texted me againg! and said: "OK Tricia23, If you really want to see me, I'll let it happen. I'm at home and you can come here" I was shocked. So I accepted. I got to his house about 30 mins later, and I stayed for a few hours. We talked about how our lives were, and what we were doing at the moment, work, etc etc. We then touched base about my persistance on wanting to see him, and some of the reasons our relationship failed.


It was hard to talk about those things with him. He did apologize for bringing them up, but its obvious, it was going to be brought up anyways. So again we talked. I did end up crying and apologizing to him for all the pain/problems/ etc I caused him. He appreciated my apology, and embraced me with several hugs as the tears ran down my face. He sat there and hugged me still. It was nice. I was in his arms again, and I liked it. So we ended up cuddling with each other. Again it was very nice to be there with him. Afterwards, we started a serious talk again. During our first conversation, before the cuddling, I did advice him that I was in therapy to better myself. He was proud of that accomplishment for me. It was nice of him to show his concern for that matter.


So in conclusion, he said the following: I can't be so persistent with him. He's open to communicating, but not daily, weekly etc. He said if I needed anything, he'd be there if he could. He also said that I needed to work on fixing all of the problems I had during our relationship, which I KNOW caused the relationship to fail. My emotional side took over me, and ruined "us". I truly realized how awful of a person I was being.


I explained again, that I was getting help to better ME. I responded to all that he had asked, and apologized for all of my wrong doings. He knew I was serious about that. We touched base on several other subjects, but nothing worth bringing up. I know this means nothing for us, but I can't help but be glad. Glad I got to see him, and glad we embraced in affection. I needed that from him. It may or may not have been wrong. But seeing him, really made me realize the things I truly needed to fix.


And lastly, he did say I needed to respect him, buy letting him go on with his life, and not texting him as much. He also did say he was going to be more open-minded with me. He said it was completely and 100% over. But he did say anything could happen in the future, and he's open to whatever happens. If anything did EVER happen, I would have to be completely different, and that I know.


I do have a diffferent sense of feeling right now. I'm happy in a way, but also confused too. I do care alot about him. He's just very emotionally scared from the awful behavior. I don't blame him. I've been pretty hurt too myself, about how everything happened. If we ever do cross paths again, I'd really like to show him I'm a changed person once and for all. I am getting the help for ME. Not for him. I know I need to fix things, and I will. I just want to let go of that terrible past, and make the future nothing but bright and happy no matter where it takes me.....




Advice would be appreciated!

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Well went out last nite it was day two NC, I went out with a few friends for a curry and a couple of beers was really good and really nice, not having my brain filled with my ex.


The only problem I have is that I am on call and have to have my phone on its a works phone and cannot change my number , god it would be so much easier if I could have another phone and number I would not be looking at it every 2 minutes to see if shes TXT me, gets to be a habit LOL a really annoying habit.


I know I will not contact her even though I really miss her we both need the space

I still feel so stupied for trying to get her back in the way I did should have gone NC straight away.


But I also feel if I had not tried, and if we never get back together or talk again I would have regretted not trying, theres a contradiction


So all in all had a pretty good three days could have been much worse still miss her.


But now realize that doing nothing is the way forward just not for me but for her as well

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I made a topic about a month ago thinking about contacting my ex after 5 months nc, bleh can't believe I even thought about contacting her, glad I didn't. I've been feeling on top of the world the last couple of months and the last 3 weeks have been amazing, nc works. Wooohooooo. 8)

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Broke up August 10th, 6 weeks NC, 3 months Contact .........started NC again - Day 7!!!!


Hope he misses me and comes back


I know you've probably heard this...but NC really shouldn't be about wanting the other person to come back (though I think everyone starts out with that intention). It really is about making YOURSELF the focus and getting better. You have to take steps to heal, and I hope you can achieve what you need to. NC really does work to help yourself. Just stay busy & the days will go by quicker!

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this is how I feel I always get thoughts about messaging her, and maybe she isn't like other women, everyone is different maybe she wants me to fight for her. Just tell myself if we did get back together it would just go down the same rocky path and I don't want that I need to change and sort my immatuity out and jealously first.

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Day 11


I'm healing. I'm 99% sure that I'm not ready to talk to him yet, however...


Ex sent me a card wishing me a happy birthday and that he hopes my day went well. I don't want to contact him, but I'm confused... everyone says it's the dumper who reinsates contact, not the dumpee.


Sounds like to me, I'm the only one who can start up contact, he'll either contact me as a formality or just to try and be friendly. If he had his way, we'd still be talking right now.


I know I'm not ready... but should I start contact? Or should I wait until he messages me once i reach that point where I'm okay with the relationship's end and just being friends? I don't want him to coldly say "Oh, you ignored me too long. Now I don't even think friends will work." However, when I reach the point where I'm over it, I shouldn't care.


So i just don't know. I've been distracting myself instead of contacting him, his card made it ten times harder. I don't want to feel like he cares, I have enough trouble referring him as my boyfriend when he's my ex.

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Day 12.


Day 13.


I cannot stop crying.


I just found out through the grape vine that he already has a new girlfriend. AFTER ONE MONTH.




It's too painful. It stings like a mothereffer.


I can never and will never break NC -- it's the only thing I have left.


I'm tempted to say "Congratulations on the girlfriend -- hope you two are happy together" but I think no contact is even better.




I cannot deal with this. It was literally just minutes ago that I found out.


They work together.




I want to hurt him a billion times worse than he hurt me.




I opened myself to him, allowed myself to be hurt and now he just tramples all over it!!!



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Day 13... continued


(I realise I sound like a psycho, but it's therapeutic to talk about it. Also, being angry at him helps me get over him much faster.)


I spent the rest of the day at the beach with friends. It was a welcome distraction from my crappy feelings. I didn't think about the ex AT ALL during this time, which was so awesome.


When I got home, I took a walk and thought about the ex again. I had a hard time coming to terms with the fact that this guy that I thought I loved was actually an A-grade piece of crap. I felt so stupid that I didn't realise he was the scum of the earth. He was so far beneath me. I went through the entire "angry" stage again and finally accepted that he is a complete and utter jerk with NO redeeming qualities whatsoever.


Somehow I can't really hate him. I accept that he is a horrible person. I just hate myself more because I was so stupid. I allowed myself to get seduced by that trash. I actually fell for a real a-hole. I thought I was smarter than that.


He may have a girlfriend now, but it's never going to last because of who he is. It won't take long before she realises what a d-bag he really is... and if she stays forever deluded about how fantastic he is, then it is my luck that I didn't have to suffer it myself.


I am so lucky to have gotten out of this relationship early. The guy was sick in the head and had problems with commitment and was perpetually emotionally detached. I don't know why I deluded myself into thinking otherwise.


I'm glad I still hurt because at least it proves that I am human. I am capable of having normal feelings and expressing them, unlike that devil of a guy.


Everybody around him is fooled by him into thinking that he's some kind of angel... probably because he is so attractive and unassuming. He's really a devil in disguise.


Thank God for getting me out of a relationship with a guy that was SO unworthy. In a way, I kind of want to thank him for teaching me so much. This guy will never get a better girl than me, yet he threw it away. LOL, what an idiot. Someday he will come back realising what he has lost and by then, he will be like dirt under my feet. He is just a giant dog turd that I stepped on in 2010.


2011, here I come! Things can only get better!

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Well its day four been working all day, it really helps if you enjoy your job and the people you work with.

Had a really good laugh today sometimes you need to have the p*ss taken out of you to make you realize its not the end of of the world and not to take life, and what it throws at you to seriously


Came home and been for a run ache all over but its a good ache LOL I'll be gorgeouse and irressistable soon HA HA !!!!!


Off tomorrow and not on call so my phones in the car and its stopping there till Sat morning having some me time may even go swimming tomorrow have not been for years.


Keep busy and keep improving and NC its the way forward !!!!!!!

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Amen i bet that felt good!

It actually made me feel good reading it haha!


Haha yeah... it did feel really good at the time. It doesn't last forever though... good days and bad days.


What day am I up to? I stopped counting because NC has become a way of life almost. (Yeah, it took a good slap in the face like a replacement after one month to get me to this point.) I think I'm going to NC him for life, the douche.


Day 14 - spent the morning sleeping and being weepy. Finally pulled myself out of bed and was productive! Did the banking, which made me feel good lol. I then joined the gym and worked out for a solid hour. I even met a former classmate at the gym!! It had been ages since I last saw him. Then I went to see a movie by myself. I've realised that it is really liberating to see a movie by yourself... I honestly think I prefer it. Seeing a movie with friends is really annoying, because they always taint my opinion of the movie and they have completely different tastes to me.


Day 15 - Slept in again. Felt really crappy so I bought some books to read and saw another movie. A feel good movie. Felt great after that. Went home, had dinner and took the doggies out for a walk. Great.


Day 16 - Woke up early because of an appointment with a friend. To see a movie. AGAIN. God, I have nothing better to do lol. Then I saw another movie. AGAIN. This time it was a romance. NOT A GOOD IDEA. Felt a bit blue afterwards, so I went around the open markets and bought some sweets to munch on. Not as satisfying as I imagined.... and finally here I am, posting on ENA again.


I also texted a guy I was interested in. We texted back and forth for a while, but not very much happened after that. I think I appeared too needy.


I'm filling up my time with things to do. I can't seem to let go of my anger and resentment though. I am full of loathing. I don't know if I loathe him or loathe myself at this point. Probably him. FOR BEING A GIANT FREAKING PHALLUS.


He used to say that I used him for this and that, but look how it turned out-- he used me for sex ALL THIS TIME. It is so obvious now. Once he found someone ~NEW~ and ~EXCITING~ he dumped my ass. He's such a liar and a player. I wonder what else he lied about? Probably everything. Inspiration for art? Go to hell. Girlfriend? What is this thing! "I like you so much"? I only like you when you're naked and my * * * * is right between your thighs. "Sure, we can be friends."? I NEVER WANT TO HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU EVER AGAIN. What is this "we're incompatible" as a reason for breaking up BS? Sure, it is true but how come it took less than a month to find somebody new, you piece of crap?! IF YOU HAVE ANOTHER GIRL, JUST GO OUT AND SAY IT. OWN UP TO IT. BE A MAN, for God's sake.... but no, he's a wimp. I should have known it the day he refused to have sex with me. At the moment, my head screamed at me to dump his ass. But I didn't. NOW I REGRET IT. But at the same time, I don't regret it because for the first time, I can see his true face. His lies. His douchebaggery.


He is so full of crap. Yet why do I still feel affection for him?!?!? Why did I allow him to bulldoze me like that? I was stupid and naive. I was too trusting, too honest, too vulnerable to people who really don't give a damn.


It was all a game. Everything is just a game. Don't trust anybody. The moment you let something slip and start to ~feel~ something, you're going to lose. I don't think I have the guts to love someone again... without putting them through hell first. No sex. No late nights. No sacrifices on my part anymore. No last minute cancellations because of this or that. No more giving.


I wanted to let go... but I think I can only wind myself up tighter. Put up more guards. Hide and pretend some more. Test harder.


I hate him with every fibre of my being. At this point, I cannot find it within myself to wish him and his new girl-du-jour happiness. I just want him to suffer. Or die. Whichever comes first. I'm really sorry that I feel this way.


Good luck to the girl though! I hope you win this game, because I surely didn't.


Ugh, turns out, I am still such a big mess.


EDIT: Oh yeah, and I remember he used to tell me "life is lived alone" and all this other bullcrap. Well, guess what? Guess who had to find a girl to screw the moment he was single? Hehehe. Oh look, and now she's his girlfriend too! No time for mourning, talk about uncomfortable being alone! As it turns out, I am more comfortable seeing movies alone and being single than he is. At least I ain't rushing either. I'm proud of that

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day 487 (okay...so i probably made that number up...)...and...oh let's say roughly two years since i've seen her...


but...seriously...it'd been a VERY long time...and for reasons that had nothing to do with me...i had to make contact. was it awkward? yes it was. did it stir up some old feelings? yes it did. does that mean i'm not healed? probably not. it was only a feeling...fleeting. it came...and it went.


i'm not exactly an advocate of no contact...but for me...there wasn't really a choice. it just happened. and perhaps that's the natural course of things. someone leaves...and then...there are two people that are no longer together. thus begins a process of letting go. some of us choose not to...because that prospect seems like it will hurt more. but it doesn't. holding on is what ultimately hurts. life is full of natural cycles. things begin...things end. it's a perpetual state of transition. and resisting that...fighting it with everything we have...THAT is what hurts. hope feels so good sometimes...but we cling to that hope. it keeps us stuck right where we are...paralyzed...rooted indefinitely to the ground we're on. we refuse to let go...because it feels like we're letting go of a part of who we are. we attach storylines to this feeling. we keep the dialogue running in the background...because sometimes we feel that it's the only thing that keeps us going. we become obsessed. our thoughts are out of control. we feed them. we keep the story alive...because we're terrified of feeling pain. and...it destroys us...breaks us down. we suffer.


the funny thing is...this process of suffering becomes our greatest ally. we come to accept the pain...sometimes only tiny glimmers at a time. but we finally feel it. now...there are holes in the story. we begin to stop feeding our hope. our bits of armour begin to fall away...one piece at a time. we let ourselves feel...and with that feeling...the pain begins to dissolve. we find clarity. we begin to let go. we choose acceptance. we learn to live again.


i came here two years ago...desperate to hold on. but like so many others here...i found my way through. it took a long time...but sitting here now...the pain of that time is gone. so...if you're here...beginning your journey...know that you'll find your way. it won't always feel this way. you'll figure things out. you'll find your own clarity. piece by piece...you'll let it go. the cycles will always come and go...and this experience will be your greatest teacher.

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Day 16 continued...


Ugh. I'm back.


I saw a photo of the ex on Facebook. He looked so good.


I broke down and cried.


I thought I was over this crying thing.


Why is he is so goddamned handsome? Beneath his mask of beauty lies a monster.


Looking at his face, and the parts of his body that I used to know, I desperately want to believe that he is still a good person. But... I know better now.


I can see how a lot of people can be fooled by this guy. His appearance is a trap.


Must beware of handsome guys from now on.

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Stopped documenting my progress as I thought I'd reached a good place. However new-year night bumped into each other chatted for a bit, she planted the idea in my head that she wanted to get back and we should talk at the end of the month. She has exams and we need the time apart, the whole thing halted my progress slightly but I was still heading in the right direction.


Last night she was in the same club as me and my friends, had no idea she'd be there (NC was being maintained aswell as total Facebook NC e.g no looking at news feed etc.) At first it was pretty awkward, we didnt talk and kept out each others way, about an hour in I see her and she comes over and talks to me, she is wasted - like nothing I had seen in our years together. Her two friends were total * * * * ty (there choice of course no issue) getting any guy and lip locking for like 10 minutes blatant groping etc. Anyway we were talking and dancing and it was ok, but it was obvious if I wast there she would more than likely be following her friends lead. It's sad I thought she had more class than stumbling around a club, leaving herself open to any advantage taking * * * * * * * . She sent me a text saying she had left and had a nice night etc. I just replied in kind, no talk of us the whole night and that was fine, I enjoyed the casual friendliness between us.


Anyway the whole thing has set me back in a big way, already picking up the bad habits of old, not sleeping, getting upset and facebook I mean I knew she'd be out possibly with other guys kissing/dancing etc and it wasnt a massive issue as I just didn't think about it as it wasn't my business anymore, however having seen her and her friends like they were, always thinking they weren't like that, it kind of shocked me. And the whole issue of seeing her when I was going NC and trying to forget her coupled with the hint of regret and possible reconciliation from her at New Year and I'm back to the person I hated and thought id seen the end of...oh and on account of replying to texts the whole NC things gone. Wish I stayed in last night and NC isn't working as instead of using it to get over her, the whole end of month thing is playing on my mind and is hard to get past.

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There's a week done its been more ups than downs.

Friday was a bit of a s*****r it was my day off work

But was snowed in, tried to keep busy in the house but the thoughts about my ex creep in and no matter how hard you try you cannot get rid of them (sneaky little s***s ha ha).

Its a good job I deleted any means of contacting her, or it would be day one again.

They say time is a great healer but its also your worst enemy at the moment.

Sat was much better kept busy and got out for a run what a difference a day makes.

This morning been and joined the gym.


Nc is hard sometimes the trick is keep busy, get yourself sorted out ,look to the future not back ,you will come out of it a better person you may never get back with your ex but you will be a better person for the next person you fall in love with

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Day 56


I have less anxiety then I had the first month but I still miss her tons. I decided to really try to put memories of her in the back burner and try to focus on whats important and that is to finish my studies and graduate and get my career started but its hard because I wanted her to be there next to me and support me. Just gotta take it day by day.

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Day 17


Made myself look gorgeous and went out. Saw Blue Valentine. It made me better accept my situation somewhat. I mean... thankfully, we don't have much a history together or that much baggage that we had to let go of. It was just a few months. Not only that, I've began to understand that breakups, no matter how bad, are kind of inevitable. Maybe this is a really depressing look at marriage, since my parents separated when I was a week old, but I honestly don't believe in being together forever. That goes for everyone. Even if they stayed together, maybe they're unhappy. You never know.


I've finally realised that I don't need to get married in my lifetime. I don't need a commitment to forever because I know it won't last.


I ended up doing something that I am very embarrassed of. I went past his workplace. He wasn't there. So I gathered the dogs, drove to the ex's house and sat there for a good ten minutes, half-praying that he wouldn't come out and half-hoping that he would come out. He didn't.


I was glad to see his car in the drive way though... it meant that he wasn't sleeping over at this new girlfriend's. It sounds silly but it pleased me somewhat. I was also glad to know that he hadn't moved house in the month or so that we haven't seen each other. Stupid but it made me happy.


I've finally got his car licence written down now though, in case I ever see his car again. Pointless, I know.


I've also committed to doing one thing each day that I have never done before or have been afraid of doing until now. Yesterday, it was getting fast food through a drive thru.


Day 18


Spoke to my first ex-boyfriend today. It lasted a little longer than I was comfortable with, but I still managed to beat him to it and ended the call first. For the first time EVER. What an amazing feeling! I felt in control of myself and my life. So liberating.


Did my job with the house inspections. Sealed a deal, proud of myself. Went to the gym for a solid hour. Felt good about myself. Went to the old pizza place we used to go together and had the same pizza we used to have all by myself. I didn't miss him and oddly, I didn't feel out of place at all. No more awkwardness being alone. No more feelings of "omg I should be with him." It was great.


To get to the old pizza place though, I had to pass by his workplace. I didn't expect that he was going to be there, since he hadn't been there the day before. This time, however, he was there. I didn't see him... just that the lights were on and I just knew it was him. Whatever.


I didn't really feel sad and depressed anymore. I just kind of didn't really care. Like, oh, he was there. Big deal.


For a moment, I was terrified I might see him and that he would see me in a "bad state" even though I wasn't in a bad state at all. I felt a twinge of inferiority... of low self-esteem due to rejection. But it didn't last very long. I soldiered on.


I think I am getting closer to feeling indifferent if I ever saw him together with his new older woman girlfriend. Like really, who cares?


He's a crap guy and she must also be a crap girl to want to be with that load of trash at her age. They deserve each other.


I've also heard from another girl that apparently his new girlfriend isn't very pretty either. Ha. Ha. Ha. What an idiot. I am SO damn sure that giving up this relationship is HIS loss now that it isn't even funny anymore.


Going to do something I've never done before tomorrow -- drive up to a scenic place with a friend. The day after I am going drinking with my sharemate. Hehehe. I don't think I've ever made myself so busy in my entire life.

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Well into double figures now WAHOO !!!!

Its good to have friends to tell you what a good person you are, its all good for the ego especially when shes a female friend HA HA .


Also your mums dinners are still the best no matter how long you have been away from home Ha Ha


So ten days no contact and do not feel any urge to contact her at the moment well its not the weekend, or your day off stuck at home snowed in.

Its always good to another persons perspective about your break up its always good to have a chat and not feel uncomfortable about it.

The main thing I've noticed is that I'm not looking at my phone every 5 minutes like at the beginning of my NC and when I do get a message my heart no longer jumps into my mouth cos its never her LOL.


So use all the support you can get from friends and family cos these people are always with you through thick and thin.

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