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Day 67


...and I feel like crap. I am very panicky today. I feel like he's forgotten me. I don't know how that's possible after everything we were to one another. But after 67 days with no sign of anything, it sure feels like it. Last week, I was out a lot with friends and it went ok. But this weekend is killing me. How does someone end up not caring about someone they clearly loved?

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Day 6


I woke up late today because I decided to sleep in since I have to go to work tomorrow.. on a Sunday! I felt like crap today.. emotionally. I found out where I feel like crap the most... inside my room. I decided to go for a run and I made a good decision. I needed to get out of the state of mind I was in earlier. I ran a long distance, pretty fast. It felt great! Then I went to the bookstore to read some books. I bought myself a cookbook because I always wanted to learn how to cook and I told her that I'm going to learn how to cook when we have this time apart. As of now, I'm feeling fine. I don't wanna go to work tomorrow because I already know work is going to be slow.


Stay strong guys. Exercising definitely helps relieve stress and emotions.

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End of day 6 of NC


Yesterday ended up being great, I was fine the whole day and wasn’t even tempted to check his fb page once!


Today has been great too. I went to visit my grandparents with mum and ended up having dinner there with my cousin and his parents. It was good to get out of home and have some sort of distraction. I didn’t check his fb today either, which is two days in a row! I saw he liked something on a mutual friend’s page and didn’t feel anything as opposed to when I saw he liked something a couple of days ago and went into a panic frenzy. I still miss him, but I find myself not thinking about him for longer and longer periods. I also no longer sit around crying over him


I’m dreading tomorrow though; it’ll be a whole week since we broke up. What I'm dreading even more is the day he'll contact me to get his stuff back, I don't want to go back to square one

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Stay strong guys. Exercising definitely helps relieve stress and emotions.


Day 13


I checked out his FB page because I was talking to a friend about him and wanted to show her what he looked like, LOL.


aaaaannnndddd, I didn't feel bad AT ALL. I didn't feel anything much. Seeing his photos and his minimal updates (he's always so busy), I didn't feel sad, or anything. I just felt, oh, yeah, that's him. I DO miss him but I'm glad it didn't make me feel like crap to see his face after not having looked at his FB/photos for over 3 weeks.


I guess I'm doing well. I think I'm at the anger stage right now where I feel like some of the stuff/reasons he gave me for the breakup were BS, and I keep thinking he's the idiot and it's his loss and things like that. Good for me. I'm on the road to recovery, well and truly. heh.


Good luck everyone!


And kenny, exercising definitely DOES help

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DAY 31


can't believe i made it past 30 days NC... i didn't even realize i made it this far and was so tempted to look her up last night. it was bad, so bad... just closed the computer and tried to sleep... every once in a while i still wonder what's going on w/ her life...

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Day 7


I'm still at work and it's one of those workdays where I have to stay overnight. I'm in the navy and every once a week, we have to stay overnight on the ship. I pretty much having nothing else to do anymore for the rest of the night other than surf around the internet and hopefully go to bed soon.


I miss her... I feel it, but I'm staying strong and moving forward until it's time for me to contact her again. She needs this space... I need this space... whether or not she'll become a better person in the future, I know for a fact that I'm going to rock her world the next time she sees me. I want to become a better person and I'm taking baby steps. One day at a time..

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Day 67


...and I feel like crap. I am very panicky today. I feel like he's forgotten me. I don't know how that's possible after everything we were to one another. But after 67 days with no sign of anything, it sure feels like it. Last week, I was out a lot with friends and it went ok. But this weekend is killing me. How does someone end up not caring about someone they clearly loved?


All I have to say is.. try not to expect him to contact you. I'm sure he still cares about you, but just let him do his own thing. Give him this space and this time provided for you, and like everyone here says, improve yourself!

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Day 7


I have not contacted her in a week now. I'm proud of myself. She texted me on Wednesday night about her mom visiting school and wanting to see me. Very odd since her Mom knows that we broke up. Even then, why would she tell me anyway?


The pain of the breakup is starting to ease and I realize that she is not who she once was. Her over-the-top happy attitude on Facebook is really pathetic. I'm checking her page, fewer and fewer now. Is this the real her or is this her masking the pain of the breakup by hanging out with her catty girlfriends?

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Day 7


I have not contacted her in a week now. I'm proud of myself. She texted me on Wednesday night about her mom visiting school and wanting to see me. Very odd since her Mom knows that we broke up. Even then, why would she tell me anyway?


The pain of the breakup is starting to ease and I realize that she is not who she once was. Her over-the-top happy attitude on Facebook is really pathetic. I'm checking her page, fewer and fewer now. Is this the real her or is this her masking the pain of the breakup by hanging out with her catty girlfriends?


Usually when they act like this, they're just trying to feel better about themselves and justify the breakup. Just try to ignore it and you'll be fine. She WILL notice it too! She's expecting you to say something so ya just don't give her that momentum. You're doing the right thing though, you're checking her page fewer and fewer.. stay calm and "move on" and she will notice.

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Usually when they act like this, they're just trying to feel better about themselves and justify the breakup. Just try to ignore it and you'll be fine. She WILL notice it too! She's expecting you to say something so ya just don't give her that momentum. You're doing the right thing though, you're checking her page fewer and fewer.. stay calm and "move on" and she will notice.


There's no third party involved here, unless you want to consider the 24/7 girlfriends (who don't have boyfriends) and it's pretty sickening how over-the-top happy she's trying to come off. She had become one of my best friends and the loss just sucks when she doesn't even seem to be affected by it.


I ignored the Mom text on Wednesday, plus it didn't even warrant a response. It was just her looking for attention.

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This is my least favourite way to get through to you right now, but it's my only way.


You thought I don't love you, but that is simply not true. I EFFIN' LOVE YOU. I simply made a mistake. I respected you and respected our relationship enough to fess up to you. I thought our love was strong enough to get through this, but maybe I'm wrong.


I thought we were closer than this.


I know you're angry and hurt right now, but I hope I haven't lost you. I don't know how else to reach you, lol, since you're not picking up your phone nor responding to my emails. I tried to salvage our relationship and was ready to make my issues transparent but you're unavailable and unreceptive to even talk about it. I know our phone call kinda ended on a really bad note that night, with you hanging up on me angrily, but WHY THE HELL DID YOU SAY "HEY BABY, I AM AT WORK, DON'T HAVE TIME TO TALK RIGHT NOW" when I called you back at your work, then retreat and vanish into thin air ever since? WHY DID YOU SAY hey baby??? WHY DID YOU SAY "OKAY" WHEN I SAID "I'LL TALK TO YOU TONIGHT"? Why did you still call me to wake me up that morning? Why did you tell me that it'll be okay at one point, the night before?


do you know how that makes me feel?


"Hey baby, I love you and we're still together but I'm not willing to even talk about it nor work through it when you call to work through our relationship...I KNOW how much you need me emotionally but I'm going to leave you to show you how important I am to you"


you don't care about my well-being. I TOLD you how much I need you, and how important you are to me. You don't have to show me.


I know you said that maybe it takes a good thing to leave my life in order for me to come to my senses, and I have.


sorry if this is all so disorganized, but it's how I feel.


Don't know if you've watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind yet. I have yet to read Catcher in the Rye.


I need you more than air right now.

I miss you.

I miss me and you together.

I miss laughing and cracking up together.

I miss our inside jokes.

I miss those things, that were unique and special to US.

I effin' miss you, and us.

I miss the way you helped me study for my test but distracted me with flying squirrels.

Graville Island, the TW, Bertha, peanut butter jelly time, Miffin.

Miss the way you helped me, in so many things, too many to articulate.

Miss the way you called me "yuni bunny"

Miss the way you'd tell me to turn the lights off and come to bed.

Miss playing Lex with you.

Miss how time just flies when we're on the phone.

Miss you telling me that you're proud of me.


heck, I even miss your squirrel story...the one that kept me crying and awake that night and you stayed up with me. Gosh, I'm tearing up right now, thinking about the things we've done. Staying up together. Sending each other songs.


I miss YOU. I miss your person.


I wish I could say, I wish I never took a plunge with you and committed myself to this LDR in the first place cuz then neither of us would be in this much pain right now. But I can't...because I don't regret "us," one bit. I don't regret our relationship. I don't regret any of it. I would never have known this level of love, if "we" didn't happen. I would never know what it means to really and truly love another person. I realize that, no matter what temptation there is on the short-term, and no matter how much my weakness failed me, I truly and surely do LOVE YOU. The same love that parents have for their kids and people have for their pets. They become a part of you. And I'll never stop loving you.


I wouldn't erase any of it.


Are we broken up? Is this a fight? What the hell.


Maybe I should have insisted and gone on "the break." I wanted the break to sort through confusion about what I wanted and work on myself, not because I wanted to sleep with someone else, because I DON'T WANT SEX WITH ANYONE ELSE. Maybe I should have gone on it after all. Maybe it wouldn't land us at where we are now and would save us both this heartache?






baby call me, whenever you are ready. Let's talk about it. I'm willing to move this relationship forward, if you are. If you're not willing, then at least give me closure. A final goodbye, a proper farewell, or something. Respect me that much.

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End of day 7

She texted me an hour ago saying that we dont have lab tomorrow.... I saw the email hours before her.... She didn't ask how my weekend was, how i was doing nothing. Just letting me know about information i already know... Guys what is see trying to pull her? Is she seeing if i'm going to respond?

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End of day 7

She texted me an hour ago saying that we dont have lab tomorrow.... I saw the email hours before her.... She didn't ask how my weekend was, how i was doing nothing. Just letting me know about information i already know... Guys what is see trying to pull her? Is she seeing if i'm going to respond?


She's just looking for a response. No need to respond to a statement. It's a test. Pass the test by not responding and you win this round.

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Sounds like you're doing great! Glad to hear


It seems easier than I thought but maybe it's just a fluke... Hope it doesn't all crumble when he does contact me


Day 7 of NC


I'm still feeling great, caught up with a mate today and took my mind off the fact that it was this day one week ago when it happened. I've decided to try and keep myself busy and only post on this thread if there are any changes to this awesome mood.


Keep strong guys

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All I have to say is.. try not to expect him to contact you. I'm sure he still cares about you, but just let him do his own thing. Give him this space and this time provided for you, and like everyone here says, improve yourself!


Thank you for that. I was having a terribly hard day yesterday (as you can surely see). Today was much better, I realize there is no way he will ever forget me. We were too good together and I was so good to him. I have improved myself... well, for myself. I'm feeling better overall, just still have the waves of sadness that hit me now and again. I guess that's normal.


Actually doing NC? Easy as pie. I have no intention of contacting him at all, it's not even something I have to negotiate in my mind. It's simply not happening. Thanks again for your response.

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He commented on something I posted on Facebook, and so I clicked on his profile...


... and I saw that he's now in a relationship. Less than a month after he dumped me. Uh... okay. Now it makes me wonder a LOT of things about... stuff.


Well. I guess that's it. I am done with this challenge because I don't want him back but I want to write him an email to give him a piece of my mind!

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