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How did you meet your last or current BF or GF


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My good friend was in a coma at a huge county trauma hospital. He went to school with me..and a huge group of kids that involved people I graduated with and people who still atttended the school decided to go to the hospital to see anthony and his family. I met him through two of my best guy friends that had rode with him there. I honestly didn't like him at first, he didn't seem my type at all. But he got my number and after about two weeks he grew on me. 6 months later i'm crazy as ever about him.

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Met one offline. Taught me that if you meet someone from MySpace, make it quick. Lasted 2.5 years that I now regret.


Met the other through a mutual friend. They've been friends for over 6 years. Though we had amazing chemistry, she decided that a cheating dirtbag is a better candidate than someone that 'fit the bill' (her words). Lasted just over a week.




I'll just keep looking. My only problem now is that all the women I meet already have BF's or are just too psycho for me.


If anyone has some courage they could sell me so I can expand my horizons, let me know. I don't seem to have enough of it anymore.

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I met my ex at work, which later taught me to never date anyone at work.


Whenever I see stuff like this I get worried cause me and my boyfriend work together and I could see how that would be really awkward if something bad ever ha

ppened between us... So let's just hope that isn't the case lol



And as for the original question - we worked together for about 3 months before we even really started talking/getting to know each other. Then he asked me for my number and after about another 3-4 months of talking and hanging out more, he finally asked me out. I think its so cute cause he said he was so nervous when did cause he thought I was gonna say no. Fastforward 16 months and we are more in love than ever before!

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at karate. It was love at first punch!


hehe.. love this one!


I met my most recent ex at Uni - but not during classes. In fact we never even bumped into each other at Uni before.. then I called the security escort one night and he was a student helper for the Uni's security escort service. Our relationship lasted 3 yrs, with him leaving his country to be with mein mine for abt 2.5 yrs... I still miss him (we broke up yesterday night but it was a long time coming).


My ex before that was through a mutual friend at college... lasted 2 yrs.

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Just curious. I'm interested to see how many relationships start out with no prior introductions (ie someone "cold approaches.")


Yeah I've always (ok not really, just recently, lol) wondered how often, and in what location/circumstance people the "cold approach" thing actually occurs,

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I've made about 400 posts wishing I could meet girls at the gym. I guess I'm going to have to try and think of conversation starters...cuz I think I'm good at everything but starting.


They would NEVER approach me. They just stare at me like I'm a ghost and go about their business.




I'm surprised at the number of women who approach. 99.9% of the ones around here would never dream of it.

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My current boyfriend I met on link removed.


I always said I would never do a dating site, it just wasn't my style. Well, my friend and my cousin were both swearing by it, and my cousin finally convinced me to just give it a try. So I did.


The next day, I was looking at different profiles, and I was reading his. He didn't interest me at all, but I noticed a comment he made about most girls finding him unattractive, or something to that extent. I actually found his looks to be extremely attractive. So I messaged him to tell him that he shouldn't feel that way. I call it my "pity message". (Our little inside joke, one of many, lol)


That was August 22nd of '08. We made things official September 8th of '08. We just celebrated 6 months this month.


He's the best thing that's ever happened to me. And I guess you could say, technically, I made the first move, haha.

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As one of the apparently nasty women ..... I pay a large sum of money to go to my gym and have very very limited time away to use it. No way do I want anyone approaching me while I am in the middle of my routine. This is "my" time, my stress release, and the one thing during the day that I'm doing for no one but myself and when they cannot reach me on my Blackberry. You want to approach me (or vice versa) there's the water fountain, towel rack, trainers files, activities desk, etc etc I take my gym time seriously and am in there for a purpose. I'm running hard, sweating, breathing hard for a reason. And I'm very driven. Any guy at the gym I'd be interested in is most likely going to be just as focused during his workouts. It's considered bad form to hit on people at my club while people are actually engaged in a workout and can get you dismissed from club membership if it happens a lot.

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My bf is actually my supervisor's son and no I didn't seduce him to get a raise. I was actually training him to be my assistant, but they had other plans for him and transferred him to another dept in another location. So I suggested to take him out to dinner, and we pretty much hit it off from there.

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She was my employment/recruitment agent. I remember her interviewing me when I first registered and I was just staring in to her eyes drifting off!! Couple of months later I happened to find her on facebook and sent her a couple of random messages thinking she wouldn't really be that interested but to my surprise we got chatting and in the end she asked me out! Still, she turned out to be satan's own daughter and seemed happy to use my heart as a toilet brush, but point is, you can meet 'em anywhere!

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Just curious. I'm interested to see how many relationships start out with no prior introductions (ie someone "cold approaches.")


My guess is very few start that way. If you read through all the posts on ENA, there's lots of people wanting to know why nobody approaches them. Probably because most people meet at work, school, etc., in places they can get to know each other. It's a lot less awkward that way.

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