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you do have a point. I love this girl and don't want to lose her but you have a point. Come to think of it the crazy thing is we all might have someone chasing us and we are to busy to notice. Like me I have lots of females wanting to see me and know where I live and they come see me,but I never ever notice some of them or let it get to a point where I lead them on. cause I love my ex.


Nevertheless You have huge point there

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Glad I reached someone!


I mean think about it, if they didn't want us they didn't deserve us. We gotta buck and chin up. F****** THEM heh. But this will only work as long as you do not talk to them until you feel you are over them enough.


My birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks and I know that she is going to call. I don't think I'm going to answer the call. Don't need to ruin all that I have built up to now by caving in to her voice heh.



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Ok Michael. I nominate you as President. Now on to the jackets. I think red and black leather. Red for love and black for the death of our relationships, (and red and black were my high school and college colors) We could have patches that have hearts and skeletons on it. Yeah! Then we could have secret handshakes and passwords. Would this also make us tax-exempt?

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Heh you guys are funnee.



actually just moving on should be our first and only objective. No point in creating anything out of the hate we feel for our ex's since that would only continue to have indirect control of us by them.


Screw them to hell (yes I am in big denial).

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