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To assume you're dating someone after a certain time?


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I was once told by a guy that no one asks anyone out these days if you're seeing someone for more than 3 weeks you just assume you're dating... Is this a common thought amongst guys?


And could it apply to my situation? For about three months i've been seeing this guy we did start as a one night stand but have been texting and hung out a few times. People have told me he likes me but he is still flirty with other girls in front of me but will always approach me, he has quite a reputation amongst the uni and has slept with about 10 girls in a period of 9 weeks last term.


I can't help thinking that if it were solely based on sex he'd of gone else where and would not of invested time in getting to know me and hang out.


Or maybe i'm just getting my hopes up...

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Im not sure where you live or how old you are, but there has been a situation in my experience where i had a one night stand with a friend i liked, and he kind of liked me but not enough to commit. we have a fabulous thing at our school called 'tingsing' which is when two people do not go out, but just fool around etc with no strings. it sucks. i was in this trap with this guy, but because i liked him so much i let myself be used. finally i just said, look are we going anywhere, and he said no, so i ignored him for ages, flirted with other guys, tried to forget about him. when i did this, he was the one who started to get more serious about ME! he asked me out soon after. So off this tangent my advice is to either ask him direct, or flirt with other guys and see what his reacion is...



tiki tiki!

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