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  1. I was once told by a guy that no one asks anyone out these days if you're seeing someone for more than 3 weeks you just assume you're dating... Is this a common thought amongst guys? And could it apply to my situation? For about three months i've been seeing this guy we did start as a one night stand but have been texting and hung out a few times. People have told me he likes me but he is still flirty with other girls in front of me but will always approach me, he has quite a reputation amongst the uni and has slept with about 10 girls in a period of 9 weeks last term. I can't help thinking that if it were solely based on sex he'd of gone else where and would not of invested time in getting to know me and hang out. Or maybe i'm just getting my hopes up...
  2. Whatever you do don't drag it out accept that maybe it's over it'll feel 10 x better than getting your hopes up and having to go through it again. I know you want ppl to say "he'll come around in time," but he most likely won't. I know exactly how it feels you think you'll never meet anyone and he was the love of your life but you WILL get over it, my ex wants to get back with me 6 months ago i'd of jumped at the chance but now i've moved on and there's nothing there and believe me i thought i'd never meet anyone and i loved him so much but the thing is we have to take a risk in relationships you did and you will have some fantastic memories and you can learn from your experience! I hope you feel better soon!
  3. Seriously don't, just wait for the right person! I thought when i was 16 that i should just sleep with someone to get it over and done with but i'm so glad i waited until my first serious boyfriend and my advice to you is to do the same and wait! I know a guy who just went out and slept with the first person that found him remotely attractive then a few weeks later he met someone and told her about the one night stand being his first and she was pretty disgusted at that, i just think girls will admire you more if you just wait for the right person instead of in casual sex!
  4. I met a guy about 6 weeks ago we get on really well and i really enjoy spending time with him, however i found out from a friend he was a bit of a "ladies man" and i went away for 4 weeks and he slept with someone else so stopped texting him. When we next bumped into each other there was still a lot of chemistry we ended up talking and he asked why i hadn't text him when i returned i didn't say anything about the girl but he said he thought i wasn't interested and he thought about "playing it cool" Since then we've hung out a few times watching videos and we have slept together. When we're alone things are amazing and he's so affectionate but in public he shows no signs at all, but the thing that really confused me was that when he's infront of his friends its like he has to prove himself to his friends and he was flirting with a lot of girls in front of me the other night which really hurt. And then when i started chatting to a guy he knew my friend said the whole duration he was staring at us looking fairly upset and dismissed girls who approached him and then when i went on the dance floor he came up to me and asked me back to his (but we didn't sleep together). Is it just some guys nature to act up infront of friends or is he using me?
  5. Just before Christmas I met this guy, we hit it off really well and both previously remembered meeting before but never asking whom the other person was because we felt foolish. Anyway I was split up from my friends and he offered to walk me home but we were both fairly drunk and ended staying at his. He took my number and we sent about 20 SMS messages over a few days to each other and left it that we would meet up again. I left that weekend for a field trip abroad and didn’t speak to him until I saw him on Monday, we chatted for a bit and he asked why I hadn’t text him, so he thought I had lost interest and decided to ‘play it cool’. We both got on really well again and he said how scary it was that we had so much in common and mentioned several things involving ‘us’ in the future. But then speaking to my flat mate who knows him told me that while I was away on the trip he got really drunk and took another girl home with him, but said he was interested in me and wouldn’t stop talking about me. He didn’t mention anything about the girl on Monday but did say he was horrendously drunk and didn’t remember much. The thing is I really like this guy and I think he feels the same way but he’s left his watch here and I don’t know whether to just give it to my friend to give to him, or use it to invite him over as several people have mentioned that he could of well left it on purpose as an excuse to see me again but I can’t think guys are that clever?
  6. I met this guy a couple of weeks ago at my univeristy bar and we really hit it off, the only thing is he is knwon around the uni as a "ladies man" and has quite a reputation, we'd met previously and he said he was attracted to me but didn't want to ask who i was to his friends. Anyway that night i was separated my friends and it was to far to walk home so i stayed at his house around the corner. I didn't intend to sleep with him but we did it was strange because it wasn't akward in the morning and i spent the day just cuddling up to him. Anyway he got my number and he wanted to meet up the next day but it never happened because i was ill. He sent me a text the next night incuinating that he'd like to meet up again in a few messages. The only thing is i was away last week on holiday and now we're on christmas vacation for three weeks. But i found out from a friend that he wouldn't shut up about me and "seemed quite interested and if i were to go along to a few more socials we could make it more serious". However i also found out he slept with someone else that night because "i was in Barcelona and apparently it was meaningless". The fact that he slept with someone else doesn't bother me because we didn't say we were going to start seeing each other when we we're going away for 3 weeks but i don't know whether to wait for him to make the next move or i should? Or just wait until i get back after christmas?
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