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Panic attack?


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Ok....so I never had one & not sure if I just did. I have a lot of negative, stressful things going on in my life right now, mom with cancer, dad lost his job, SO's father passed away, first time in my life I live far away from my family, no 'real' friends in our new town...I can go on & on. But on the same token I have a lot of positive things, a wonderful fiance, a new home, finanically stable, my puppies, planning my wedding & all the love I can ask for.


Well my SO went away yesterday for work, I was great yesterday. Was also doing ok today during the day minus the loneliness without him being around, nonetheless I was fine. Then all the sudden I get this incredible overwhelming feelings of sadness... then I felt like I was panicking...bad, then I started sobbing nonstop for a good 20mins. The only thing I wanted to do was lay down, which I did. My SO called me & that just made it worse...I cried more & have no idea why. I told him I need to go to bed, we said our loves you & got off the phone. It was early here, like 8pm so it was strange for me to want to go to bed that early so he text me a few times while I was laying down saying, dont be sad - love you so much etc etc.


After about another 20mins in bed I was ok. Now Im sitting here wondering why I felt this way & why all the sudden the burst of all those emotions. Maybe its because I never REALLY cry or haven't had a good cry in a long time. Does this sound like a panic attack?


I really dont know how to deal with emotions when it comes to stress, I usually just talk about what is stressing me out & then I leave it alone even though it eats me up inside on top of that I am huge worry wart but I work it out in my own head...most of the time. If that makes sense?


BTW - I just realized this is in the wrong section, if a mod can move it I would appreciate it.

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^^^^yes but it was only for a few seconds, it was more sobbing then anything. No idea where this all came from


Did you feel pressure in your chest? Did you have a feeling like you were being watched or anything? (That's the best way I can describe that feeling... an uneasy feeling like I am being watched even though I know no one is there.)

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When I have panic attacks, my chest hurts and it feels like someone is grabbing my chest and squeezing it tight. I feel like I can't breathe - even though I'm breathing fine - and just feel really really anxious.


I don't know if that's what you had or not, but panic attacks usually have physical symptoms. My symptoms only go away with meds, personally. My opinion is that it sounds like you just had an emotional breakdown of sorts, and that you had been bottling things up that you finally just had to let out.

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Thanks guys! It was pretty scary, I felt sorta "outside of my body" if that makes sense lol.


Shound I be concerned about this & speak to my doctor? This has only happened this 1 time, not sure if its something I should be concerned about.

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Thanks guys! It was pretty scary, I felt sorta "outside of my body" if that makes sense lol.


Sound I be concerned about this & speak to my doctor? This has only happened this 1 time, not sure if its something I should be concerned about.


I think you might want to see if it happens again, and then see a doctor. Do you have any history of anxiety? If you do then maybe you could see a doctor now. Mine just prescribed a medicine for me to take when I got one, and I carry a few pills around with me.


Another usual symptom of a panic attack is that you have a feeling of "impending doom", and after the first one, people can usually feel them coming on.

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I do feel better & I definitely calmed down, thank you! I do believe it was maybe a mini emotional breakdown. There are so many 'bad' things going out that are out of my control & its eating at me. I always feel horrible when I want to help my family/friend that need it but when there is nothing I can do, its overwhelming for me.

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I wanted to add: I'm sorry to read you have so much going on. That would be a lot for anyone to deal with.


It sounds like maybe you are a type-A personality. Would it make you feel better to sit down and make a list of what you want to/can do to help your parents and yourself, so that you feel like you have more control over the situation? A few of your problems seem like they could benefit from an action plan: for example, dealing with the distance between you and your family/friends, settling down in your new town.


It might also be helpful for you to seek some counseling - even if you have no personal "issues", it could help you sort with your emotions. I think a lot of people do this at this of emotional stress, transition or grief.


If that doesn't appeal to you, maybe you could join a support group for family/friends of people with cancer, or encourage your fiance to join a grieving support group.

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Well, we all have those breakdowns sometimes when the stress levels are high. Maybe if you exercise regularly it will help diffuse some of the frustration and anxiety of things going on that are out of your control. Life is full of ups and downs and we all get them sooner or later. It is really wonderful when we can just stand on the level ground and watch the rollercoaster go by.......

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