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What kind of lover are you?


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Usually I just say.......ooooooh ohhhhhhhhhhh (insert person's name here)......LOL


In this case, I would have to insert my own name then.....


I guess it would sound something like......oooooohh ooohhhhhh Metro.....you are the best........


LMAO.......It's no secret, Metro doesn't have a lover....I am my own best lover....HAHAH

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What happens if she shouts someone elses name? LOL


To the best of my knowledge I have never done this, but hopefully it wouldn't be a big deal if I ever slipped up. I certainly wouldn't care if the man said another woman's name, heck, he can call me whatever he wants as long as he's having a good time!



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I've never actually heard of anyone saying "No! No! No!" during sex (of course, being that I have no personal experience, I'm going off of movies, TV shows, etc.). Actually, that would seem kinda weird to hear... Makes it sound like rape, or something.


Heh, I remember hearing a standup comedian doing a bit about how, when people have sex, you always hear the girl going "Yes! Yes! Yes!" or "No! No! No!" (again with "No"? Where is this coming from...? o.O), and he said that, just once, he'd like to hear a girl that's in between, like "Maybe! Maybe! Maybe!".

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