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She smokes what??


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I personally hate drug use - including weed. My boyfriend used to smoke it really rarely, and I really really wished he wouldn't, and told him that, but also told him it wasn't my decision and he could do that as long as I wasn't faced with it. He told me he wouldn't do it anymore, he could see how much it upset me and I was more important.


If had been pills however...I would have had some very serious thinking to do - I don't think I could continue the relationship knowing the person is taking a drug that is so notoriously dangerous.

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Parsley, I think it's so cool that your bf made that decision to stop.


Me personally, I would also have a problem with someone who smoked weed or anything else/took any pills. I don't know..it has never been something that appealed to me, and if i was with someone who did that, i would worry a lot about the person too. I think it's too much for me. Just thinking about it makes me worry/feel down to be honest.

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Then you might as well not date someone who drinks alcohol. Alcohol deaths are quite high while cannabis deaths seem to be around 0.


Alcohol is also a powerful intoxicant and is known to make people aggressive, ect. Cannabis does not do this to people.


Or even.. date someone who is overweight, or smokes tobacco. It all is more hazardous to them than cannabis use. Don't get me wrong, I'm not pro-'drug', but cannabis is not a drug. It has been misclassified. To end a possible great relationship over something as minor as marijuana, you could be throwing away a great relationship.



I see your point, really. I honestly don't think marijuana should be illegal. However, it is. The only reason people don't OD on marijuana is because it does not depress the autonomic center of the brain as alcohol does. Thus, it is not physiologically possible to use so much cannabis that it causes you to stop breathing as alcohol does. I don't know where I was going with that...


Those other things that kill people.. alcohol use, tobacco use, overweight.. they are bad in excess but they will not land you in jail (with the exception of alcohol if you are behind the wheel or public intox). He does not have to worry about his girlfriend's cigarrettes, McDonald's or beer being stored in his house, the cops to come & raid it, resulting in him facing charges for possession of a Big Mac. However that is a real concern with marijuana. If you're spending time with someone that frequently has illegal drugs in their possession, you are putting yourself at risk for legal troubles even though you never even touched the drugs yourself.

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but they will not land you in jail (with the exception of alcohol if you are behind the wheel or public intox). He does not have to worry about his girlfriend's cigarrettes, McDonald's or beer being stored in his house, the cops to come & raid it, resulting in him facing charges for possession of a Big Mac. However that is a real concern with marijuana. If you're spending time with someone that frequently has illegal drugs in their possession, you are putting yourself at risk for legal troubles even though you never even touched the drugs yourself.


That part is very true. It is illegal.


I'm not arguing I was just suggesting that a relationship shouldn't be ended on only marijuana use.


I'd also like to note again, I am not pro-drug or supporting drug use here. I am just giving my 2 cents about marijuana use.

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It it's truly only occasionally that she's using it, it wouldn't bother me. I would have a hard time being around someone who was high all the time, though. The E wouldn't bother me really, either, but that's more of a once or twice a year thing, in my opinion.


Keep in mind, I don't smoke weed (although I have years ago) and I've never done E. I don't even drink anymore. But I like to look at the whole picture, and if I was really connecting with someone I might overlook an occasional habit.

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That part is very true. It is illegal.


I'm not arguing I was just suggesting that a relationship shouldn't be ended on only marijuana use.


I'd also like to note again, I am not pro-drug or supporting drug use here. I am just giving my 2 cents about marijuana use.


My bf used to use Marijuana. It doesn't bother me that he used to do it & it wouldn't if he still did if it were legal. I'm glad he doesn't do it now because being in the military, ANYTHING involving me & drugs in the same sentence spells career-ender. I wouldn't risk my career to pursue a potential relationship.

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There are many other women out there.


Taking drugs is not just a preference like liking rocky road ice cream. It can be also a sign of an addictive personality and even if she decided to quit, it is possible there would be other crutches that she chooses later.


personally, drugs are a total dealbreaker for me. no matter how good the rest of the package is as far as intelligence, attractiveness, sense of humor, or clicking on other levels. they are friendzoned or more likely, not contacted again.

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Occasional marijuana use would not bother me. I personally think it should be decriminalized, and I don't even use the stuff. However, being a pothead WOULD bother me, just like being an alcoholic would bother me.


Just about every other drug out there, though, would be an automatic disqualification. They are illegal (least of my worries) and often self destructive in the long run (what I'm more worried about).


Ultimately, it comes down to your personal morals. Either you can deal with it or you can't, and if you can't, just drop her and move on.

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Didn't feel like reading through anything. But if she is your age, around your age, well even at any age she should know better. MJ is legal in Ca if you have a medical license for it. LOL But anyways think of it this way if you want kids it wouldn't be possible with her, at least the chance of them coming out with no problems is very slim.

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A lot of people my parents' age used mj when they were young adults & they turned out fine!


I've heard that mj is a lot stronger now than it was in the 60s-70s. I wonder what would happen if it was sold legally with a limit on how much cannabis it contained. Like how you can buy alcohol & it says on the bottle what the % is.


When was mj declared illegal anyway? I don't even know!

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Didn't feel like reading through anything. But if she is your age, around your age, well even at any age she should know better. MJ is legal in Ca if you have a medical license for it. LOL But anyways think of it this way if you want kids it wouldn't be possible with her, at least the chance of them coming out with no problems is very slim.


I think I saw a documentary on that & there's only like 8 people total in that program!

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Like I said, she seems like a really genuine person and I don't believe that she is a 'pothead.' However, I don't know that for certain and I don't want to really find out either. Nor do I know if she affliates herself with other drug users, dealers or traffickers.


I don't care how much of a misdemeanor marijuana is or isn't. The fact that it's a drug, it's illegal and punishable with time behind bars if caught is an auto DQ for me off that bat. Period. And believe me there are PLENTY of persons sitting in jail because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time or with the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time! And God forbid, that's not going to be me. Most importantly, when I asked her if she had any intention on stopping she told me, "No."


Alcohol is not illegal, but can be used illegally. Just like pornography and prescription medications. And if she was drinking too much or illegally using it than that'd be a deal breaker too.

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She isn't going to quit for you, and it's a dealbreaker then what else is there to really decide on. You can't expect her just to quit just for you. If she has no motivation or no intentions to quit smoking then not much else you can do besides either accept it or move on.


100% agree with this!!

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Um what is your problem?


No reason to get so freaking snippy.


Sweetheart, chill..


I am not getting snippy with you. I am just saying this is a thread where we're supposed to support each other. Some of the greatest minds come on here to help while others point fingers or misinterpret the OP. Without question, I appreciate everyone's response and that includes you too.

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I'm undecided on this one...


I couldn't date someone who had a current drug abuse problem...

I couldn't date someone who did any drug other then pot or alcohol.

But I wouldn't care what other drugs they did in the past as long as it wasn't a present problem. (I myself had a coke problem yrs ago, so people in glass houses........)


I don't see a problem with smoking an occasional j every now and then....but I wouldn't be ok with a every day thing, not even an every wk thing. Maybe a few times a yr.

I'll be honest, when me and the girls go on our annual girls wknd to the beach, we roll up a few. But that's the extent of it.


I dunno, you gotta decide if you're ok with it or not.

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I could accept pot use even though I don't use myself. It's a natural occurring drug even though there are side effects but people react differently.


But E is a totally different thing it destroys your brain and leaves gaping holes in it. It would be a DQ for me too.


As opposed to supernatural? Crack is natural too, and so are mushrooms and ammonia. Just because it's natural doesn't mean you should use it on your body.


That's not a logical argument.


By your logic people should be allowed to inhale ammonia, because, after all it's a natural occurring toxin.

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