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She smokes what??


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This is what people mean when they talk about "cultural differences."


Here in Vancouver, I don't know a single person who does not smoke weed. You can assume that your profs smoke weed, too. In fact, we often share our weed-smoking stories before class on Mondays.


I think it's more about drug users are more likely to hang around drug users.


It's hard for me to believe that the majority of Vancouver smokes dope.

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Ahahaha, Mutley, you're from the midwest, as I see from your profile...


In Vancouver, I'd say at least 9/10 of people have done weed at least once. Most people after university don't do weed on a regular basis, but they would toke with you if you offered it to them.


There's a BC Marijuana Party, too. That's the party I vote for. They have a headquarter downtown where you can take your own weed and use their fabulous vaporisers.

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Ahahaha, you're from the midwest, as I see from your profile...


In Vancouver, I'd say at least 9/10 of people have done weed at least once. Most people after university don't do weed on a regular basis, but they would toke with you if you offered it to them.


Believe me, I've smoked my share.

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You must have never been there.[/quote


No I haven't.....even if I had been....I doubt I'd see too much dope smoking....being I avoid that sort of thing.


When I smoked in the 1980s most everybody I knew did....now that I don't...most every one I know doesn't.



We can all play peek-a-boo but reality is reality.

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I'm sorry...It just isn't around me. I KNOW the drug culture still exists. But I chose not be around it.


Just like some of you chose to participate. To each his own.


Lol, of course.


I have friends who are adamant about never smoking weed - something about smoke particles - but they make marijuana milkshakes and brownies all the time.


Anyway, I just find that pretty funny.

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It makes it a choice just as now without the legalities. My comment was to those that think no one gets hurt by smoking weed in the USA.


I see no difference than not wanting to date a drinker or smoker. Personal choice.


^ it's illegal in some places but what about places where it's legal? does it then make it OKAY' date=' like cigarettes and alcohol?[/quote']
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Before everyone gets too far with the 'weed is harmless' argument, it must be remembered that it is an illegal drug grown for the profit of drug dealers who don't give a fig if chemicals sprayed on the weed are carcinogenic or brain damaging.


Weed is not regulated, and is frequently treated with herbicides and pesticides that are so dangerous that inhaling them a couple times a week can bring on a host of problems including cancer. Pot is often treated after harvesting with all kinds of designer drugs to enhance the experience or just dealers testing out new concoctions they make, that could cause irreparable brain damage from one use if they cooked up the wrong chemical.


So if it is 'pure' weed grown by the individual themselves in controlled situation it might not cause much physical harm (if used rarely), but anythign bought from a dealer is a grab bag of potential health risks. and it has been clinically proven that weed smoking is more damaging to lungs than cigarette smoking, so a regular user is putting their health at risk.


So in a perfect world, weed is harmless, but any illegal drug handled by drug dealers could be a cocktail of dangerous drugs and includes exposing oneself to unregulated and high dosages of herbicides and pesticides because dealers would have no compunction about using them to get a more productive crop, either kinds not certified for use on something that will be smoked, or in quantities that are above what is safe.


So marrying a girl who is a weed smoker could possibly produce children with brain damage and other defects if she smokes weed before or during pregancy. If i were a man, i wouldn't marry someone who did any drugs obtained from dealers, because of the health risks to both mother and children.

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I also want to just add in for those who are saying places where weed is legal.. Weed isn't legal anywhere. There are places where it is tolerated (such as Amsterdam, Morocco and places like that) because it is done is controlled atmospheres and the weed is "safe" (not laced with any dangerous chemicals) but if a person was to be caught buying it off the streets or smoking somewhere other than their house or a "coffee shop" they would be busted. Their laws aren't as tough as the US and some other places with it but it still isn't "Legal".

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From the 20-30 years later viewpoint. The people who still smoke pot are often anxious, sometimes mentally dull, and have almost always severely limited their career options. I'm not for nor against but there are consequences other than possible trouble with deals gone wrong or the law.

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I also want to just add in for those who are saying places where weed is legal.. Weed isn't legal anywhere. There are places where it is tolerated (such as Amsterdam, Morocco and places like that) because it is done is controlled atmospheres and the weed is "safe" (not laced with any dangerous chemicals) but if a person was to be caught buying it off the streets or smoking somewhere other than their house or a "coffee shop" they would be busted. Their laws aren't as tough as the US and some other places with it but it still isn't "Legal".


In Vancouver, as long as you buy less than an ounce, the police cannot touch you.




People who smoke cigarettes tend to smoke several packs a day. People who smoke weed generally smoke less than once a week (even though there are a few who smoke several times a day, but still it's hard to smoke anywhere near the amount an average smoker smokes.)


Anyway, the toleration of marijuana is integral to the Vancouver identity. As a British Columbian regionalist, I feel a person cannot have integrity unless he supports the right for others to smoke weed.

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In Vancouver, as long as you buy less than an ounce, the police cannot touch you.




It still isn't LEGAL, there is a difference between something being tolerated and something being legal.


It's the same in the US some places won't touch you if you have less than a certain amount however it isn't as tolerated here so if you have more than that you can face serious jail time whereas if you are in Amsterdam or some other place where it's more tolerated they are quicker to turn their head at it and not even bother with it.

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It still isn't LEGAL, there is a difference between something being tolerated and something being legal.


It's the same in the US some places won't touch you if you have less than a certain amount however it isn't as tolerated here so if you have more than that you can face serious jail time whereas if you are in Amsterdam or some other place where it's more tolerated they are quicker to turn their head at it and not even bother with it.

True although in Vancouver it is tolerated as much as it can be without being legalized; it would likely be decriminalized in small amounts if it wasn't for Bush and the neocons insistence that they not border a nation with drug laws different from their own.


Legalize it

Regulate it

Tax the **** out of it

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so you just met and you don't like or do drugs...so find someone who has your values...if she doesn't think it's a big deal and things she is managing it then obviously you guys have different values...

either accept her for who she is and what she does or find someone whose lifestyle is more in line with yours...

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Deal breaker for me too.

I think a person who uses pot is finding some sort of escape through it.

Looking at it objectively, anyone who takes part in any form of entertainment (movies, hobbies, music, alcohol, etc.) is also looking for some sort of escape. It's human nature to look for it, only real difference between one person and the next is how they choose to find it. And, like drugs, any of these things can be taken to the harmful extreme.


Bread and circuses. Emphasis on the circuses for this thread in particular.

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