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Oh I am having such a bad day today! I went out last night with a large group of friends and we were having a really great night. Then one of my friends turned to me and said "oh my god ____ is over there", and turned round and low and behold there was my ex. I just saw him from the side and the back so don't believe he saw me. My other friend then said yeh he has just turned round and seen me.


I panicked and didn't know what to do. My reaction to him being there proved to me that I am really not over him! I wanted to go over and talk to him to be mature about it but also really didn't want to. I went up to the toilets with one of my friends and when we came back down he had gone. I was a little relieved but more disappointed as I really would have liked to speak to him. Plus I was really dressed up and having a good night so feel it would have been a good time to see him for the first time again.


I then did the stupid thing of breaking NC! I sent him a text saying saying "were you just in (name of bar), my friend said she saw you? Have a good nightx" and he wrote back "Yeh I was x Come to (name of club) x". I just replied saying everyone wanted to go somewhere different.


I tried to forget about seeing him but I was so gutted I hadn't spoken to him! I then found out a couple of hours later that as he was leaving when I was in the toilets he had walked past where all my friends were and spoken to a couple of them. He had asked if I was there and if I was doing ok, and my friend told him I was in the toilet and that I was doing great and we were all having a great night. He then asked after my housemate (who has been friends with for a long time) and then said which club he was going to if we wanted to go there.


I think knowing he'd spoken to my friends just made me feel worse as I just got full of - he knew I was just in the toilet if he cared at all he would have waited to see me, plus I was SO annoyed at myself for running off to the toilets, if I'd just stayed there and been normal it might have helped the situation.


Sorry I know I'm rambling, it just really threw me and I think my reaction to it has just proven to me how not over him I am. The last time I saw him before this he was lying in my bed and everything was fine and now this has just made me feel really really horrible

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Hey mijo- Wow, what a night. Yes, I do think it is evident that you arent over your ex, but thats ok. I think you are trying to move into the right direction. It seems like you are still on friendly terms which is good. Have you heard from him since? How are you feeling now?


I didnt hear from my ex at all this weekend. I didnt really expect to either because he didnt contact me last weekend either. I got really sad on Saturday night. I just wish I knew what he was thinking about. I guess I will wait and see if he tries and contacts me today....

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OK so todays not turning out to be the greatest day ever. I got an email from a mutual friend (me and the ex). She said she talked to the ex on friday and asked why he was still contacting me. He said that its

because he was trying to still be friends with you. She said it would take a while if we were going to be friends again. He said he was going to stop contacting me. Can someone please tell me why someone directly after the breakup would contact me as many times as he has? I dont want to believe that he just wants to be friends. I feel like he is confused and is using the "friends thing" as an excuse to continue contacting me? Am I completely off base? Any advice?????

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Hey mijo- Wow, what a night. Yes, I do think it is evident that you arent over your ex, but thats ok. I think you are trying to move into the right direction. It seems like you are still on friendly terms which is good. Have you heard from him since? How are you feeling now?


I didnt hear from my ex at all this weekend. I didnt really expect to either because he didnt contact me last weekend either. I got really sad on Saturday night. I just wish I knew what he was thinking about. I guess I will wait and see if he tries and contacts me today....


Yup, I know. I really thought oh when I next see him I'll remember the reasons why we ended it and we'll be fine, but instead I just remembered all the reasons I wanted to be with him. I just so wish I had gone and spoken to him, I can't believe he chatted to 2 of my friends and left. Ok, I am v pleased he asked after me and asked how I was etc, and that he told me where he was going out if I wanted to go, but the whole situation just made me feel bad. I wanted to text him yesterday to ask if he'd had a good night but figured I should start NC again. Ohh it's so hard.


How are you getting on? Did he say anything else to your friend? With the amount he was contacting you it is hard to think he just wanted to stay friends, but I guess with these games and mixed signals you never know. I have just had to give up trying to interpret. I feel like I've been set back by saturday night and am dealing with it all over again

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Aww Mijo....I am sorry. I can tell you are hurting by your post. I think you should try to keep yourself busy these next couple of days so you force yourself not to contact him. However, maybe because you didnt get the chance to talk to him, maybe it makes you a little more mysterious or something? I agree with starting the NC thing again. Ugh...it is so hard....I know what you mean about it setting you back all over again. I am so sorry


I am okay. I'm alittle sad because I dont think he will contact me for awhile. My friend just said to him that she thinks he needs to stop contacting me. I wish she wouldnt have talked about me with him at all. Hopefully with the NC starting from now on, either I will be able to move on or he will come back. Also if he doesnt contact me from now on, there will be nothing to interpret which will be nice. I almost feel like I am acting desperate - which I am not and havent shown this side of me to him. I could get way better guys out there I am sure but I miss him and I still do love him. Do you listen to Beyonce? I got her new CD and there are a couple of really good songs on the CD that are theraputic.

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Oh god so as if I thought it couldn't get worse...

I am pretty certain I've just found out the ex is seeing someone new given that I know he has booked to go to Madrid with a certain girl in Feb next year! Ok ok she could be a friend but it seems v v unlikely.


Stupidly in my panic I also broke NC and txt him asking if he had a good weekend, he replied saying yeh and asking if i did and i just replied asking what was new with him. I know I'm fishing but I couldn't help it.


Feel like I may go nuts haha!

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Oh god so as if I thought it couldn't get worse...

I am pretty certain I've just found out the ex is seeing someone new given that I know he has booked to go to Madrid with a certain girl in Feb next year! Ok ok she could be a friend but it seems v v unlikely.


Stupidly in my panic I also broke NC and txt him asking if he had a good weekend, he replied saying yeh and asking if i did and i just replied asking what was new with him. I know I'm fishing but I couldn't help it.


Feel like I may go nuts haha!


Wow, Mijo. Its been a rough one for you these past couple of days. If he has already moved on, I dont think he is worth your time or energy. And right now to be perfectly blunt - he probably know you have feelings for him still. I would stop the contact because it makes you seem desperate in some way. Stop the contact. How did you find out about this trip that he is taking? Do you know who the girl is?


I know you are hurting right now but deal with your emotions on your own, dont get him involved. Dont text him anymore. Go running or something and get out your aggression in that way.


My friend wrote me back an email and told me: " I know you miss him and that you still love him, but I think for right now that he isn't going to want to get back together. You never know though. Maybe he will realize, now that the semester is over and he has more time to think about it, that he made a mistake. But I don't think he would have ended things if he thought down the road that you guys were going to get back together. I don't think he would have put you through all this."


She knows him and she knows me. I have to believe her. It pisses me off but I think it was another form of closure for me.


What are you planning on doing for New Years Eve? Anything fun?

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I know you're right! He is a big Liverpool (football/soccer) fan and he is going to see them in Madrid. he just put as his facebook status "has just booked the flights for Madrid in Feb" and a girl on his friends has commented "I can't wait, it's going to be great x". He's now deleted the comments so people can't see it.

I've just been texting him generally this evening and he mentioned he has booked to go to Madrid - he normally goes to the games with a certain friend so I text back "that's cool, you'll have a great time, are you going ____ again? say hi from me" but I have had no reply to that last text. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions but I take the non-reply as...no I'm not going with him, I'm going with my new girlfriend but I'm not going to tell you that.

I know I know I know I need to take this as my cue to just move on, but how come when you find something out like this does it just knock you back 10 steps?


Have you found it easier since speaking with your friend about it? I think sometimes it takes someone who knows you both to be that clear about things and it makes you look at it differently. Are you ok with things?


I just wish these last few days hadn't happened. I was doing well last week and now just feel like I'm back at day 1. I guess I can take a lot from the fact he didnt reply to that last message. I need to have that as the stop point!

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Hey Mijo- So you really need to stop contacting him. You know what I was thinking about. If he wanted to see you this weekend when you were at the bar, he only had to wait a few minutes before you were out of the bathroom. He has obviously moved on if he left before you had gotten out. Also, if he isnt texting you back, he doesnt want to hurt your feelings or share that part of his life with you right now. You are broken up so he shouldnt have to. You need to delete his number (do you have it memorized?) and either delete him from your Facebook friend or stop checking up on him. He must know that you are stalking his Facebook status. I am not trying to sound harsh but you need to stop because you are probably pushing him away even more right now.


I am NO expert when it comes to relationships (obviously, I am on this board too) but I think we need to listen to all of the advice everything is giving and that is NC. This is only causing you more hurt right now. I cant understand that you feel like you have taken 10 steps back because you pretty much have.


Focus on the positives. There is someone way better out there for you. God has a plan in mind. This person will cherish you and not treat you the way that your ex is treating you right now. You seem like you are a great person and you deserve to be with someone who is equally as great. So keep your head high and move forward.

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Yeh I know you're right. I'm not going to contact him again. He text me back ignoring the question and mentioned meeting for a drink to catch up in the new year. I know about the thing in the bar - think that's why i got so annoyed and upset, he could have stuck around but he didn't.

I have felt a bit better the last hour or so talking to my housemate and we were just generally talking about him and u know when u do actually realise - hey why am I working myself up about getting him back, do u really actually truly want him back or just want someone?

I think because of some of the stuff that went on if i ever did get back with him most of my friends would think I had gone insane and really try and talk me out of it. I think I'm going to do what I should have done a long time ago and make a list of all the reasons why it would never ever work and just look at it whenever i feel down.

It's only been the last week that he has stopped contacting me most days that's why it all seems v odd, but hey we'll see. I do think part of my not getting over it is due to the fact that the break-up was over the phone so my memories of him are still of us together, the time of year and also me just not wanting to be alone at this time of year.

Thanks for your kind words. I hope you're right that there is someone better out there. I certainly hope so! For you too, you seem a really lovely person and deserve much better than your situation right now too.x

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Guys will use the "commitment" card to get sex.


Girls will use the "sex" card to get commitment.


Your only protection is to know what you want and to have boundaries. Know when to say no to things that could hurt you. It takes a lot of courage to stand up for yourself cause sometimes doing the right thing is not easy.


But when you make the right decision for the things that you really believe in, all that anxiety you feel from the break up will go away much faster than if you were to give in to temptations.

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Hey Mijo- How are you feeling today? Any better? I think in your last post you are in a better mindset. And you know, if it is meant to be, it will be. You cant force him to love or care about you. And if you do force him to love or care about you I dont think he would respect you. Some start taking some forward steps and not focusing all of your attention on him. You want someone to be an asset to your life and right he isn't....so why are you focusing on trying to get him back. Once he realizes that you arent focusing your energy on him and moving on he will probably realize that he made a mistake.


I know what you mean about the break-up being over the phone because mine was done through email. At least he said the words to you, I had to read it (cowardly, by the way).


I hope today is a better day for you and you are able to keep busy.

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Yes today is a little better thanks. I think me thinking (whether he is or isnt i cant be certain but I am assuming) that he is with someone else is helping me to move on as I know there is no chance now and his contact is purely friendly.

I am trying not to think back to our last days together as when I do that's when I get confused - everything was so fine and then it just flipped so unexpectedly. It's only when I think of that that I get down and confused about it.

He has always been the kind of guy that needs to be in a relationship, or needs to be seeing someone so I am not surprised that he has moved on quickly. I have spent some time today thinking about him but it has mainly been on a why it would never work level. I think deep down, whilst I do miss him, more than him I miss the closeness and the being with someone and I can get that from somebody else, who hopefully wont ultimately leave me at a moments notice.

I was single for quite a long time before getting with my ex so I worry that it will take me that long to find someone again, but if nothing else at least he has given me the confidence to think that there are people out there who want to be with me.

I'm quite looking forward to the new year, I'm hoping it will be quite motivational. Also when I look back on 2008 I am pretty sure I'll have good memories, and think that whilst it ended far too prematurely I am glad that I spent that time with him.

haha I wonder how long this positivity will last!


How are you doing today? have you heard anything else?

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Wow it seems like you are doing SOO much better today. It seems like you are in a better mind set. I know what you mean about knowing if they are wiht someone else that it is easier to move on. In a way I wish I knew that he was with someone else so I would stop analyzing everything as well. But it is tough to analyze irrational behavior.


I have been seeing a therapist lately and she knew about our relationship. I see her every two weeks. I saw her the day after we broke up and she told me that he was going to contact me. She still thinks he will contact me but I am not too sure. He has now gone three days and I havent heard anything from him. In a way it has been nice because I have nothing to analyze. I hope he isnt moving on though. She told me to stick with No contact because it will have the best results in the end...

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Hey, how are you doing today?

Has the therapist been helpful to you?? Have you heard anymore from him? I am sure he will contact you over the holidays...


I have had an odd couple of days with my ex. I was convinced he was seeing someone else and was putting it to bed in my mind really, then late last night at around 1am I got a text message saying "Please be honest, was I a really bad person to be with?"


It turns out his ex before me keeps texting him constantly (we had this when we were together - he has changed his number and everything but she got it off a friend and keeps harrasing him) and giving him abuse about how awful he is, even though they broke up because she cheated on him.


It was bizarre, I initially text back "random text, are you drunk?" and then he said no he just felt really down and he knew I'd be honest with him, he said she'd been giving him grief and he didn't know what to do because it made him feel so down and rubbish about himself and he just started believing it all because otherwise why would she say it etc etc.


Anyway the conversation went on and he said he was sorry he hadn't seen me since we broke up and I said it was a shame we didn't chat on Saturday night in the bar - he said "I know, I was so gutted I didn't see you on sat but I thought it'd look weird if I was hanging around" - hmmmmm.


He then text "let's catch up over a drink in the new year. You are a really decent, honest, kind and caring person and I really enjoyed the time I spent with you. Things get said in heat of moment and I am sorry if I upset or hurt you"


Then his last message was "A drink and a laugh would be good x I think we could have been really good together we were just stupid and committed to other stuff x"


I don't really know what he meant by the last message but if anything I think it may have given me a little closure. I actually feel like maybe we could be friends now, but we'll see. When he was texting I wasn't thinking oh what can I say to make him want me back.


I also asked him straight out if he was seeing anyone now, like "are you seeing anyone at the moment, if you are I hope she is good to you". he replied and said he isn't seeing anyone. Maybe I jumped to conclusions with the girl before, I wouldn't like to think he lied when I asked in such a normal way, especially given the conversation. But we'll see...

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How was your christmas?? How are you feeling now?


After what happened earlier in the week (written in my last post on the previous page about him contacting me when he was upset and apologising for stuff) we didn't really speak over christmas. He text me at about 10 past midnight early christmas day, but I am pretty sure it was a group message he sent to everyone, I then text and wished him merry christmas later in the day.


I was feeling a bit better after the conversation a few days before like maybe we could be friends. I got a bit down over christmas...just thinking how it'd be nice to have him there etc but I wasn't too down, I felt much better than I had. Then the following day at around 6pm I got a text just saying "Hi x" I replied asking how he was and then got no reply. This really annoyed me as it was as if he was texting just for no reason but to contact me. I tried to forget it and enjoyed the evening then lying in bed at 3am I got a text message saying "are you awake?x", I replied and said I was yes and asked if he'd had a good night... he replied "Yes thanks, although I want to see you, I'm near your house do you want a cuddle?x".


I ignored it and asked where he'd been out and I got the reply "(bar name) and (club name). I want to cuddle you, can I come round?x". Luckily I wasn't at home but was at my friends house 10 miles away so there was no temptation to let him come round, but even when I said I wasn't there he kept asking if he could get a taxi round to where I was, and then if I would get a taxi back home so he could see me. In the end I stopped replying as I had said numerous times that I wasn't there and also kept saying "it's for the best, we're meant to be just friends" and "you're drunk you'd wake up in the morning and wonder what happened" but he kept insisting.


I haven't heard from him today, he hasn't contacted me or mentioned it, so I am assuming he was just drunk and lonely. I am thankful I wasn't home as it meant there was no chance of me agreeing to him coming over, altho I'm a bit worried when I think of whether I would have let him in if I had been home.


I just wish I knew what was going on in his head I really do!!


rant over, sorry! Hope you're ok.

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Hey Mijo-


Sorry I havent been online. I was on vaca for the holidays and hadnt seen your responses. Wow, he is really putting it on thick with all of these text messages. I think with all of the time that you two have spent apart, he might be missing you right now. Thats what it seems like to me. How do you feel about all this? After all this time (how much total time has it been?) do you want him to come back?


Well, I dont have as great of news as you do. I could have swore that my ex would have contacted me over the holidays but it didnt happen. We have gone a total of 10 days (including today) with no contact. Maybe he is moving on? I am not sure. I am going to continue going on with my life though. I think it might have hurt him when I told him for the bazillionth that I couldnt be his friend. The ball is still in his court.


Seriously though, how long has it been since your ex and you broke up? Your story gives me a little hope. How long did you guys go with no contact for a extended time?

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Did you enjoy the holidays??


Well it has been 5 weeks now since we split up and 6 weeks since we last saw each other. Last week was the first time he has text me in any way suggesting that he misses me, but I can't help but feel it was more in the way that he was down and wanted some reassurance from me. Who knows, I just wish I knew what was going on in his head!

The longest period we went of NC was a week from me texting him to him then texting me.

I think perhaps he misses me a little, but I cannot see us getting back together. I do still miss him, I miss being around him, having a laugh and mostly at night cuddling up to him etc, but I just don't think after what has happened we could have a future. I don't think he is at all able to recognise his faults and if we were to ever get back together I am not sure that he would change, and I just don't think I could go back into the relationship without him changing.

I seem to flip between wanting him back and then thinking the breakup is for the best. I don't think he actually wants to get back together though so it probably isn't an issue. I just wish I could meet somebody else - not to date or have a relationship with but just someone else that I was a little interested in to take my mind off my ex, as although I am getting over him I still think about him allll the time, he is always there in the back of my mind!


Anyway, how is everything with you? Have you heard anything further from the ex?

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Hey Mijo-


The holidays were great. How were your holidays? I was distracted by a lot of family which was great and helped me out alot. I didnt think about him as much as I had.


Ok, about 6 weeks. It has been alittle over 3 weeks. Have you read posts by others that suggests that it takes about a month for an ex to truly miss you. It then takes them about 1 -2 months to come back and try to reconcile. Do you think this is the case for you? Do you think he will eventually come back?


I DO know what you mean about not being sure if you would even take him back if he did come back. I have been thinking about that a lot too. I am not sure if I would take him back or not.


I still havent heard from him. I dont know if i will either. It might be possibe on New Years Eve. I would kind of like for him to text me but I dont really think he will if he didnt do it on Christmas. Who knows.


Sometimes when I am thinking about my current situation, I think to myself that I dont think my future husband would have ever put me through his pain and risk the chance of losing me, so why am I putting this much effort into caring if he comes back or not. I do believe in my heart that he knows that he made a mistake in letting me go. I also think he has deep rooted issues that he needs to deal with. Maybe if he dealt with those issues I would possibly give him a chance once I am healed. Who knows how everything will play out now. I am just hoping that the next time he does contact me, it isnt because he still wants to be "friends". That shipped has passed my "friend"

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It is good that we are both now able to look at the relationship and think that even if they did come back we may not want that them, it shows we are moving on and dealing with it better than we were. I also agree it's a good idea to look at the future like that, do you really want someone who hurt you that badly?

Unless my ex made some serious changes I don't think I could take him back, and I think he has too much pride to ever admit to his faults, or to acknowledge that he needs to change.

I hadn't heard from him since the text messages on Friday night then this morning I got a message saying "Hey hunny, how are you?x", I replied and said I was good and we mentioned our plans for new years eve. He replied "I'm just going to a house party, it's right near your place actually...". I wonder if I'll get another text at 3am like on Friday, I hope not, I'd like to think he knows I'm not going to go there!

I have heard about it taking a month or so to really miss someone, maybe that is what happened, I don't know I wish I did. If I was to be honest I think he has had a taste of being single again and it was fun for a bit then the holidays came round, drink and feeling a bit lonely at christmas so he has started contacting me more. Once the new year passes he will probably move on...but who knows!

We have said we will meet up for a drink in the new year but whether it will happen or not I don't know. I'd like to see him in a regular setting just to chat and get over any weirdness, but then that might do more harm than good.

When did you last hear from your ex? Do you have plans for new years?

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I agree with you Mijo- I believe we are moving in the right direction. Yah for us!!!!


I am having a hard time interpreting you ex's text messages. I dont think you call a "friend" hunny, but what do I know? It could be that he is missing you or that he is lonely. I dont think you should confront him about his actions unless he comes out and tells you that he wants to give it another try. I would try and not interpret. Are you doing any for NYE?


I am taking a trip and leaving tomorrow to visit my best friend in another state. We are partying it up at this one club that has three floors of dance floors so I am looking forward to it. I WILL NOT be thinking about my ex at all which is the idea. What about you?


Oh and I counted and it has been ELEVEN days of NC between me and my ex. After the two weeks of constant contact, I am not really sure what to make of this???

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Yeh I try to never read much into his text messages as I know he calls people hunny and sweetie, not all the time, but a couple of his good female friends he does so I just try and ignore that. Unless he comes out and says something directly I am going to try and not interpret his contact and his text messages. In all honesty I think that he wants us to be friends, but last Friday got drunk and as he was near my house he started texting about coming round. Ok it's inappropriate for friends but I don't think it means he wants to get back together. Given that he is going to be nearby on New Years Eve I just wonder if he will get in touch then too... I guess we'll see. I have still not initiated any contact with him, but have been rubbish with the NC as I usually reply when he contacts me


That's great you're going away for new years, you looking forward to it? My housemate runs a bar near to us so we are having a party down there and all of our mates are going to be there so it should be great. I just hope the ex doesn't start contacting me or even worse turn up (as some of his mates are also coming to the party). I don't think he would without mentioning it to me first but I guess you never know. There is another guy going to be there who I quite like and get on with really well so I'm just going to try and enjoy myself and put the ex to the back of mind for an evening.


Do you think you will bump into your ex when you go back to work?

I would think maybe as you made it clear to him that you didn't want to speak that he has thought it best not to contact you over the holidays incase he upsets you. What do you think?

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Well it sounds you will be having a great NYE...I hope that everything works out great with the new guy. It seems like you will be having a great night too!


Well, I am not sure if I will be able to update this forum between tonight and the 5th but when I get back I will write an update. I would also like to hear how everything has been going for you. I think it has been really great talking to you because we have been able to rub things off on each other and I learned a lot from you.


I know what you mean about your comment. I always said that I didnt want to be his friend and that was the only reason why I didnt want him contactnig me. If he wanted to get back together, I didnt have a problem with him getting in contact with me. Do you think this is the reason why I havent heard from him? Have I been too harsh? Do you think because I was too harsh (about being friends) that I threw any chance of us getting back together out the window??

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No I don't think you have thrown any chance out of the window. If you feel ready to you could maybe take the block off of the emails and see if you hear anything. You know this time apart not speaking may make him realise just what he has thrown away.

Friendship is always hard, you don't want to be friends when you break up with someone as u think it's like second prize. Even tho I think I can give being friends a go it still makes me wonder well if we make such good friends then why the hell can't we still be together.

I think your guy will realise and will make contact again, he wont just stop forever I think he is just giving you space. But that may still mean he will only want to be friends afterwards.

I hope you have a great new years eve! It has been really good talking to you too, it is nice having someone to speak to who kind of understands the situation and is going through the same thing. Make sure you come back on and update me when you get back!xx

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So how did your new years go??


Mine was ok, but having said that I don't remember a lot of it. Far too much drink!! In the end this was probably a good thing as my ex text me at 3am asking if I was still in the bar where our party was. I text him back and said yes and he asked if he could come down. I was far too drunk and the text message I sent back to him made absolutely no sense, I read my sent messages back in the morning and couldn't make any sense of it! Luckily I think he took from this that I was far too drunk for anything and no good would come of it. I then had a text message from him in the morning asking if I was ok as my texts had made no sense. I said I was fine etc and asked if he had a good night and that was all that was said.


I have only v briefly spoken to him since. He started talking to me on facebook chat today but whilst we spoke a little he didn't seem all that chatty, and in the end we kind of stopped speaking even though we were both online.


I'm just so confused by it all. I ws thinking of doing the following but don't know what you think?? I work in a theatre and we've got the launch of the cities Comedy Festival coming up soon - we get some free tickets and you get free food etc too. I know he enjoys live comedy and we said before christmas about meeting up in the new year for a drink and a laugh and so that things aren't weird between us. I was thinking of texting him and asking if he fancies going to it?


Do you think it would be a bad idea? he may be working and not able to make it anyway. I just feel like it'd be good to see him, so that way we could spend some time together as mates - have nothing happen and then I can get some slight closure that I know that we're friends and that's all. Even though it was a while ago now I just hate the fact that the last time I saw him everything was fine between us. Maybe I'm kidding myself, but I think it would help me?


I hope everything is going ok with you??

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