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Any one experience with telepathy?


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I am curious to find out if any of you have experienced some kind of telepathy with your SO. Did you ever feel a certain way, just because your SO was feeling that (even when you are in 2 different locations)? Did you ever have thoughts that turned out not to be yours, but the ones of your SO?

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I had a close friend who would call me in the middle of the night drunk. I would wake up about a minute before it would happen. Fully awake, looking around, and then the phone would ring.


One time my best friend and I got together to show each other the guitar riffs we came up with.


We each made a line that was in the same key signature, time signature, and fit together perfectly when played together. Mine ended up being the bass line and her's was the chorus to a song we did.

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We always freak each other out.


Often times I will write a message on MSN and he will respond saying "Wow I just sat down and was about to type you something.." it happens both ways.


We call each other at the same time, get the busy signal/voice mail, only to discover we were calling each other. Very random, at times where we weren't expecting phone calls, or to hear from that other person. Receive text message as I'm typing one to him.


And often times we end up wearing matching clothes. Not on purpose.


That's about the extent of things. As well as sometimes not even having to say anything because I know what he's thinking and vice versa.

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Not an SO...but...


Theres a guy online that ive never met, never spoken to verbally and we type telepathically !


As an example he will be typing the question as i am typing the answer and vice versa - way too many freaky occurrences of it to ignore. We play an online game, and it even freaks our guild mates out sometimes !.


I have had SO's where we have been able to finish each others sentances or known what they were thinking, but thats always come with time. This is different - sometimes really spooky - im like how did he know that? or wow that was weird...


I figure we must have known each other in a previous life or something.

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