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Question for those who are in love


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I have been in love since i was thirteen, there are days when sometimes you love your SO that much that you start thinking of even though he is perfect he has upset me, hurt me, we argue and things like this and it is typical to have these kinds of feelings, but when i sit back and think of myself being with anyone else i realize, all these things we do just make us stronger.


It is true that there is a fine line between love and hate though.

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when i was in love... when things went bad i thought about if he was the one... that i wanted to spend the rest of my life with... and things like that... but after arguing in my own head... i ended up realizing that i do love him... and im just thinking to hard.


but now that its over.... my mind knows its over but my heart is still breaking...

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Some days I don't feel like hugging & kissing much but I never not want to be near him. Before we moved in together, I had about 1 day where I was panicking thinking, "omg, what am I doing?" but the feeling passed & hasn't returned since then or since we've lived together.


Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I was with someone who is similar to me in ways that he is different. (ie, a vegetarian rather than a hunter). But really you will never find someone exactly like you & I think its better when people have different interests anyway, because it opens you up to trying new things & if you don't enjoy all of their interests, then you each still have your own things that make you autonomous.


Maybe there are guys out there that are more similar to me but I don't think I could connect with them the way it is with my bf.


It's ok to wonder sometimes how things could be different. But it's easy to take for granted his good characteristics & focus on the areas he's lacking. You might find someone who fits you better in some areas, but then you find out he is missing those things you loved about your bf.

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Well, there's a key difference here-


Between feeling like you're not in love and not being in love.


Feelings come and go- I've been with my husband for a decade, so YES- I've had LOTS of times when I haven't felt in love with him.


I have always been in love with him- But I have had those moments and times of frustration when I've thought - Dear God, why did I marry this man ?

But it's fleeting because it's a feeling, a temporary emotion.

I have and always will be in love with him- It's the love that makes me go-

No, I really do love him- I'm just angry right now.


In terms of other people, I don't think anyone (Whether happily married or not - and I include myself in this) - Does not have times when they are attracted to someone else or thought at some point about someone "If I was single, they might have made a good partner for me" -

But there's also a HUGE difference between thinking this and acting on it.

I think it's human nature to wonder about others from time to time- That doesn't mean you'd leave your spouse or anything- but I think in terms of nature even if you are happily married, you will still be attracted to and feel connections with members of the opposite sex. That does not mean you act on them. And I don't think it means you are not in love, just that you're human.


I personally think it's kind of pointless to wonder "what if "- simply because ANY partner will have adjustments. No person on earth is going to match with you 100 %. If you were with someone else, you'll still have problems, just a different set. And with them, you'll still have times when you don't feel in love.

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No I find myself very much in love with my bf. There are times where I do think about that there are other people out there but think that I am completely happy with who I'm with. I know I do think about what has made me fall in love with him and I may think about if I was with somebody else how it would be. But I just think that being without my bf it would be hard because we share so many similarities in our lives. I'm lucky to have him in my life and glad that I found a great and wonderful guy though.

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Sometimes.... I've been going through a lot of stress with work, and money worries (and most of that is going) the past few months.. and he's been incredible wonderful and patient with everything... my crying... my mood swings (that seem to land on him a lot of the time, not intentionally, but because he was the first one that day/evening to ask what my day had been like).


But it always goes away. I love him, and i can't imagine being with another man... and i thank my lucky stars every day that he walked into my life. Every day is wonderful, and i could never not be in love with him. He is the man for me. I always thought people were odd saying "you know when you're in love".... but now i know.

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