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Working in a restaurant


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I was thinking about getting a 2nd job soon especially for the holiday season. I already have a day office job and was thinkin about working a few nights or weekends in a restaurant. I've never worked in the food service industry. My friend is a waiter and he sees it's decent money for the type of work and hours you have to put in. It's minimum wage but the tips are good.


I just wanted some insight from those of you who have been a waiter/waitress or host/hostess? How is it working in a restaurant? Is the money worth it? Should I bother?



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Im a waitress have been for several years part time whilst at college and school etc. Its a generalyl good job. Im good friends with the other waitresses so theres a nice friendly atmosphere when I arrive. Yeah the customers are generally grumpy, rude and unthanking but thats the job. The customer is always right in this type of job so if you think you can smile, dont mind being on your feet for long hours youll enjoy it. I do!

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Do it, especially if you are a people person. I did it while doing another fulltime job.


Depeding on the restaurant, and where you live, and remember that you normally have to tip out a percentage of your SALES to the bartender, hostess, kitchen busboy... whoever helps you....some restaurants its quite a bit and you may have to fork over 50$ plus of your tips at the end of the night.


That said, i've done it and would still do it again. Especially if you are in a good place. The money is good and its cash so you get it right away.

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I'm a people person, but after one waitressing job, I was done. My feet and back hurt all the time and I was so tired at the end of my shift I just slept until I had to get up for work. I wonder with this recession, are tips going to be affected? Many people I know no longer go out to eat or tip when they do. They can't afford it. Whenever I eat out, I am always nice to food servers because I know firsthand how hard it is.

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I also did it for about a year and a half, when I first started my full time employment. Not gonna lie, it kinda sucked. Not so much the work of being a server, which I didn't mind, it was the hours. Working all day at a full time 9 to 5, then shooting off to a restaurant job from 6pm to 12PM or later on thurs. & Fri. & a Sat. double! No fun but I had to do it to survive at the time. unfortunately I think I'm gonna have to go back to this soon for some extra cash this year. *sigh* Stupid economy.

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as long as you can work some longish hours, put up with rude people, and do some deep cleaning of some things, the rest of it is a breeze. I worked at a Chili's all through college and loved it. It's fun and a quick way to make money. On weekends the hours were long, but I usually never worked more than 6 or 7 hours on a single shift. Doubles are longer, usually about 10 hour shifts. I always made good money. I say do it. Sometimes I miss serving.

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