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Risking STD’s for love or sex


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Facts you are misrepresenting. Same disease but different strains with different symptoms, health effects, means of contagion, and presentations.


That's like saying having the 24 hour flu is the same as the new "super strain" that came into being 5 years ago. Yes the virus is the same but the effects and strains are different.


They are not the same, they have the same mother but each one is a different sibling so while base traits may be the same they all do very different things.

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Even if it is dormant my understanding is it will show up in an STD test for herpes if you are specifically asking for that test. And since he and I both were tested before we were in a sexual relationship, yes I will be leary.


it's like HIV. Someone might have HIV and never get AIDS. But if they are TESTED for AIDS, the HIV will still show up in the test even tho the virus is dormant, hence not turning into full blown AIDS>


The test for herpes isn't 100% accurate unless you are having an outbreak. Yes, there is a blood test for it however you can still have the virus and it not show up on the blood test.

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I am not getting into this whole discussion about what is risky / right wrong or whatever. I do think some people might be getting a few idea's wrong about Herpes. I am a big believer in quoting things word for word from reliable sites when posting about topics like this. This is because I am not a doctor and my advice on medical matters is completely worthless. People need to get information from properly qualified people when you are talking generally about illness, and if people are worried about their own health or risks to their healths then they must consult a doctor.


However I do think a few people are a bit misled about Herpes.


"*Type 1 herpes simplex virus is the usual cause of cold sores around the mouth. It also causes up to half of cases of genital herpes.

*Type 2 herpes simplex virus usually only causes genital herpes. It can sometimes cause cold sores."

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"People worry a great deal about transmitting genital infection but they are less concerned about oral herpes (cold sores) and yet the main way women get genital infection is from cold sores via oral sex." link removed


Lots of people seem to be suggesting that type 1 herpes simplex virus (which is common and causes cold sores) is some how "better" than type 2. The impression is being given that only type 2 can end up on the genitals. As you can see above this is not true.


"Most people (about 4 in 5 infected people) never develop any symptoms when they are infected with the virus. (Or, they only have a short bout of very mild symptoms which is not recognized as genital herpes. For example, just a slight area of itch or a small red area which soon goes.) The virus stays inactive (dormant) in the root of a nerve that supplies the genitals, but never causes recurrent episodes of symptoms." link removed


"Genital herpes does not damage the uterus (womb) or cause infertility. Nor does it cause cancer of the cervix." link removed


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Please also no one say I am saying STI's and STD's are trivial. I am not suggesting this at all. I do think things can get a bit exaggerated and messages get mixed up when posted on forums. This message I see cropping up a lot about how condoms can't fully protect you always. How do you know you are not being counter-productive and putting people off using them? Condoms are our best barrier against STI's and STD's we should be using them not putting people off.

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