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South Beach Diet - all phases...let's loose that weight!!


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Make sure to eat your mid-morning and mid-day snacks... it helps keep the munchies away. You may still crave some foods but try to distinguish that "mouth-hungry" craving from true hunger. I found I wanted chips and popcorn, etc but when I stopped and thought about it, I wasn't HUNGRY... I just wanted to eat.


I know what you mean. I have just recently been able to actually start being able to distinguish the two. until quite recently I was so so bad at food and emotional eating, I didn't even realize what 'breakfast' 'lunch' and 'dinner' was. I would just eat a whole meal, whenever I felt like it, and so I would usually have more than 3 main meals! Also part of how I grew up I guess! I guess it didn't matter that much in my teans, but now that I'm in mid 20's I really gotta start planning and being conscious of what I am doing to my body! Good thing I stopped when I did and didn't continue onto the obesity stage!

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very true pixel, the snacks are so important, I think I'm going to try having my mid-day snack a little later because we eat dinner later, that will probably help


where are yous going for dinner hike?


I don't think we will go out since I feel crappy today with the headache. He said he will bring take out if I understood him correctly. Otherwise we might go to a Turkish restaurant near by that we've been planning to go to for ages.

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I'm making chicken breasts, veggies (not sure what kind yet) and cottage cheese for dinner.


I was also thinking of trying a dessert I found on the SB website:


Decadent Fudge Brownies (phase I)


1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

1/2 cup ground pecans

1 cup butter (I can't believe it's not butter or smart spread)

1 cup splenda (I was thinking of putting a little less so not too sweet)

4 eggs, lightly beaten

Preheat oven to 375. Melt butter. Mix in cocoa, nuts, splenda and eggs. Pour into buttered 8x9 square pan. Bake 25-30 minutes. Cool. Serve with fat free whipped cream.

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I'm making chicken breasts, veggies (not sure what kind yet) and cottage cheese for dinner.


I was also thinking of trying a dessert I found on the SB website:


Decadent Fudge Brownies (phase I)


1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

1/2 cup ground pecans

1 cup butter (I can't believe it's not butter or smart spread)

1 cup splenda (I was thinking of putting a little less so not too sweet)

4 eggs, lightly beaten

Preheat oven to 375. Melt butter. Mix in cocoa, nuts, splenda and eggs. Pour into buttered 8x9 square pan. Bake 25-30 minutes. Cool. Serve with fat free whipped cream.




Love it. And this is good for Phase 1????


Here's something I like doing, and I think it would be ok for phase 1:


In a bowl I put some soya sauce and some olive oil (I guess this will have to be portioned) and a dash of sesame oil, maybe some black and/or red pepper, mix. Add chicken (cubed). mix. wait in fridge covered 1-2 hrs- overnight is better though- then place it on a pan. once it is cooked add asparagus, and when asparagus is almost cooked add large pieces of chopped onion or chopped scalions or both. let it steam coupla more mins and then its done.


it can be done with beef too. tastes yummy. add a green salad and it fills u up fine.

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I am strongly opposed to sweetning my stuff with splenda. But I realize that by omitting the fake sugar, I wouldn't have any receipe left because there is no flour o_O it's making you eat pure fake sugar with some butter!!


I think soya sauce is ok in phase 1, although they recommend low-sodium one (against bloating - thought it won't make you fat).


I'm going to post tomorrow as I start phase one... you guys will have to help me through the death it will incur on my part. I think I will get out of the house.. else i'll go nuts!

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Oh, I just wanted to know if you guys starting the diet will post here or make your own separate jorunal threads.


Hey Mousty, you starting today?


I was going to just keep posting here. On monday when I officially start my 2 week phase I (although I'm probably 90% in phase I now) I'm going to post my weight and then what I eat through the day. If anyone has comments on things I'm missing or shouldn't have they can let me know (no whips though please Maybe we can use it as our combine journals and support each other. I love the idea of being able to share ideas and progress - it's very motivating!!


I didn't have time for breakie today either so I think my morning snack will have to be soon!!


Oh yeah - those brownies weren't too bad, but you can really taste the splenda which I don't like, I might try them again with a little less and see what happens. Or I wander maybe throw some ground flax in there?! Maybe!

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So yesterdays dinner turned out to be spagetti and meatballs. But we each only ate half. And other half will be lunch today. I'm not a big craver for pasta, so especially after I start SB I wont be having it for a long while. Bad thing is I ate 1 reeses pbutter cup. And half a peach. Oh well. At least I just had 1. And half of dinner. Portion control...

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hike - one reeses cup isn't too bad and the portion control was awesome. I'm actually getting a couple treats in before I start on monday too. yup the brownie was a phase I recipe.


mousty - I saw on the other thread you were asking about peanut butter - I like a little on slices of apple, which unfortunately doesn't work until phase II (no fruit in phase I)

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There is nothing wrong in indulging if you can portion control it, such as the 1 brownie or 1 reese. Man, if I could portion control I wouldn't be doing this at the moment as it's my biggest motivator.

I have absolutely no self control when it comes to carbs, I always want multiple (let's leave it at that for my sake ) servings.

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Sneaking a candy or somesuch is fine later on, but if you do it in Phase I you'll KILL the process that actually makes your body burn fat. When you eat mostly protein and hardly any carbs (which is unhealthy to do in the long run) your body goes into Ketosis, which basically means it starts burning it's own fat. That's what Phase I is. Believe, me if you eat anything on the "do not eat" list in Phase I you'll stop Ketosis and have to start over. And it takes 2-3 days for Ketosis to kick in.


Not lecturing... just making you all aware. If you're gonna do SB you've GOT to stick to it.


We make a meatloaf recipe out of the SB Book last night and man was it awesome!

Here is the recipe: link removed


Rode my bike in again today, 13-miles. No exercise planned for tomorrow, but I've got a 20+ mile mountain bike ride planned on Saturday, then hit the gym on Sunday.

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Me like Ketosis!!!!!!


I'm only gonna allow a little threat here and there until monday - then no, none, notta, for two weeks. I've picked monday cuz I need to do some serious grocery shop and clean house of junk food this weekend.


That meatloaf looks awesome!

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I really need to slow down on the peanut butter... I think I had half of the jar to myself today. It's really hard cause I still have the carb snacking cravings. I know nuts are supposed to be limited and so is peanut butter because of the high fat content but I figured it would maybe help for only day one if I had unlimited access to peanut butter... lol =) Though I am stopping now else I'll die of a heart attack if I eat the whole jar!!

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The limits on pb in phase I are:

Peanut Butter - 1 tsp

Peanut Butter, Natural = 2 TBS


When you're craving carbs grab some veggies or something else off the approved list. If you can do this for two weeks that really lower those cravings. Then you'll be in phase II and be able to have some carbs!

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It's okay... just keep at it. those first days are hard because you ARE breaking your body's "addiction" to all that bad food. If you can last through those cravings, the rest of the program becomes a lot more easy. And when you CAN add in some carbs later on, it makes them very tasty. LOL

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Pixel thank you for that recepie. I will definitely use it once I start Phase 1.


And chasey, I might start Monday with you! Just because I like doing things with a partner And all of you got me just so motivated.


And mousty: I've seen some distant pictures of you (well ok I think just one) but you looked SO thin. You looked like you can eat all the peanutbutter you want

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Yeah that's what I mean, I'm not super fat or anything... but I want to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes. I busted all the ones I just went shopping for (god they make cheap clothes), cost me over 200$ and we have no money to replace them I only have 1 pair of pants right now.. >_

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Oops just realized pixels recepie is for phase 2. oh well, i'll try it later then


I think the wine and oatmeal are the only parts not good for phase I. If we replace the wine with water or broth and the oatmeal with some ground flax, and chopped mushrooms (I know, sounds weird, but I've made hamburgers with them in before and they were yummy) I think it would work. I'm going to try that next week! By the looks of the comments under the recipe there's a few other things people have tried to.

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I'm making chicken breasts, veggies (not sure what kind yet) and cottage cheese for dinner.


I was also thinking of trying a dessert I found on the SB website:


Decadent Fudge Brownies (phase I)


1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

1/2 cup ground pecans

1 cup butter (I can't believe it's not butter or smart spread)

1 cup splenda (I was thinking of putting a little less so not too sweet)

4 eggs, lightly beaten

Preheat oven to 375. Melt butter. Mix in cocoa, nuts, splenda and eggs. Pour into buttered 8x9 square pan. Bake 25-30 minutes. Cool. Serve with fat free whipped cream.


just watch out for splenda...if you can try stevia instead...splenda hasn't had very many tests done on it and is actually very harmful whereas stevia is 100% natural!

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