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South Beach Diet - all phases...let's loose that weight!!


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If I remember correctly, it suggests you to use low-fat instead of no-fat cheese. The no-fat cheese has added sugar which you want to avoid in phase 1. I love low-fat over no-fat any day anyways!


Thanks mousty....

my typo, I do buy low fat cheese

I didn't realize no fat had sugar though! yikes, it's everywhere!!

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Yeah, sugar is everywhere, especially in non-fat product. They just swap out the fat for sugar since they need to keep some flavor to the product. Ex: look at the Kraft nonfat cheese slices (bf bought some of those and they have sugar!).

I'd rather have fat than sugar in my diet (I have a lot of problem getting in fat compared to sugar) and it's more natural.

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Good morning everyone....how's everyone feeling this mornin?


I FINALLY noticed a change on the scale, down 2 lbs, and I haven't really started phase I yet, yeah!!!!!!


So far I've had 1 scrambled egg with a drop of cheese melted in and am working on my coffee (yup still haven't given up the coffee.......

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Sounds good. But I'm sure I couldn't have survived the day with only 1 scrambled egg and a 'drop' of cheese


I think she means she just had that for breakfast... not the whole day.



I'm doing well! We're enjoying the slightly less strict Phase II and I'm honestly not craving my junky snack foods too much. I get occasional urges but I just keep drinking water. I think for me, what I crave is that "crunch" so instead of chips, I eat sugar snap peas or carrots, or celery with a tiny smidge of peanut butter on them. It satisfies that crunchy urge and I'm not putting all that bad food in my system. Or... there are low-carb grain crackers called Kavli (link removed) and I'll put a thin slice of low-fat cheese on one and munch away. By themselves, they're rather like cardboard but you can spice 'em up a bit and get that crunch-fix.


I'm totally noticing it in the mirror! I'm seeing my abs again and my love handles are almost completely gone. More muscle definition all over.


Chasey... I love my coffee too! What is it that you can't give up? I just get regular coffee, put some low-fat creamer and a couple of Splendas and I'm good to go. The only BAD thing he says caffeine does is it tends to awaken your appetite. So you don't have to give up your coffee, but maybe you can find a way to modify it so that you're saving money and can stay true to the program.

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The only way I like regular coffee is with baileys in it - not good for SB or at work . I'm thinking of trying an americana with one shot of flavor tomorrow. Last time on SB I cut out coffee phase I and phase II had low fat international coffee mixes (french vanilla or hazelnut).


For a crunchy snack try an apple sliced with a little peanut butter on it, I really like that one.

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Seems you guys are doing a whole lot better than me

I think my scale hates me. it really does.


Maybe if I do the South Beach diet it would help me. I don't have much social sit down dinners in the next 2 weeks so I could probably try it again starting tomorrow.. already had lotsa carbs today... =D! (

The only thing is I literally want to kill myself when I have no carbs. How do you guys handle it?

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When it comes down to it, it's just a matter of mind over matter... willpower. What's more important to you... losing weight and being healthy or eating all those empty carbs? Don't think carbs are bad... they're not. It's the KINDS of carbs that can be bad.


Believe me, we've had our cravings. I've wanted chips and salsa so bad I was almost shaking, but then I thought about my mirror image, my health, my cycling goals and i was able to push the chips out of my mind.


It's not that you can't EVER eat bad foods again. But SB teaches you what is good, what is bad, and how much bad you can have without affecting your health. We intend on "splurging" once a week (typically Saturday) and eat less-than-healthy foods. But even then, we'll try to keep it under control. A thin slice of cake or a single bowl of chips will taste like heaven, and we'll be satisfied. Whereas before the SB program, we' have a HUGE chunk of cake or 1/3 bag of chips before we were satisfied. But splurging is completely off-limits in PHase I, limited in Phase II, and by Phase III, you really don't care too much about all that junk food.

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That sounds a lot better than it did when I was living through it. I think I lasted a big 3 days in phase 1. I just had a lot of problems doing it without the fruits and breads (I always use whole grain breads and always have had since I was a kid). I know it's for only 2 weeks but they are such staples to me that it's hard to do without!!!

I know you can eat your hamburger without the bun, but I just don't find it as satisfying... I don't really feel as if I ate a hamburger. Maybe if I last the whole 2 weeks I will find it more satisfying.

I really am a carb addict, I have problems putting fat into my diet and don't meet the minimum required daily fat (as weird as it sounds)!! Maybe it will do me some good.

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I think I'll be joining you guys next week..Starting I think Wednesday or maybe even earlier.


I wasn't that bad today at all. I had some grapes and nonfat yogurt, then had 1 slice of bread, little more yogurt (didnt have time to bring my lunch, and it was in the fridge) some celery sticks (no dip) then I went and got a white chocolate mocha! (yes chasey I remembered you!).. I dunno about dinner yet. I was supposed to cook tonight, but I suddenly feel horrible (killer headache) and had to drive back home. Bf picking up dinner on his way from work. So it's a surprise. But I think I am around 700 cals as of now. So I can't have done that bad today, even adding a bad dinner to it (and maybe he won't be so bad. He knows I'm on a diet).

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That's great hike! and still lots of room for dinner.


I'm going to set monday as my official first day on phase I, that'll give me time to get groceries this weekend.


I'm having major cravings this afternoon, so far have resisted and only had a few carrots. I'll have to make sure I keep busy when I get home. Between the time I get home after work and the time we eat dinner is always my worst!!

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Make sure to eat your mid-morning and mid-day snacks... it helps keep the munchies away. You may still crave some foods but try to distinguish that "mouth-hungry" craving from true hunger. I found I wanted chips and popcorn, etc but when I stopped and thought about it, I wasn't HUNGRY... I just wanted to eat.

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