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What age does the attention u get from other men signficantly drop?


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Do the catcalls stop around or after 24/25 years old?


LOL 41 and still going strong. They havent even slowed down yet. I'll let you know when they do. LOL And even tho i'd never take a man seriously who does that they can be an ego boost sometimes. Doesn't bother me at all, but then again like i said I don't take them seriously either.


I think women who keep themselves looking their best and don't walk around in moo moo's will get attention for a long time.

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I didn't realize that catcalling was the way to give a girl attention. All this time I thought saying Hello, smiling, and making conversation were good enough. Guess I'll have to buy a construction hat and start hooting at the ladies as they walk by.


More seriously, if you are basing your sense of whether men find you attractive or not by the number of random idiot guys that whistle at you on the street I think you might have a skewed perception.


Attention from men sometimes slows down when women stop putting as much effort into the way they look or let themselves go. Same with men though.


Rising you are correct. The type of attention you refer to is MEANINGFUL attention. Cat calls are those "hmm this guy thinks i'm hot" kind of attention that goes into the woman's brain and right back out (well for emotionally healthy women that is) and they don't respect the guy who does it. It is a split second ego boost that doesn't sit in the woman's head very long.


I agree with the statement i bolded from you above. absolutely. The attention stops when the woman stops caring about her appearance IMO. Same for men but society gives men a few more free hall passes on that then women.

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I've gotten more attention from men the older I got. I never got hit on in high school and not very much before I was 21. I'm 29 now and I get WAY more attention from men of all ages. Catcalling sucks though. I can't stand hearing "Hey sexy!" or "I like that azz!" yelled at me by some idiot. I'd rather have a guy show he thinks I'm attractive in a more respectful way.

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as people get older they tend to change their scenery. cat calling i don't think stops, it's just the places you start going.


for instance, you probably won't get many cat calls at a starbucks or in a bookstore as you would in a bar/club. but around the age you describe, you more than likely won't be hanging out in a starbucks.

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I think it REALLY depends on where you live and where you are hanging out. I used to live in a big city, and would get cat called a lot, especially by young foreign men. It wasn't really an ego boost, because once I walked out with my hair all disheveled, in PJs, and they did it anyway. They would have gone for anything that moved! Same when you are out drunk at bars.


Now I live in a small college town, never happens. It's not really that kind of place.

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I haven't noticed that I get hit on any less and I'm a couple yrs past 25.


I'm not surprised, you are a stunning woman and I'm sure you'll still be turning heads for many years yet.


used to live in a big city, and would get cat called a lot, especially by young foreign men.


That's funny, I live a big city and I never see this. I had always assumed it might be more common in smaller towns.

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24 25 26 is about when most girls lose a lot of attractiveness


this is soo completely ludicrous! I don't look to get catcalls but i am almost 27 and I get the same if not more attention then i did when i was younger. As i become more confident in myself and more aware of what i think is beautiful and grow more comfortable in my own skin i think my attractiveness goes up...the coolest thing though as i age is that I don't need the outer attention like i did when i was younger because I know I am more than my looks and I don't want that to be the only thing people see me for.


To the OP your threads are soo completely centred around appearance etc...what are you doing to work on who you are because having confidence b/c you are competent, intelligent and able is the sexiest thing you can do for yourself...and it's free

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Well, I'm 38 and still get catcalls, stared at, etc by guys from college age to their 50s. And I dress in business suits or tshirt and sweats.


I don't think it ever stops, unless you're seeking approval from only one age group. My mom is 70 and gets hit on by senior citizen men!

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Um I am 35 and STILL get cat calls. Why does attractiveness always have to equate with age???


Attractiveness is tied to age because that's how we're evolutionarily wired. Men go for looks because of this, and that means a hip to waist ratio of 0.7, supple breasts, long hair, clear smooth skin, and an overall youthful appearance. Basically all the hallmarks of a fertile woman that can provide a strong healthy baby. Conversely, women are generally less attracted to looks, but more attracted to status. This is what appeals to the caveman and woman inside of us. It's just ingrained at the most fundamental levels.


For myself, looks will get me to walk accross the room to meet a woman, but her personality is what will keep me there.

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It is an individual thing, we all know women that look hot in their 30s and even 40s. However, generally, most women that lead a normal N American lifestyle start to lose their looks by their mid 20s. Sure, you can still look good as you get older, but for a lot, if not most women, they will never look as good as they did in their early 20s.


Let us face it, the average N American person is overweight. And as you get older, you tend to add on more weight. Combine that with a lack of exercise, too many processed foods and not enough fresh produce, smoking, alcohol, lack of sleep etc and it all takes a toll on your body.


By the time they are 30, most women have definitely gone off the radar for a majority of men. Again, probably 10% that do remain attractive at that age. But, as a general rule, most of them are much worse off than they were 10 years earlier.


I have seen very attractive women in their late 30s and even 40s, but it is rare. And they are mostly European, not American.

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I get a fair amount of attention, probably more than when I felt "off the market". It's all about attitude, baby. Exercise and taking good care of my appearance doesn't hurt either.


I have overdone the "look" in the past and I didn't like so much of "that" kind of attention, I found it unnerving. Now I try to be a bit understated, no heels and a relaxed smile.


You will get all the attention you ever wanted if you just relax your shoulders, slow down your walk, and smile.


It's not about age, at least not yet.

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Wow dude. I'm glad I read this. I'm going to be 30 in less than a year. I'd better snag a man before I turn into a hag. I guess all the dudes (many that are younger) that hit on me didn't get the memo. All the women over 30 who are getting dates have to be lying. It's obvious no one wants those old crones.


What makes your assesment of women's attractiveness with age so ridiculous is that men are living the same lifestyle. It's not like men stay in pristine condition into their 50s. I remember guys that I went to college with who were in shape when they were freshmen that had beer bellies and stuff when they graduated. Most people (male and female) spread a little as they age. No one is going to look like they did in their 20's at 35 or 40.


It really bothers me when I hear people act like women basically deteriorate after 25 but men don't age at all. It really depends on the person and factors like genes, fitness, diet, etc. Yes women's looks are scrutinized more but it doesn't make it true that we look worse than men as we age. Some men may only go for really young women but not all.


When I hear men throw out idea that women are unattractive after a certain age it makes me feel as if the guy doesn't really value women as people. They just think of women as objects to stare at for their pleasure. It also makes me think that the guy wants to feel superior and have something to hang over women's heads. I had an ex who would make it a point to tell me that I'd never have as many options as him when I hit 30.

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I wonder why some women get so offended by men who chose to say women peak physically in their early to mid-twenties. It's true.


But hold on. I think it's true for both sexes. If everyone optimized their diet, exercise, sleep, etc etc(whatever factors that can affect our appearance) the majority of us would peak in our twenties.


I've worked out since high school and can honestly say I was the strongest around 25-27. My recovery time was incredible. My strength was great. I looked my best physically at 26. Youth was at my side.


Flash forward ten years later I'm still in better shape than most guys younger than me but what I wouldn't give to be another 10 years younger.


You can't beat a youthful face in your twenties. Both sexes.

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I wonder why some women get so offended by men who chose to say women peak physically in their early to mid-twenties. It's true.


But hold on. I think it's true for both sexes. If everyone optimized their diet, exercise, sleep, etc etc(whatever factors that can affect our appearance) the majority of us would peak in our twenties.


I've worked out since high school and can honestly say I was the strongest around 25-27. My recovery time was incredible. My strength was great. I looked my best physically at 26. Youth was at my side.


Flash forward ten years later I'm still in better shape than most guys younger than me but what I wouldn't give to be another 10 years younger.


You can't beat a youthful face in your twenties. Both sexes.



I think it's because the way it comes off is offensive. It's like telling women "You're only attractive when you're young. After that good luck." The whole looks peaking in the 20's thing is rarely applied to men. Women in the media get called past their prime and all kinds of things while older men don't really get that kind of criticism. Men are told they can be "distinguished and worldly" when they get older. Women don't get that. We get pressured to try to look like we're 20 forever.

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that is such crap!!! i have seen soo many very beautiful women who are 25 and older..i actually feel more attractive now then i ever did before. I think women come in to their looks and their confidence as they get older...


No, it's not crap. We're talking about base physical attractiveness. As you age it declines. Just the way life is. At what point the attractiveness drops off where you'll recognize the difference depends on:


A) The woman's ability to maintain herself. Things like fitness, genetics, style, and possibly cosmetic surgery can extend the "shelf life" of her physical looks.


B) The eye of the beholder. Generally speaking, most men are the most attracted to women in their early to mid 20s. Again, just the way we're wired. That being said, attraction can be graphed on a bell curve. Some guys like overweight women, elderly women, etc, but they're on the far end of the spectrum. Some men only like woman 18-22. Anything older and they won't have anything to do with them. Then there are the bulk of the guys who fall somewhere in between. Once your looks hit the slope of the bellcurve then the interest levels you're used to will noticably start to decline.


Bottom line: How much you drop off in attractiveness is most certainly connected to the interest levels you'll see as you age. I suggest reading the Mystery Method, specifically the portion about Survival & Replication values. This is essentially the biology and psychology of attraction we're talking about and that book broke it down in an easy to read and understand manner.

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