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What age does the attention u get from other men signficantly drop?


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I wonder why some women get so offended by men who chose to say women peak physically in their early to mid-twenties. It's true.


But hold on. I think it's true for both sexes. If everyone optimized their diet, exercise, sleep, etc etc(whatever factors that can affect our appearance) the majority of us would peak in our twenties.


I've worked out since high school and can honestly say I was the strongest around 25-27. My recovery time was incredible. My strength was great. I looked my best physically at 26. Youth was at my side.


Flash forward ten years later I'm still in better shape than most guys younger than me but what I wouldn't give to be another 10 years younger.


You can't beat a youthful face in your twenties. Both sexes.



That's nice, if all things were equal. The fact of the matter is that men and women are not equal from a value standpoint, despite what feminazis have been telling America the last 40 years. Men are biologically hard wired to be attracted to a woman's physical looks, her Replication value, first and foremost. It's just nature. Women are far less impacted by a man's looks, but are attracted by status (this is often referred to as Survival value), so it's not an even trade, so to speak. That's why men in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s, and in some cases their 60s & 70s, can still *regularly* date women in their 20s & 30s. The reverse isn't true by and large because of how we're wired. Women have HUGE replication value when they're younger because that's their prime to have kids. Once that drops off they find they don't have much to offer and you get the "no good men" complex.


I would like to note here that the natural order of S&R values has been disturbed in the last couple of decades as women have entered the workforce. From a natural order standpoint, males trade their S values for a woman's R value. It's just the way it's always worked. Now that women can largely provide their own S value, they have little incentive to give up their R value. This is the #1 cause of divorce in America. Basically males have no leverage to check women with high S value because the women don't require the male's S values, not to mention there are plenty of other men willing to provide their own S values for her at the drop of a hate. So now the natural order is disturbed and men are letting worse and worst behavior slide and it's affecting our culture. Why do you think American men are so wussy by and large, and compared to other cultures "less attractive". We've started along a path of self-fulfilling prophecies of "no good men" because women can now slide through life with little recourse for bad behavior and only end up landing weak men that they can walk all over. The 20% of men that have options the woman knows she can't play games with or else those men will NEXT her, and she knows it. So the bottom line is women have an early life of relationships with weak men, tempered with the occasional relationship with an alpha male that doesn't put up with her crap, and she may end up getting married. However, her looks eventually fade and lets say, oh, she's in her mid 40s. At this point she basically doesn't have much, if any, R value to offer her mate, who is now tired of putting up with her bad behavior (since she was spoiled because of her exceptional beauty). They end up getting divorced and she suddenly finds there are no men fawning over her like she was accustomed to in her youth. There are "no good men", because the "good men" that are single + or - 10 years her age that have their sh!t together are all dating women in their 20s & 30s. That's the natural order that's beginning to emerge in American culture. I'm not knocking it or supporting it, I'm just giving you the broad strokes of where things are heading and how we've gotten to this point.

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LOL. Say no more. The "Mystery Method".


Women over 30 have no interest in men who employ those tactics anyway, so no harm no foul.




You're partially correct, but probably not for the reasons you think. And they're not "tactics" per se, they're merely a breakdown of the natural stages humans go through when courting a mate. If you can meet the objectives of each phase, then you move on to the next, right up to having a sexual relationship. It's that simple.

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I think it's because the way it comes off is offensive. It's like telling women "You're only attractive when you're young. After that good luck." The whole looks peaking in the 20's thing is rarely applied to men. Women in the media get called past their prime and all kinds of things while older men don't really get that kind of criticism. Men are told they can be "distinguished and worldly" when they get older. Women don't get that. We get pressured to try to look like we're 20 forever.


Well said. I can't think of anything to add!

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Hard to say from that picture. It's too grainy to make an accurate estimate. Got anything higher resolution? If I had to pull a number out of my butt I'd say maybe late 40s, possibly early 50s if she took super-good care of herself and hit the genetic lottery. Either way, even if she "looks good for her age", she still not in the same league as the 18-24 year olds I meet daily.

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Hard to say from that picture. It's too grainy to make an accurate estimate. Got anything higher resolution? If I had to pull a number out of my butt I'd say maybe 40s, possibly early 50s if she took super-good care of herself and hit the genetic lottery. Either way, even if she "looks good for her age", she still not in the same league as the 18-24 year olds I meet daily.


you hitting on 18 year olds? good for you!!! do you help them with their homework?

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Hard to say from that picture. It's too grainy to make an accurate estimate. Got anything higher resolution? If I had to pull a number out of my butt I go with mid-late 40s, possibly early 50s if she took super-good care of herself and hit the genetic lottery. Either way, even if she "looks good for her age", she still not in the same league as the 18-24 year olds I meet daily.


well she is 62, and to me she looks mid to late 30's. Of course that is just one example, but my point is woman are beautiful at all ages, and yes some let themselves go, just as men do, but that doesn't mean woman of 18-24 are the best looking. It's the individual, not the age.

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well she is 62, and to me she looks mid to late 30's. Of course that is just one example, but my point is woman are beautiful at all ages, and yes some let themselves go, just as men do, but that doesn't mean woman of 18-24 are the best looking. It's the individual, not the age.


well said...I agree...

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Is...is that jealousy rearing it's ugly head? Do you feel better now that you got in your little jab?


no not jealousy...i am not jealous of 18 year olds...I would not want to go back to that age at any point. I am happy with my age and my appearance...i feel more beautiful and confident than i ever did at that age...


I feel sad for you that you are so close minded about what beauty means and actually is...

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well she is 62, and to me she looks mid to late 30's. Of course that is just one example, but my point is woman are beautiful at all ages, and yes some let themselves go, just as men do, but that doesn't mean woman of 18-24 are the best looking. It's the individual, not the age.


She took care of herself pretty well. Still would be better with a better quality pic. As for the age that's best looking, like I said earlier, it's subjective. That being said, when you go with *most*, which isn't an absolutism, but it does follow the bell curve I talked about, most guys are attracted to women in their early 20s, give or take. It's just basic nature.


As for the point of this thread, the age women find attention drops off is going to fluctuate on both their own looks and the preferences of the men they come into contact with on a daily basis. If you're in LA where the women are of a higher caliber (models, actresses, etc who can afford the high-end upkeep) then average looking women will by default get less attention. Anyway, my point is that attention levels are also location dependent.

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WHY do some people always have to jump to the conclusion that older women are jealous of younger women? I know I'm not jealous of teenagers. I'm really glad I'm not one anymore. No offense to them, but being an adult is way more fun and feels way less awkward. I'm sure I'll continue to feel more like this as I get older. It's this weird myth that some people propagate in order to foster some sort of weird competition between women. It's silly and it's insulting to women.

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WHY do some people always have to jump to the conclusion that older women are jealous of younger women? It's this weird myth that some people propagate in order to foster some sort of weird competition between women. It's silly and it's insulting to women.


thank you!

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no not jealousy...i am not jealous of 18 year olds...I would not want to go back to that age at any point. I am happy with my age and my appearance...i feel more beautiful and confident than i ever did at that age...


I feel sad for you that you are so close minded about what beauty means and actually is...


What is your point exactly? I fully understand the different between a woman's physical looks and personality. As I mentioned in another thread, a woman's physical looks may get me to cross the street and introduce myself, but it's her personality that's going to make or break whether or not I want to find out more about her or have a relationship. That being said, there is a flip side of the coin. If I'm dating a woman and she gained 150lbs, the relationship would have to end as any physical attraction would be stamped out post haste. Maybe for women that's hard to understand, or not, but for men sexual attraction has a large physical aspect to it. It's just how we're made. It's not right or wrong. It's just nature. Furthermore, as I mentioned elsewhere, S&R values are the key to understanding the balance in nature. As a woman's R value lowers she must compensate in some manner. Often it's through personality, and that's fine in this day and age. However, a man's S value often goes up as they age, which is why they have more choice as they get older, whereas for women the opposite is usually true.

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She took care of herself pretty well. Still would be better with a better quality pic. As for the age that's best looking, like I said earlier, it's subjective. That being said, when you go with *most*, which isn't an absolutism, but it does follow the bell curve I talked about, most guys are attracted to women in their early 20s, give or take. It's just basic nature.


As for the point of this thread, the age women find attention drops off is going to fluctuate on both their own looks and the preferences of the men they come into contact with on a daily basis. If you're in LA where the women are of a higher caliber (models, actresses, etc who can afford the high-end upkeep) then average looking women will by default get less attention. Anyway, my point is that attention levels are also location dependent.


Actually she smokes and eats fast food everyday, and I don't think she has worked out a day in her life, and she never had any surgery. I don't have another picture on this computer, she actually looks better in real life. And like I said, it's just one case, she obviously has good genes, but it's the same thing with guys. Some guys let themselves go, have bad genes, and look awful by 30.


You are putting a 6 year age gap where woman are pretty, and in my opinion that is ridiculous. I'm not saying you can't think young girls are pretty and have your preference, but for a guy in his 30's you should broaden your horizon and open your eyes to the beautiful woman of all ages you see everyday.

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Ah, I see what happened. You made an assumption about me somewhere along the way and have it in your head you know my dating preferences. Just because *most* women peak, physically, in that 6 year age range doesn't mean they're my personal preference. Well, they are, if I'm up for a one night stand and going only on looks. If I want to date someone seriously I'm open to 18-late 30s. And yes, I've seen some hotties even in their 40s and I dare say 50s, but I don't want to date them. They ones I've encountered almost all had a vibe of desperation going on, or had a lot of baggage I'm not interested in dealing with. Mainly because I've come to realize I just don't have to. Again, I'm getting into a stage of my life where I have more choice than ever and I'm recognizing it. Why should I settle for dating women in their 40s if I can get their daughter who just graduated college? From a guy's perspective, again, with looks coming into play, it's a no-brainer. Granted if her personality is awesome she might have a chance.


Basically once men hit their 30s & 40s it's like they have all the dating options attractive women in their late teens and early 20s have. Funny how that S&R value comes back into play again, despite the changing gender roles in our culture.

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well she is 62, and to me she looks mid to late 30's. Of course that is just one example, but my point is woman are beautiful at all ages, and yes some let themselves go, just as men do, but that doesn't mean woman of 18-24 are the best looking. It's the individual, not the age.



not knocking you at all, but when I saw that picture there's no way she could pass off for someone in their 30s. maybe in the 50s but not in the thirties.


if that's the case you'd think i was in my teens!


On a serious note women are easily offended when men comment on what age group we men think women look their best at. It's just an opinion and some of the male posters stated their preference. No need to attack a poster like NUTZ.

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not knocking you at all, but when I saw that picture there's no way she could pass off for someone in their 30s. maybe in the 50s but not in the thirties.


if that's the case you'd think i was in my teens!


On a serious note women are easily offended when men comment on what age group we men think women look their best at. It's just an opinion and some of the male posters stated their preference. No need to attack a poster like NUTZ.


NUTZ wasn't just giving an opinion he was saying it was fact and disregarding the fact that many women on here over his peak age get more attention now then they did at that age. I have only met a handful of men who actually buy in to the hollywood beauty, and the idea that perfection is mandatory.


All the women on here are saying is that the attention doesn't drop at the age some of you men are stating. Why are you so quick to disregard experience?

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All the women on here are saying is that the attention doesn't drop at the age some of you men are stating. Why are you so quick to disregard experience?


That's what I'm wondering. Why is it even something to try to debate? If i like tall men and short guys are saying they've had no problems attracting women I'm not going start a discussion on how short men can't possibly be attractive to women. It's almost like they don't want us to feel that we can still be attractive. If they only like 18 to 25 year old women good for them. It's not stopping other men from being interested in women 25+.

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NUTZ wasn't just giving an opinion he was saying it was fact and disregarding the fact that many women on here over his peak age get more attention now then they did at that age. I have only met a handful of men who actually buy in to the hollywood beauty, and the idea that perfection is mandatory.


All the women on here are saying is that the attention doesn't drop at the age some of you men are stating. Why are you so quick to disregard experience?


My mistake. I read the question thread as to what age range does a female peak at physically, not when they start losing attention from men.


But I found it amusing when Captain Planet gave his opinion and then a lot of female posters become defensive at his answer.


Me personally, I think women in their early 20s look more attractive. Notice I said LOOK, not meaning I want to date them.

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Since you had to bring up Mystery Method and feminazis your whole argument is pretty much of null and void now. It just sort of seems like you came in here to rile things up. The OP asked women when they stopped getting catcalls because she's probably been feeling a little insecure. We gave our real life experiences that we still get attention after 25. It didn't need to turn into a debate on how older (if 25/26 can be concidered older) women are disadvantaged because of how men are wired. I don't mean that you have to sugarcoat things but it just didn't seem neccesary and wasn't helpful to the OP at all. I guess this thread will probably get closed soon. I'm out.

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LOL - I am 42, my 41 year old SO often tells me how beautiful/attractive I am (I am not conventionally beautiful, just to him, that's how I see it, and that works perfectly fine for me, thanks), and we are headed very soon towards a happy "more official" future together including, hopefully, a family. He's known me for 14 years and 3 years ago, 8 years after we stopped dating, when I was turning 39, he wanted to reconnect and rekindle what we had back then. oh and by the way we both have significant, active careers and he is the opposite of a wuss - if he was, I wouldn't be interested. guess there's at least one exception to your "theory" and from what I see all around me my experience is typical. None of this is written to "brag" in the least, just to mention an exception.

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Since you had to bring up Mystery Method and feminazis your whole argument is pretty much of null and void now. It just sort of seems like you came in here to rile things up. The OP asked women when they stopped getting catcalls because she's probably been feeling a little insecure. We gave our real life experiences that we still get attention after 25. It didn't need to turn into a debate on how older (if 25/26 can be concidered older) women are disadvantaged because of how men are wired. I don't mean that you have to sugarcoat things but it just didn't seem neccesary and wasn't helpful to the OP at all. I guess this thread will probably get closed soon. I'm out.


I don't think anyone is saying older women are not attractive. No one is saying that men do not find older women attractive either.


What I am saying is that beyond the age of 25 the stereotypical female beauty tends to start to drop off. I think we can all admit that after the age of about 25 for women, and 28 for men, our bodies start to go sharply down hill in terms of worshipable type of attractiveness glorified by society.


I don't know why people are getting so defensive its not we're saying women over 25 are ugly, we're just trying to point out that our bodies decline beyond that point. That is basic biology and in any case we do decline so there needs to be a point where we peak. The health of our body is also related to attractiveness. So you see how there has to be a point and that point in my opinion is around 25 years of age.


I'm sure you are all still very attractive but I mean, yeah, society is also to blame it teaches us that youth and beauty are superior, thereforee people want to be young and beautiful forever.


I'm more than happy to admit I am not as handsome as I was when I was 22.. my body is getting older and fatter everyday.

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