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What age does the attention u get from other men signficantly drop?


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Hard to say from that picture. It's too grainy to make an accurate estimate. Got anything higher resolution? If I had to pull a number out of my butt I'd say maybe late 40s, possibly early 50s if she took super-good care of herself and hit the genetic lottery. Either way, even if she "looks good for her age", she still not in the same league as the 18-24 year olds I meet daily.


You are right. Women who are older and still attractive normally are NOT in the same league as the 18 year olds.


Not to cut them down, but we are not typically fickle and insecure anymore, so nope, not in the same league.


Your preference might be young and dumb (not calling all young women dumb of course) but a great deal of younger men like them older, good looking and smart as a whip.


It is personal prefernece and you only make yourself look ignorant speaking for all men when you try to tell us exactly what they all prefer.


The problem with you "nuts" is that you think everyone is trying to be in the same league in the first place. Some of us just don't give a dmn. LOL Your affirmation or lack of it is pretty useless and meaningless.

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NUTZ wasn't just giving an opinion he was saying it was fact and disregarding the fact that many women on here over his peak age get more attention now then they did at that age. I have only met a handful of men who actually buy in to the hollywood beauty, and the idea that perfection is mandatory.


All the women on here are saying is that the attention doesn't drop at the age some of you men are stating. Why are you so quick to disregard experience?


Don't confused the reasons why you get attention. Once women age, they have to compensate for the declining R value. This often results in developing a personality and becoming more approachable, doubly so once the woman already has kids. Remember, I'm talking about the women that are *very* attractive when they're young and the social dynamics that take place. I can't tell you how many woman in their early 20s complain about how few guys they seem to attract, and how most of them are a$$holes. Well, that's because it's those types of men that don't care about the woman's approachability and lack thereof, or personality for that matter, and only want sex. Once women age, I can understand some women in their late 20s may see a bump in their attention levels, but that's because their looks may have improved (eg by getting in shape or being a late bloomer), or they dropped the nasty facade they put on when they go out (google "b!itch shield" for more info) because they can no longer keep doing it because men just aren't that interested in them as much as they once were.

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The QUESTION was when does the attention significantly drop. Your post proves the point that it likely gets MORE robust as a woman gets older. It is due to the reasons you listed AND because today women at 30, 40 and 50 don't look like they did several decades ago. Almost every smoking hot babe in Hollywood is over 35. This is a fact you just can't deny, and average mainstream women are looking more and more like that as well. And since EVERY woman under 25 will be over 30 quicker than she thinks, this is great news for her.


I am sure there are many men that would prefer you chase the women you speak of who are wearing the btch shied and insecure so that the ones who are a great catch are more aplenty for them.

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I don't think anyone is saying older women are not attractive. No one is saying that men do not find older women attractive either.


What I am saying is that beyond the age of 25 the stereotypical female beauty tends to start to drop off. I think we can all admit that after the age of about 25 for women, and 28 for men, our bodies start to go sharply down hill in terms of worshipable type of attractiveness glorified by society.


That essentially sums up my entire point from before.

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Do the catcalls stop around or after 24/25 years old?


i agree with redhearts. depends how you age. Ive been told by many of my female friends that the older i get the sexier i get. I wont lie that each year i age, i have more and more success with women. 24/25 is still young. You should be livin it up still!

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i agree with redhearts. depends how you age. Ive been told by many of my female friends that the older i get the sexier i get. I wont lie that each year i age, i have more and more success with women. 24/25 is still young. You should be livin it up still!


yea, for me everything i said about women is also true for men. Men do get much more attractive to me as they age.


Not just appearance, the confidence levels and the intellect gets so much better too.


Attraction is not even just about appearance but i think some on this thread think that it is. And that is quite ok for them to think that. But it isn't the norm and the only objection i have is portraying it as the "norm" or should i say majority since what is normal anyway...

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The QUESTION was when does the attention significantly drop. Your post proves the point that it likely gets MORE robust as a woman gets older. It is due to the reasons you listed AND because today women at 30, 40 and 50 don't look like they did several decades ago. Almost every smoking hot babe in Hollywood is over 35. This is a fact you just can't deny, and average mainstream women are looking more and more like that as well. And since EVERY woman under 25 will be over 30 quicker than she thinks, this is great news for her.


I am sure there are many men that would prefer you chase the women you speak of who are wearing the btch shied and insecure so that the ones who are a great catch are more aplenty for them.



Couldn't have said it better Jaded!

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Basically once men hit their 30s & 40s it's like they have all the dating options attractive women in their late teens and early 20s have. Funny how that S&R value comes back into play again, despite the changing gender roles in our culture.


I have no clue what you are talking about with this S R XYZ nonsense. Men in their 30's and 40's have just as many dating options as woman in their 30's and 40's.

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The QUESTION was when does the attention significantly drop. Your post proves the point that it likely gets MORE robust as a woman gets older. It is due to the reasons you listed AND because today women at 30, 40 and 50 don't look like they did several decades ago. Almost every smoking hot babe in Hollywood is over 35. This is a fact you just can't deny, and average mainstream women are looking more and more like that as well. And since EVERY woman under 25 will be over 30 quicker than she thinks, this is great news for her.



JadedStar, I think you are a great poster but I'm going to disagree with you here.


Most of the hot babes in Hollywood have personal chefs, trainers, nannies to free up their time to workout. It's part of their job to look good and youthful. The average woman over 35 does not have those luxuries.

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JadedStar, I think you are a great poster but I'm going to disagree with you here.


Most of the hot babes in Hollywood have personal chefs, trainers, nannies to free up their time to workout. It's part of their job to look good and youthful. The average woman over 35 does not have those luxuries.


FUnny, i know A LOT of women over 35 and yes, they are pretty darn hot. Women take care of themselves a lot better today than they did a decade ago. You do not need a nanny or a personal trainer.

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JadedStar, I think you are a great poster but I'm going to disagree with you here.


Most of the hot babes in Hollywood have personal chefs, trainers, nannies to free up their time to workout. It's part of their job to look good and youthful. The average woman over 35 does not have those luxuries.


I don't need a personal chef or a trainer to run five miles every other day and cook decent meals for myself. It isn't a luxury to take care of oneself. The average person has everything at his/her disposal if he/she chooses to notice and use those things.

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I don't need a personal chef or a trainer to run five miles every other day and cook decent meals for myself. It isn't a luxury to take care of oneself. The average person has everything at his/her disposal if he/she chooses to notice and use those things.


And yet the majority of American's are clinically obese. Just because you stay in shape doesn't mean everyone else will or can.

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I have no clue what you are talking about with this S R XYZ nonsense. Men in their 30's and 40's have just as many dating options as woman in their 30's and 40's.


I doubt that. How many women can honestly say they'd have no problem on any given day finding a date with a 20something. Furthermore, doing so is still somewhat taboo in our culture. Men on the other hand are quite capable of having relationships with women 20, sometimes 30 years younger than them with no ill social judgment. In fact, men are often seen as higher value if they have success in landing younger women. There's very good reasons for this, as I mentioned earlier.


I suggest reading the following books if you'd like to know more about S&R values and social & evolutionary psychology:


“Sperm Wars” by Robin Baker

“The Red Queen” by Matt Ridley

“The Selfish Gene” by Richard Dawkins

“The Mating Mind” by Geoffrey Miller

“The Evolution of Desire” by David M. Buss

"Art of Seduction" by Robert Greene

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I doubt that. How many women can honestly say they'd have no problem on any given day finding a date with a 20something.


I would be able to go on a date with a 20 something male tonight if i so chose that and I am 41. As far as taboo, i care about that about as much as I care about these false claims. If i was single and i liked a guy who was 25 you can bet i wouldn't ask for anyone's opinions on whether or not i should date him, i'd just do it. And to be honest I think i would get a heck of a lot more "you go girl" comments than i would deragatory ones. The age of the cougar is now LOL


I can't tell you how many men ages 22 to 29 have asked me out in the past few years to include present. This isn't bragging dude, this is addressing your absurd claims. I have more men in that age group who have asked me out than 30 to 40 year olds.


Until you are a woman over 30 why not stop pretending to act like you konw what they go thru in their day to day life? Some guy named nutz tries to tell women who are over 30 that they won't get hit on is pretty ridiculous when those women over 30 have it happen all the time. Remember, you are nutz, we are not nuts.


Stick to what you konw and that is obviously younger woman> I trust they are probably your speed anyway.

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LOL. Say no more. The "Mystery Method".


Women over 30 have no interest in men who employ those tactics anyway, so no harm no foul.



Well although my current gf was only 23 when I met her and I use "The Method" as well as a variety of other influences in the PUA community, we did successfully use the tactics on a professional 40 yr old at the beginning of the summer!


From my experience and observation I see the same results regardless of age.

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Some guy named nutz tries to tell women who are over 30 that they won't get hit on is pretty ridiculous when those women over 30 have it happen all the time. Remember, you are nutz, we are not nuts.


Stick to what you konw and that is obviously younger woman> I trust they are probably your speed anyway.


For starters, I'm not saying women 30+ won't get hit on. That much is clear that some men will still find women attractive well into their 60s or beyond. But by and large MOST MEN FIND WOMEN IN THEIR EARLY 20's THE MOST PHYSICALLY ATTRACTIVE PHASE OF THEIR LIFE. PERIOD! FULL STOP! That's the entire point I've been trying to make. It's not a zero-sum game here people. Some people will have a thing for women that are older. Big deal. The way this relates to the topic of this thread those is that based on raw physical looks, attention will start dropping off with age. Women can make up for that though through personality and other aspects of their life--to an extent. Again, it goes back to that bell curve model of what men find appealing.



Also, I like the how people here get their panties in a twist and have to resort to logical fallacies (ad hominem). It just cracks me up.

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Read your post again. The all caps and such getting yourself all worked up - you are the one with your panties in a twist just because you are being challenged as incorrect. And i still say you are incorrrect.

Attention for me, my countless female friends and the many women over 30 i have known on this forum the attraction and attention has NOT died down, thus you are incorrect.


You can tell us who you give the most attention to, but you can't tell those of us living in our bodies how much attention we get now vs when we were in our 20s. I would not keep saying it if i have not found this to be very true, and certainly not just for me, but a great deal of women in know over 30.


Naturally this won't be true for every woman, but for the majority of them that i know it is.

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And yet the majority of American's are clinically obese. Just because you stay in shape doesn't mean everyone else will or can.


I didn't say they would... but I will say that they can. Anyone *can* take care of themselves.


The o.p. asked at what age attention from men drops. That is a highly individual question. For me, I've gotten more attention in my thirties, period. It has a lot to do with conquering anxieties and negativity I had in my twenties.


The o.p. did not ask when women become less attractive. That is a different question, but is also subjective. Also, we all get attention for different reasons, not just for how we look.

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I believe this to be mainly true. Most men do find younger women more attractive than older woman.


I do not dispute any female getting hit on when they are in their mid-20s or older. Anyone can throw numbers at me telling me how many times they are hit on at a certain age. Hell, I know a 28 y/o female who gets hit on like no tomorrow. But everyone is in their physical prime in their early 20s.


Most guys desire younger women. Most guys don't desire having a RELATIONSHIP with younger women though.

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I was not in my physical prime in my early 20s - I had an eating disorder and was too thin/gaunt/not great skin as a result, inferior hair products, less confidence (i.e. probably reflected in my body language), tired because of the eating disorder, etc. My prime is far more now/in the last 5-10 years.

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I don't need a personal chef or a trainer to run five miles every other day and cook decent meals for myself. It isn't a luxury to take care of oneself. The average person has everything at his/her disposal if he/she chooses to notice and use those things.


I go to the gym on a regular basis. I work with a lot of people. The ones in better shape who are older tend to either be single or not have children because he/she have the time to workout or cook their own meals. Are you single or without child?

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The o.p. asked at what age attention from men drops. That is a highly individual question. For me, I've gotten more attention in my thirties, period. It has a lot to do with conquering anxieties and negativity I had in my twenties.


And we know full well that you'd probably have gotten a ton more attention had you had that mental development when you were younger, all else being equal. The only reason women that are younger, the highly attractive ones I'm talking about, don't get more attention then they already do is because of mainly what's going on upstairs. It also goes back to what I said earlier about compensating for declining R value. If a woman was very attractive, but anti-social, then she'd only be approached so often. If she got a bit older, lost a bit of her looks, but matured, lighten up, and made herself more approachable, then of course she'd get more attention when she's older. I think that's a lot of what we're talking about here. The flip side is the women that were late bloomers, or didn't have the best physical beauty when they were younger, but improved themselves mentally (and physically) as they aged. By the time those women are in their 30s they're getting more attention then ever. That being said, if they'd had those elements worked out in their late teens or early 20s they'd probably gotten way more attention just based on how men are wired, evolutionarily speaking.



The o.p. did not ask when women become less attractive. That is a different question, but is also subjective. Also, we all get attention for different reasons, not just for how we look.


Fully agree.

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I would like to add that most men don't want to say what they are truly attracted to for fear of appearing superficial or a dirty old pervert.


Most older men prefer talking/flirting with younger women if they are receptive. Again this does not mean men want relationships with these women but that's when they are the most physically attractive.

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First - I'd like to thank the boys from downunder for the great laugh that made my week.


Second - I 100% agree with JadedStar and Batya on this point; specially, since I've had the privilage of taking a gander at the sexy JS photo.


Third - A confidently mature woman is so hot that us classy men will acknowledge their "hotness" by approaching said woman to just tell them they're hot and to keep working it girl.


Fourth - This is a subject that immature men will never truly understand due to their narrow superficiality glasses that they see the world.


Fifth - As I posted on another thread, "All moles are sexy, it's just what's attached to them that's questionable". That also goes for warts.

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