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Anyone know a way to lose extra chins?

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Hey Enotaloners,


This is going to sound really petty but here goes...


As some of you know I have been struggling with my weight gain for the past few years after gaining weight when nursing my daddy (RIP Daddy).

Anyway I was always a big but curvy girl in a good healthy way (Uk size 14) However through his illness and my saddness involved with his death i gained an huge amount of weight, 4-5 stones!!


Anyway long story short. I have now lost 2 stones over 2-3 months and it is slowing down as i want to do it sensibly so the weight will stay off.

I am getting married in less than 3 months and my mayor issue is my huge chin!!!

I have lost 4.5 inches from my waist, 5 inches from my hips and 2 inches from my bust but i swear my chin neck area has got bigger. My aim is to be a UK size 18 for my wedding, which is still much bigger than i natually am but much smaller than i ballooned to. However I hate the way i look and i really believe a lot of that has to do with my huge neck/chin.


I don't really want to have surgery but I wondered if anyone knows of any other way to make this area smaller. Obviously I am continuing to diet and excersize...but any ideas on the chin?


All comments welcome, I'll take it on the chin


Sugar xxx

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You can't really just lose weight on your face. You have to drop body fat all over. In general, you have to be thinner and in better shape before your face will thin out. As you get skinnier, so will your face.


3 months, you can lose at least 30 pounds. I don't know what stone is or how many pounds equals a stone, because at some point America decided we were too cool to use the metrics system like the rest of the world.

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Obviously diet and exercice will have the best result. Get on it right away. Try incorporating more fruits, vegetables and lean meats into your diet.


Other than that, try sculpting your face with a shade darker (powder or other). Like a contour. It should slim down your faces in the pictures. I suffer from a round face so I usually do it normally with my makeup.

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Obviously diet and exercice will have the best result. Get on it right away. Try incorporating more fruits, vegetables and lean meats into your diet.


Other than that, try sculpting your face with a shade darker (powder or other). Like a contour. It should slim down your faces in the pictures. I suffer from a round face so I usually do it normally with my makeup.


and fats. proper fats will help you lose weight.

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