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should I do the same


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Well, here's a different take. Everyone offered the politically correct "get a divorce and then move on" advice, and that's great. But the truth is, sometimes that's just not practical. You alluded to "family" and "security" issues that would make a divorce difficult. So if the marriage is emotionally dead, and he's doing his own thing, then what is so wrong with you doing your thing (assuming all parties involved agree), until such time as you figure out your exit strategy?


Sorry, I just don't subscribe to the "I'll just be alone and miserable for 6 months to a year while the divorce is going on, while he is out having his fun everyday in the meantime" theory. To hell with that. If the marriage is done, then go out, get some action, remind yourself of what it feels like to be a woman, get your ducks lined up, and ultimately get a divorce. This idea that you have to be a nun or a hermit or something during this process is actually silly. Discretion is important, but no reason you can't live your life.......

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to make things worse, I don;t feel well. I obviously caught something from the OM. I can't believe this. I am freaking out. i guess I deserve it for what I have done. I certainly know that I will not be with him again. Of course he swears that it could not be from him... I just don;t know,,..totally messed up is right. what an idiot i am...

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to make things worse, I don;t feel well. I obviously caught something from the OM. I can't believe this. I am freaking out. i guess I deserve it for what I have done. I certainly know that I will not be with him again. Of course he swears that it could not be from him... I just don;t know,,..totally messed up is right. what an idiot i am...


So not only did you sleep with him, you had unprotected sex?



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Also, what about this other man's feelings? How is he going to take it when you tell him he's just a fling and that you're staying with your husband? Are you sure he could handle that?


I may be out of line here, but who gives a about the other man's feelings? He is willing to sleep with a married woman so he deserves whatever it is she is going to dish out to him.

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to make things worse, I don;t feel well. I obviously caught something from the OM. I can't believe this. I am freaking out. i guess I deserve it for what I have done. I certainly know that I will not be with him again. Of course he swears that it could not be from him... I just don;t know,,..totally messed up is right. what an idiot i am...


I hope you get yourself to the doctor right away to find out what is wrong.

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Moderator Note: Vanesa is asking for advice - not to be browbeaten. If you have constructive advice to give as to how she should deal with the problems she is having that is fine. But please be respectful and remember that we are here to help. Vanesa already knows she has made a mess of things, no purpose will be served by telling her what she already knows.

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Vanesa - you need a plan of action. Get yourself first to a doctor and get checked out for STDs and pregnancy. Then you will know what you are dealing with. Once you know that then you can decide how to proceed and what to do about your marriage - whether you want to repair it or end it.

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Just to clarify things, I did not have unprotected sex...this is what is freaking me out. I would never do that. I am totally afraid of doing something like that which is probably why I didn;t do it sooner. I felt a little bit more secure that I have known the OM for over a year and talked about these things in detail because I am so paranoid about getting something.

If I am pregnant that would be even worse. I really hope that it is not serious whatever it is. I am wondering if the infections could be set off from all of the stress, I have been on the net trying to get more info. I whave already scheduled an appt, so I will know soon. I don;t know how this is possible...


I cannot tell my H right now, I just can't.

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I don't think you should tell your husband right now - not until you know what you are dealing with regarding STDs and pregnancy.


But you should not have sex with your husband until you know - you run the risk of infecting him and confusion about paternity should you be pregnant.

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of course I will not have sex with my H, I would not do that to him. Although he had unprotected sex with the OW, but that is not the issue.


Does anyone know if it is too late for "Plan B" some sites are saying 3 days and other up to 5. It has been five now. Should I just take the pills?

Does anyone know if there are side effects, and then ofcourse depending on the infection, I might be given something else to take. So messed up I can;t even think straight. Not to mention we have the same doctor my H and I. Oh god I don;t even want him to do the Preganany test, then I will have to tell him what I did. What a dissaster....


what should i do, pls help...

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I don't think you should tell your husband right now - not until you know what you are dealing with regarding STDs and pregnancy.


But you should not have sex with your husband until you know - you run the risk of infecting him and confusion about paternity should you be pregnant.


DN raises some excellent points in his posts.


Spot on.



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I am so upset with the OM right now I can't believe the way he is behaving. I mean to be a friend or almost one for well over a year, and all the talk and BS and now somehting like this, and he behaves like such a jerk.. I am so surprised and disappointed and just feel like a real fool.. My H treated me like crap and now this OM I guess I am just attracted to the A**holes of the world.

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Could be a hole in it I don;t know. I haven"t had to worry about this before. I have been married for over 10 years. I didn't really look closely, I was shaking I was not really thinking clearly, and did not really inspect the condom, instead got dressed quickly and got the hell out of there.

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so i have been told by my doc that i probably have a yeast infection but did the full test to check everything. I also have abdominal cramps which is freaking me out right now. The doc said that it could be another type of infection, or gas, constipation, stomach issues, or possibly early signs of pregnancy. Oh my GOD what a dissaster. I am nervous and shaking right now. I won;t have the test results until the end of the week. I will have to wait about a week and half to see if I get my period for confirmation if pregnant or not. this was a HUGE mistake and not worth it at all. I not even on speaking terms with the OM. He is offended that I would think that he had something and just ended it. that's it. I'm not sorry about that I really don;t want to see or hear from him.. what a mess. I wish I would have listened to some of you.

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