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What book are you currently reading?


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The Magician King by Lev Grossman. Fantastic. Kind of like an adult Harry Potter.


Reading game of thrones at the moment which is sooooo good! I want to read them before I watch the rest of the series but have to put it down for a week so I concentrate on my exam must resist temptation!


I lost about six weeks of studying last year due to that damn series. So good. Book 3... whoa. At one part I was so surprised I smacked my head on the side of the airplane I was on.

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Still plugging away on the Song of Fire and Ice series, eh? I got distracted with school, but I'm hoping to read the last couple books in the series this summer... but I'm worried I'll have forgotten what's going on with all the characters!


Currently reading The Shining by Stephen King. I'm in a class that will likely read it next semester, and I've wanted to read it anyway, so I'm getting a head start.

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The Shining is an awesome read. Just such a great moodiness to it. Right up there with It and The Stand.


I'm very much looking forward to the next books in A Song of Ice and Fire, but man, Books 4 and 5 do require patience. Anything in the series is still better than most books out there, but after how great Book 3 was, Books 4 and 5 just have way, way too much "character is traveling from A to B... and still traveling... and still traveling...". Hoping now that with everything that happened in 5, the pieces are in place for an incredible conclusion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now on 100 Years of Solitude. Dense read but very funny.


Besides what you're reading, what books would people recommend? Got a long commute in the new city and could use some recs. What are the last three books you *loved*?


For me: The Magicians was amazing (its sequel even better), the ASOIAF books ditto, and probably The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao before those.

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It's actually surprisingly good I think.


i concur. and not trashy at all. the language is easy...but the content is compelling all all too relevant. i've yet to encounter the person (young or old) who didn't get something from it. it's 1984 meets brave new world...with a younger cast.


i liked it.

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Finished recently The Glass Castle. Amazing novel, heart-wrenching. Autobiography.


I packed up all of my books though (just bunch of boxes around my apartment) but I do plan to buy a book or two (or five). Been itching for a Stephen King novel. Last time I read one of his that I still remember was Tommyknockers.

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Finished recently The Glass Castle. Amazing novel, heart-wrenching. Autobiography.


I packed up all of my books though (just bunch of boxes around my apartment) but I do plan to buy a book or two (or five). Been itching for a Stephen King novel. Last time I read one of his that I still remember was Tommyknockers.


did you ever read 'the dark tower', ethereal? not his typical stuff. but i really enjoyed the first few books.

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did you ever read 'the dark tower', ethereal? not his typical stuff. but i really enjoyed the first few books.


No, I haven't. I did see it around but always thought it looked like LOTR-esque. This is by the judging of the cover, lol. Apparently with googling, there's a bit of western in it. Hm. Of course, King listed LOTR as one of his inspirations so I can't be too far off.


Maybe I'll give it a try. Why not. Any suggestion for a typical horror novel? Possibly one with a psychological kind.

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i concur. and not trashy at all. the language is easy...but the content is compelling all all too relevant. i've yet to encounter the person (young or old) who didn't get something from it. it's 1984 meets brave new world...with a younger cast.


Exactly! And despite the obvious parallels with Battle Royale but it does my head in when people call it a rip off of it because it's clearly not! It's totally different.

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It's actually surprisingly good I think.


"Good" as in how? I enjoyed it. It was well paced. It kept me reading and it was fun. Like great fast food.


HOWEVER, my nature inclination is critic and there are certainly points to criticize. Not like TWILIGHT , but this is certainly not great literature. Which is fine, so long as people don't begin claiming it is.


But now that I have finished it, I stand by "trashy". Not in a bad way. It is not an insult to the book nor the author. I got MORE than my ten bucks worth. And will pass this book on.

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"Good" as in how? I enjoyed it. It was well paced. It kept me reading and it was fun. Like great fast food.


HOWEVER, my nature inclination is critic and there are certainly points to criticize. Not like TWILIGHT , but this is certainly not great literature. Which is fine, so long as people don't begin claiming it is.


But now that I have finished it, I stand by "trashy". Not in a bad way. It is not an insult to the book nor the author. I got MORE than my ten bucks worth. And will pass this book on.


Page turning, perfectly paced and good storyline. The books get more interesting I think as they go.

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