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The best break up line ever..

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A bunch of friends of mine had a debate about what's the worst line you ever heard to break up with you. I figure i would have a little fun with this and see the different reasons and such. Anyone can chime in with a few lines..


Mine: "I love you but not in love with you.." and the infamous "I am not the right one for you..you are to good for me..I'm sorry" and then i found out she had someone else..lol..


What are yours??

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"I don't know what I want but know I don't want to be in a relationship!!!!!"


(After a year and a half of planning a future together, remodeling his house, him staying at my house, being around my children, constantly contacting me when I requested that he leave me alone.)

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"Things have changed. I'm with my internet lover now. She and I will never meet but I do know that you and I can never be together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Yeah. That was a new one. He failed miserably and still wants me back. Good riddance!!!

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"I love you so much that I am consumed by you. You're in every thought, every dream and it can't be healthy. I have my priorities and falling in love with you has made me get them all confused. It's time to get back to that now"



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"You are an amazing woman, the most important person in my life... but, even though we are a great couple now and I love you deeply, I feel this relationship won't work on the long term.."


Then later: "I don't want to be with anyone now, I just want to be alone.."


He is 35 and had no idea what he wanted to do in his life.. 5 days after he told me that he wanted to be alone he registered on a dating site, where he writes: I AM DESPERATE! (I don't think that makes a good impression.. )

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I've had fun laughing at some of these For me the worst is absolute silence. Says nothing then disappears. I think exe's say that because they don't want you to hate them. No one likes to be the bad guy, and whoever is dumped isn't exactly going to be overjoyed about it. It takes guts to say the truth when you know you're going to come out looking bad in the end.

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You have bad hair, you're bad in bed, you're an insuferable depressive little person, and YES! your ass DOES look fat in those jeans... I bid you a good day, madam.


Oh my!!!!lol This is turning into a funny thread!!!


Did you really say that? If so what was her reaction? She wasnt near any sharp objects i hope!lol

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A bunch of friends of mine had a debate about what's the worst line you ever heard to break up with you. I figure i would have a little fun with this and see the different reasons and such. Anyone can chime in with a few lines..


Mine: "I love you but not in love with you.." and the infamous "I am not the right one for you..you are to good for me..I'm sorry" and then i found out she had someone else..lol..


What are yours??


I think everyone has heard that line in there day.

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Oh god, not fair! I actually had to USE "I love you but I'm not IN love with you" on someone (it was true! and I flat out admitted to him how cheesy I knew it sounded)



... hmm... hardest for me to hear though... after years and years of being with someone and knowing them inside and out... my ex tells me we are splitting up over "fundamental differences and incompatibilities"

.... what he MEANT to say was "I met someone else I'm leaving you for"

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