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The best break up line ever..

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What.... you aren't supposed to say that to someone you break up with??



..... talk about some honesty for ya at least



Haha, yeah I'd say! I'm pretty sure my exit was memorable enough to remind him that sometimes that honesty just isn't appreciated

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I'm glad this thread has made people laugh. It's funny when you really think about it and the awesome excuses/crazy break up lines.. I just hope this makes people laugh a little at seeing some of these and makes you smile..


(Thank you for the compliments dodo and Clabs..I really appreciate it


Ok..A new one that my friend told me about..Happened to him and it was..well quite weird..After being together for 6 years, you would figure it would be better then this..right?? LOL!!


Him: Why are we breaking up!? Your supposed to love me forever!?

Her: I have to end forever. Your controlling, needy, and crazy. Besides, sex was too good and there was no disappointment..

Him: * * * !? Not even i understand that last line

Her: I mean your to good for me..i just want some excitement..O btw..is it okay if i date Landon??


Landon was his best friend at the time..Even i said * * * when i heard that..lol he's a great guy and not even i believe she broke up with him..

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* I can never make you happy (I thought I was happy


* You deserve someone better than me, I deserve someone better than you


*I'm just an empty shell inside and need to find myself (two hours later on the internet declaring that he knows who he is and can express emotions freely)


Not a breakup line but said, "I hope I don't hurt Carrie ( internet g/f) the way I hurt you"

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In second grade, there was a girl in my class (let's call her Gina... because that was her name) whose family owned a pizza parlor. Gina walked up to me on the playground and said, "You are my boyfriend," and handed me a coupon for a free pizza.


That afternoon, Gina walked up to me again and said, "You aren't my boyfriend any more, give me back the coupon." I did.


She then walked up to my friend Tony and said, "You are my boyfriend," and gave the coupon to him.


It was then I realized why the coupon was so dirty and wrinkly, every guy in the elementary school had had it wadded up in his pocket for a few hours while he was Gina's "boyfriend."


Okay that ONE was the absolute best!!!! Wonder where Gina is these days???

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"I want to dedicate myself 100% to the church."


"My feelings for you have changed."


"I do not want to be the kind of girl to cheat on you."


"I do not love you as much as you love me."


"I am probably making the worst mistake of my life but I feel that you are not the one."


"I have met someone I am interested in pursuing a relationship with."


btw, these all came from my ex, in that order, over a period of 6 months. She broke up with me three times in that period and used all of these excuses.

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not sure if it's the "best" b/u line, but it's definitely the one that absolutely makes no sense.


"you're the most beautiful and passionate person i've ever met. but i can't be with you"


that's what he said to me... most confusing part is that he didn't even have anyone else in his life. i can finally look back and see how eff-ed up he is/was and be happy that i'm no longer with someone like that.

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Me: Yeah, I know, but you slept with your cousin.

Him: Well, she was more like a first cousin.

Me: You guys are still blood related

Him: It could be worse

Me: ...

Him: She was just there and were grew up together

Me: Your male cousin is like a brother to you, and you slept with his sister, didn't he care??!

Him: Not really

Me: You're sick, this is over

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my ex to me:


"not ready, willing or able baba to be in a relationship right now, i know it's selfish but its where I am at"


after 6 months of sheer bliss out of the blue!




great thread!


Huh? Able baba?

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"I am so lucky to have someone like you BUT i don't think you are the right one for me"...What!? If anyone has ever had this line on them i don't know if i would cry or laugh...where did that come from?? LOL!!


(A friend used that..Not even i understood that one..

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LOL...these are hilarious!

These have been used on me in the past:


"I'm a good ol boy, but I make a bad boyfriend."


"It just doesn't seem feasible." (I wasn't sure if we were talking about our relationship or a banking negotiation.)


"Well, you know I don't live in a box, right?" This was told to me so I wouldn't get mad when other women called him.


"We don't speak the same language well enough to communicate." (He was Fijian, I'm American.)


Kenny Chesney has a great line he made into a song - wonder if he's used it on someone ..."I'm better as a memory, than as your man. " OUCH!

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Oh oh! Here's another one I just remembered!


"If you are telling me that you don't want to be with me while I am friends with (name of his internet lover he cheated on me with), then it's a no go."



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What are yours??


I dated this girl back in high school who ended our relationship because she had recurring dreams that I was a knight dressed in black that was trying to kill her, and her ex boyfriend rode a white horse in shining armor and saved her. Her "dream analyst" told her that that meant she should break up with me. Oh, her "pastor" also told her that because I was born a Roman Catholic she should not be dating me.


This coming from the same girl that it was funny to give me cookies on Valentines Day with prunes in them to make me sh*t myself. Ha, little did she know I have a cast iron stomach.

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"I have met someone I am interested in pursuing a relationship with."...yeah, I hate that one, Mushasi. So what was I? Just someone to pass time with, until someone "pursue-worthy" came along?


The truth is: yes. That is exactly what I was. Looking back on the relationship now I can see things so clearly. She was using me as just "someone to pass time with" until she found someone "pursue-worthy". I actually asked her on the phone when she broke up with me "so I was nothing more than a fling?" to which she responded with silence.


What hurts is that I know that the guy that she found "pursue-worthy" is the exact guy that she wanted. I did not know it while we were dating but now that I can look at everything in hindsight, I see that she was just biding her time to snag a guy like him. However, I know that she is in for a hard time. He is going to treat her like crap and NEVER make her a priority in his life. Of course, this will probably only make her love him more and "pursue" him harder but it is her life now and she must deal with it.


I truly wish that I could have seen all of this coming. The sign was on the wall, looking back I can see it, but, like they say, love is blind. I was duped.

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I used this one myself when I broke up with my first girlfriend. The thing is I actually meant it and thought that having a girlfriend was too much of a temptation to me. I was breaking my own heart too as at the time I felt that I needed to do this, and I cried quite a bit after that.


I'm an atheist now, and have had a few subsequent girlfriends, but thinking about it does make me realize how naive I used to be. I think the moral is that dumpers aren't all evil... Many of us have been dumpers and many have been dumped, we're all human and all make mistakes and hopefully we learn from them.


First off, congrats on being an atheist! I used to be a die hard evangelical christian, studied greek, went to Liberty University for theology, preached creationism, etc. After 20 years, I am now a die hard evangelical atheist and I have never been more sure of anything in my life. The eye opening slap in the face of reality brought a much finer vision of the world around me.


When she broke up with me using the line of wanting to "dedicate herself 100% to her church", I understood. However, her church was more of a cult with a "prophet" instead of a pastor who they actually believed he could raise people from the dead. She was deeply entrenched in her church and lived her life for those people. They used her like a slave and took all of her money. But I did understand where she was coming from when she used that line. I was in the process of starting to "deprogram" her when she cut ties with me. It is such a shame that someone as good and naive as her can get caught up into such a web of deciet and delusion. Her whole life is a dreamworld. Even her new boyfriend is part of the fantasy world she feels obligated to follow. He lives a life that is glorified in dream land but is hell in reality.




My recent ex girlfriend used this one on me, but said "I like you a lot, but you really really adore me don't you and you need someone who likes you that much".


I think that was a bit of an arrogant thing to say!


The only way to keep a girlfriend seems to be to act just uninterested enough to make her worry! When I first started going out with her, I hadn't fallen for her and acted a bit uninterested and detached so I didn't get hurt. She called me all the time and seemed so into me, then I started falling for her and started treating her regularly, showing her how much I liked her, and she lost interest!


I was blown away by that line as well. It made me realize, along with reading advice here on ENA, that it is actually a bad thing to love someone too much. If you show more affection towards them than they do you, it makes them doubt their feelings for you. Like you said, either show a bit less interest towards them or at least show an equal level of interest. It was a lesson learned hard.

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