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Okay, so I just rejected the 3rd call from my ex today. I figure if they were important, she could leave a voice mail. She hasn't. However, she just texted me with "Been trying to call. Are you okay?" Now, remember, we're not on NC yet since she's still in the house, although I'm keeping it to LC (that's why I didn't answer the calls). I'm curious about how others think I should respond. Right now, my planned response is "I'm doing well, just very busy."

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Her response was "Okay, sorry to bother you. Just took housemate into work." Only one little victim statement there.


And yeah, her speaking to me is an important part of her day. I mean, I enjoy speaking with her, too. She was my best friend. And she made some choices, and she has to live with them now.

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Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?



LMAO!! I used to say that to my students!!


My ex has called two times and hasn't left a message. His mom also says that he said he is trying to write me...she told him I blocked his emails. I really want to know what he has to say but I'm scared. What do you think?


In your case...I think you are handling it REALLY well! I like what you did!!! ;-)

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And now call #5 w/o a voice mail. I think she's smart...sooner or later she'll get the hint. Of course, she may be going to cry to new BF that I won't talk to her. In fact, I think that would be kind of cool, because that's probably the last thing he wants to hear....her talking about me some more.

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Welcome to my life, and my very confused ex-wife. Its sad, and I have come to believe that NC is the only way to show her what she's missing. I'm actually going to text her soon that I'm heading home, to see if she wants me to grab some food, because its not worth the grief I'll get if I show up with food but none for her.

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She's busy packing to move out. She can get her own, and I just don't want another confrontation at this point. I don't think it would serve any purpose. Now, I'm picking up food for me, too. I wouldn't be doing this just to get something for her. If she wants from the same place I want (I'm thinking Thai), I'll get something. Otherwise, she's on her own.

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Let her boyfriend bring her the food. Let her miss your thoughtfulness too!


Her boyfriend is 1,200 miles away...that would be tough.


I have no idea if he will be as thoughtful as I was. My guess is no, at least after the beginning when he's doing his best to be on good behavior.


She called again and then texted me that she's taking a bath (the bath is in the master bedroom, and I've asked that she let me know so I know how long I can't go into my own room...don't ask). I texted her back that I was going to the restaurant, she didn't respond, I actually broke down and called, she didn't pick up, which either means she's talking to him, or away from her phone. I'm just going to pick up her normal dish and if she doesn't eat it, I'll have it as leftovers. I'm just not in the mood for a "why didn't you bring food for me?" argument tonight.

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So, she called back finally. Apologized for missing my call. I told her, "I was just calling about what was in the text message." She said that she wanted food, but couldn't eat it all, so would I split it with her. I told her just to get her own and if she didn't finish it I'd have it as leftovers. Then I told her I had to go because I wanted to call in the order. She asks "Did I do something wrong?" While part of my brain was going "Do you really have to ask?", I responded "No, I just want to get the order in. Its late and I want to come home." Then she says "Oh, I'm not hungry, I don't want anything." I rolled my eyes and said "Well, I'm getting food anyway, its not like I'm making a special trip for you." She then decided she did want food. I think me not wanting to talk a lot really bothered her. And if this LC bothers her this much, I can only imagine how much NC will bother her. Is it bad that I take some pleasure in this?

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She made her choice....


SHe needs to feel totally alone with her decision for awhile to see if that is really what she wants....if not, then do something about it!! If not, move on.


She cant have both...or you will get strung alone forever. You have been more thn patient!

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Stickman - I agree 100%. I gave her our PS2 (I bought a new PS3) and just gave her all of the memory cards. She said she could transfer the games to USB and would send them back to me. I thought that was nice of her. I just don't care that much. I gave her most of the games, too. A bunch came with her into the relationship, the others I'm not likely to replay, and if I really want to, I'll rebuy them.


But yeah, she gets total NC when she moves out. And I think its going to be very, very tough on her. Too bad.

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