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How important is height?


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This is a question posed to the female eNAers, out of curiosity by me, a guy who is... well, actually, I'm not exactly sure how tall I am. More on that in a bit, though. Anyway, I'm quite a bit shorter than most people I know, including girls, and I can't help but wonder, does that immediately put me at a disadvantage in the dating scene, considering it's pretty much a lock that any girl I'd date would have at least a couple inches on me, if not 5-6? I, myself, have no problems with dating a girl that's taller than me (although, admittedly, I'd probably draw the line at anything more than 6 inches taller than me), but is it that important to girls to not date some one shorter than you?


As for my height, I've tried measuring myself quite a few times, with different measuring sticks, and I always seem to come up with a different answer. First time I tried it, I got 5'2", but since then, with different measuring sticks, I've gotten 5'1", 5'3", 5'4", and I even got an even 5' before. I mean, I'm only 19, and lots of people keep telling me, "Oh, you still have a few years, maybe you'll have a growth spurt", but hah, let's be honest here, the chances of that are slim to none, hehe.

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There is a huge difference between 5'2 and 5'5. Next time you go to he doctors ask them to measure you correctly.


I am 5'5 and I prefer dating taller guys. between like 5'11-6'2.


I did date a guy once that was exactly 5'5. To tell you the truth it was a little weird. I think because I was used to taller guys. And if I wore heels, I would tower over him, and he would throw a fit!


I wouldn't mind as much if someone was at least a couple inches taller. My current boyfriend is 5'9. And I don't mind at all. I think my cutoff would be 5'7.


At 19 you probably will grow another inch or two.


I wouldn't let it bother you though. It all depends on the girl. There are plenty of girls shorter than you and plenty that could care less either way.

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There are actually plenty of petite (short) women out there. I often find that short men end up with a short woman. Don't worry about it, you will find someone. My grandfather was really short...shorter than my grandmother. In his wedding picture he is standing on books (which you can't see, of course) in order to be taller than my grandmother...taller with his top hat on!

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When i was in university i had a friend who was around 5'2 and he was such an amazing person with a great sense of humour, I am 5'7 and i was totally attracted to him. Most girls might be put off by height at first but if they are women of substance then they will see you for who you are and be with you because of that...

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height is def a big attraction to me. im 5'9. i wear heels regularly. its not that i couldnt like a shorter guy or would write one off but i am no petite girl. having a tall man makes me feel more feminine (sp?) im like an amazon and being held in a smaller mans arms or walking side by side would make ME more self conscious... silly but true.

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Considering women are generally around 5'4 (the average height), i really dont think you have a problem. I enjoy men the same size as me, not much taller because i dont like anyone to tower over me and make me feel inferior. I dont see why most women think they gotta have a lanky 7 footer, it's almost like they want the guy to have more power.

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height is def a big attraction to me. im 5'9. i wear heels regularly. its not that i couldnt like a shorter guy or would write one off but i am no petite girl. having a tall man makes me feel more feminine (sp?) im like an amazon and being held in a smaller mans arms or walking side by side would make ME more self conscious... silly but true.


My aunt is 6'1, and was always upset because she felt so tall and figured there would be no man taller than her out there, making her feel like an amazon lol. Lucky her though, she got her wish, her husband is 6'2.

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I enjoy men who are excessively tall (6 1/2 foot+), but it's not a requirement.


Features that I find attractive and a personality I like are more important. Don't get hung up on it, it's not something you can change so don't worry about it. People have all kinds of tastes when it comes to people they want to date.

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My aunt is 6'1, and was always upset because she felt so tall and figured there would be no man taller than her out there, making her feel like an amazon lol. Lucky her though, she got her wish, her husband is 6'2.


haha yea. its nothing against the guy, its me that doesnt feel comfortable. i also couldnt date a "thin" or "lean" guy. i just dont want to be bigger than my man! hahaha its my problem though... i shouldnt feel that way.

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I am a woman of substance but that is not why I date men who are 5"7 and under - it's just my type, what I like. I'm also fine with tall men but for whatever reason I tend to be more attracted to shorter men (but not if they are skinny - same with tall men - too skinny is a bit of a turn off).

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I'll tell you the truth, I'm 5'4" and it's not so terrible. I think as long as you're confident and use your other features to your advantage it makes up for it. If anything being short is just a challenge that needs to be overcome and it will help you find a woman that's actually worth your time.

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Height isn't a big deal to me. However, there was one guy who was short and tried to compensate for it by doing really show-offy things. That was a total turn-off and I completely lost interest in him.


As long as you're okay with your height and confident about it, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to attract (non-shallow) girls.

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I think all sorts of men do things to try to compensate for what they see as a flaw(that is even if they shouldn't be insecure in the least)- balding, too skinny, height, weight, lack of financial success etc. It's just that the stereotype of the "napoleonic complex" stuck so that if a shorter man acts that way it's presumed it's because of his height and not just because he's generally insecure.

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Well, I'm not really "worried" about my height; I think I've pretty much accepted it, I was just curious as to what others thought. Anyway, I like to think I have a likeable personality, so I guess the question I should've asked was if personality means more than height. Like, to any of those who said height was at least semi-important, would you go out with some one that was shorter than you prefer if they had a great personality? What if this guy was, like, the nicest, funniest, sweetest guy you knew (not that I'm being arrogant and saying that that describes me, this is just for the sake of discussion)? Would you still reject him for his height?


And something else I've wondered is, I've sometimes heard of shorter guys trying to "overcompensate" for their height, and I've always been curious as to what that means, exactly. I guess that's because I've always just tried to be myself, so I've never really had any thoughts about trying to make up for my height. Not that I want to be one of those guys that try to compensate for their height, I just can't help but wonder what types of things those guys are doing.

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I think personality can make a huge difference and it is a key factor for women with attraction...height becomes secondary.

When they say shorter men try to overcompensate it is when you get someone who is short who is really cocky, and is always being confrontational and rude...the opposite of what you want to be if you want girls to like you for your personality!

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Some people will judge you by your height and its a statistical fact that taller men are more likely to get appointed better jobs,etc. However if someone is prepared to judge you just on your height and not your personality then they arnt probably in a position to judge you at all. There are operations available to increase you height and i have included some information however i would strongly reccomend against this!


Google- Grow-taller-secret

also check out wiki.answers and type in How do you increase height by 5 inch after 22 years i am already 5ft 1inch but i need to gain 5 more inch is it possible if so how?


also check out Greg Valentino on you tube, you can see how some people will over compensate for lack of height.As kuiks8 said its your personality that people will judge you on, height is secondary! Everybody is different that is one of the great things in life!Take care buddy.


Im approx 5'6- 5'7 and 21 years old.

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When they say shorter men try to overcompensate it is when you get someone who is short who is really cocky, and is always being confrontational and rude...the opposite of what you want to be if you want girls to like you for your personality!


Ah; yeah, I'm not like that, so I guess I'm good.

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I agree that personality has a lot to do with a man's attractiveness. I am 6' and I was attracted to a shorter man (I think he was 5'6, 5'7? ) He was very charming and funny and knew when to take the lead (met him dancing in college). I didn't really notice the height thing when I was with him.


Well guess what.... we never got serious and he kinda filled me in that my height made him uncomfortable.


Some girls may find your height a turn off, but the right girl for you won't. Just don't turn her down if she is taller haha.

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