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How important is height?


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i was about 5"2 until i was about 17 and a half then i grew to just about 6" in about a year. guys keep growing until about 22 i heard so you still have a chance. if not, its not a big deal. personally i dont like women that are taller than me but thats just me. theres quite a lot of girls that rnt much taller than 5"4 or so, dont worry about it too much mate. as a general rule, as long as the girl cant put her chin on your head i wouldnt worry too much.

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Personal success is the attribute most commonly alligned with attracting a good woman. Focus on that over your possible physical defecits. The rest will come.


For the love of god, look at Dennis Kucinich.


Now, for attracting women who are merely attractive physically... I'd say groupthink is the defining factor there.

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I once played in a band with a guy who couldn't have been more than 5' 1", and he was a regular don juan. Of course, he was also a little cheesy narcissistic twit whom needed a good ass-kicking by me now and then when his behavior would get out of line. I guess some girls were incredibly attracted to those traits he had...go figure.


Anyway man, don't think being tall is an advantage over being short. I might be dead wrong about this, but from my experiences girls nowadays aren't so much attracted to tall guys (> 6' 2") that are pretty big and muscular, but rather lighter guys who are more comparable to the girl's height. Don't get discouraged by aspects of your physical appearance that you can't change. While you or some may not particularly like your height, others will like it.

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Heh heh, well, like I said, I'm not particularly bothered or distressed about it, I was just curious as to what people would say. Wanna hear something kinda funny? Twice this week, I saw two different couples in passing where the girl was about six inches taller than the guy. Made me kinda grin to myself, both times.

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It depends on what you bring to the table.


I know some guys well over 6'2", but they are lacking in certain areas which might be important to some girls, such as brains. I have two friends who are really tall like that, and they are good looking guys. They get girls, but they can't maintain a relationship with one. There best relationship has been with there right hand.


I know guys who are under 5'8" and bring quite a bit to the table to offset this, and they actively date. They are smart, they are funny, etc. Girls overlook height here when there are other qualities that shine. Personality can make someone larger than life.


My mom is taller than my dad by a good 4-5 inches, and he constantly jokes about how tall he is. He thinks he is Roger Moore most of the time. We constantly rip on them on how that one happened. My mom says she always wanted a taller guy, but they have 30 years together and 4 kids.


I'm 5'10" and have usually dated 5'8" to 5'11". They saw something in me other than height, so it didn't matter, but I'm sure some girls would find me too short for there tastes.

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I'm a woman and am 5' 2". Most men are taller than me.

One of my profs at Uni is short (about 5' 2" or shorter) and was married to a much taller woman (5' 8") and it didn't bother them.


Also the current President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy is much shorter than his new wife Carla (the former Supermodel Carla Bruni), she's 5' 9". No-one's quite sure how tall he is: link removed

but he wears raised shoes etc. Anyway, it obviously doesn't bother Carla.

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i think that its somewhat easier to score dates if you're a taller guy. but at the end of the day, a guy of any height can get dates. i'm 5'6 and a lot of girls have been interested in me... i used to gig with a friend who was like 5'3, 5'4 at most, and tons of girls liked him. i think it definitely helps to be good looking though. for example, if you're the same height as a girl and you've got a sub-par face, its kinda hard to look at you lol. i dunno, thats not really based on anything though.

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