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Ugh ugh ugh, stupid vent


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Well, my ex's new girl and I were friends for about um...3 days, back in Dec. I have been on this forum in question (not ENA) for 5+ years now, she joined um...6 months ago? Anyways, she knows I am there and this is the kind of crap she posts:


When i met my **** in here we ended up spending 5 months getting to know each other...online....it was a bloody nightmare by the end because we were desperate to be together and the whole online thing just wasnt working for me anymore. We always had every intention of taking it to rl but events in our life meant waiting 5 months for that to happen. It was a huge relief to finally be together.


Now we only do online if hes at work _wink or if hes on msn here at home and im on msn on my laptop at the same time....gotta keep it alive_big


Those 5 months are the 5 months he was with me and then desperate to have me back, yada yada. She knows this, I've shown her the emails and chat logs (she asked for them)


In my situation i know he loves me because of the little things he does that arent related to anything sexual...If im upset he does everything he is able to do to make everything all good again for me. When we watch a movie together we are all snuggled up together. We make each other laugh.


When he tells me he has never felt this way about anyone before...and the fact he is so comfortable spending time with me and including me when his friends are here...telling me he isnt ever letting go of me because im perfect for him...and telling his friends and family the same thing...thats when i knew he meant it when he said he loves me...and when his friends/family say he has told them he loves me...it must be true.


I know nobody else could replace me because he tells me that often. Thats how i know he loves me...and no we arent married yet.


This is a man who cheated on her with me for a month...who literally tried to replace her with me, and has essentially lied to her about everything. This post is sooo stupid I know, but I was just browsing the forum today and needed to get this frustration out somewhere to avoid emailing my ex screaming. Why does she have to post in every frigging thread on that forum - argh!! She literally has 3000 posts in 3 months.

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Hi There,


I can see that her posts hurt you, but honestly you are broken up with this guy and he cheated on both of you, so why do you really care?


You can't stop someone from posting things like that, and if she chooses to believe that's how it is, than that's her prerogative.


But honestly it's over between you so I wouldn't waste any time worrying about it.

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You two are broken up and the reality is that he is now in a relationship with this woman...you have to just accept that it is over for you and him and move on with your life. She can post whatever she wants...it can be fact or fantasyland...there is nothing you can do...you don't own the forum and anybody can post there.

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