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Has anyone from ENA ever met each other?


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I was going to visit someone on a road trip that I was taking but we decided to take a different route so we couldn't stop by and say hello..


I would love to meet; RayKay, Dako, Hope75, Batya33, Mr Maximum, Melrich, TechResQ, EQUESTRIANDYNAMO, and many more that just aren't coming to my head right now.

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I haven't met anyone, although there are a few I would like to meet.


However, I have been here for almost 4 years and did a brief stint as a moderator and can tell you that yes, there are folks who've met up irl in a strictly friendly fashion and there have been some more-than-friends relationships develop here...some of which ended with a lot of drama and heartache (some rather messily and publicly on the board) and a few relationships that, as far as I know, were/are just fine.


It's not a dating site, and given the nature of the site, it wouldn't be my first choice for intentionally looking for an SO (if I was single). There's too many recently-broken-up-broken-hearted-not-fully-healed-enough-to-get-into-a-healthy-relationship-at-the-moment types wandering around here. Odds of finding a geographically desirable, reasonably healthy (potential) partner are probably much better elsewhere.

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LOL I realized that the original OP might have meant dating and figured perhaps i better clarify!


Nope, not my intention at all really, but we do spill our hearts out here and I can see how others might find someone attractive on an emotional level. I was PMing with a member here who kind of cut me off cold without any explanation, which frankly hurt a little bit as my intentions were strictly plutonic, but oh well.



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Nope, not my intention at all really, but we do spill our hearts out here and I can see how others might find someone attractive on an emotional level. I was PMing with a member here who kind of cut me off cold without any explanation, which frankly hurt a little bit as my intentions were strictly plutonic, but oh well.





Sorry Kevin, everyone is going through their own demons. It could a reason you may never know, or she/he may pop back on and give you an explanation. Sometimes keeping a certain amount of distance between you and others on a forum isn't such a bad idea. But i do know it creeps up on you and may not be the easiest thing to treat lightly.


But better to have had the connection then no connection at all.

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yeah I had intercourse with someone from ENA super recently and you know what ?? He turned out to be just like his ENA persona in person and you know sometimes you really cant *spoon* a computer !! LOL


NEEDLESS to say, it did not work out. I keep trying to break up with him but its like we're glued to eachother's hips


I dont recommend it at all, he kind of well, is just like a cyberrelationship, cyber man in person lol

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