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Surdid Tales from Hell


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  • 3 weeks later...
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Ok... the video I just posted above does not play all the way through here on my computer. It plays almost to the end but then cuts out right at the best part.


I tried to figure out how to embed it here within the post. But I don't think ENA even allows that. I also tried finding it on youtube and it's not there. So I am sorry if you can't see the whole thing. But it really is worth seeing.

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  • 1 month later...

Random thoughts here...


In his day William Shakespear was looked at like John Waters is today. His stuff was consider nothing but trash. So a couple hundred years from now are high school kids going to have to write essays on Pink Fmalingos? I wonder...


The high school in my town (Keep in mind I live in the Bible Belt) has a club called the Gay Straight Alliance. A few weeks ago they had (And this is what it was actually called) * * * * * Day. It was a day at the school where students wore pink to support the Gay Straight Alliance. It's all good that they are teaching Gay High School students to be proud of who they are. But to me it makes no sense to call it " * * * * * Day." It sounds durogatory in a way. Why not calling it "Gay Pride Day" or something that goes along with the message they are trying to send?


The TV was on the National Geographic Channel earlier and they were talking about the Chupacabra and unexplained cattle mutilations. The narator was like "Locals have several theories on the cattle mutilations, is it Aliens?... Satanists?...


Yep, they got me. When I have nothing better to do I gather up all my Satanic buddies and we prowl the night looking for unsuspecting cattles to mutilate. And they kick hard too, let me tell you. Mystery solved.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's this picture I took of my girlfriend a few weeks ago in the woods behind my friend's house. She's completely gothed up in this picture. And that makes the fact it was taken at high noon on a sunny day even funnier. Tonight I saw she put it on her myspace, and the caption says "Welcome to my forest... of TERROR."


Gods, she's so perfect.

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I find it interesting that people think I am German when they first meet me (in real life) and so many people think I am British when they first meet me online.


Just an oservation.


people in southern Europe seem to think that i'm German. In The USA i have been mistaken for Australian, Canadian and from Ohio.

Scotland is just too hard a concept for some people, i guess

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I am only 1 day back in the States...and I have quite some tales, myself...and didn't think I'd log on at all until a few days' recovery (my journeys have really tampered with my diurnal clock, and moreover I suffered a fluke injury to my hands on my first day in Europe which is still on the mend after 5+ weeks)...but you get my very first post back! Since I know this is a good place to "hide out"....heh heh heh...


And well, I HAVE SEED SCANDINAVIA NOW!!! I feel so growed up now!! You've got to know that I was as close as it gets to Frostland, which is to say Vikingland and I am still waiting on an empty mead bottle that I hoisted to my lips to be shipped to me by my dear sister who has kept it in her possession, as I couldn't carry it in my luggage. But it is a memento of some truly inspiring and stirring places I saw that clearly hold great power...


And had we not had some constraints, my pleas to make one more hop over to Oslo might have been granted...as I heard that there are spectacular trainrides through the Fjords from there...


So how long will you be gone? I am so envious of you strangely for being from somewhere like that. It was very hard returning here last night, even a week ago to my friend's house where I stayed, in Southern California...seeing this country almost with some sadness. There are places of great soul here and great aliveness...but I don't feel these elements permeating the culture as I do in other lands.


Anyway, I'll save all that for my official "I'm back" sort of thread...I just wanted to drop in to say, way to go!! That you're on your way back there, and counting by the day...since you have been so homesick I know. I know also the feeling of not being among your own kind, as though an implant that has not quite grown roots and longing for people who recognize you as kin. I live with that every single day, too...as you know...


Now then, though, you will have to let me in on this newfound "peace" you've experienced and how. I don't think anyone reading your thread would dismiss you as crazy -- otherwise, what the hell are they even doing following your thoughts, firefrosts?


But I do really wanna know about this experience you've had...even though I myself don't have the inclination for Zen one bit. And don't really know that I would consider myself at the pinnacle if I never wanted anything anymore. It might be a much-sought state, and I think one should definitely luxuriate in it when it arises (as it will, if you reach a sublime state of acceptance about the "totality"), but I also feel that I want to keep learning, always...and learning requires mistakes...and making mistakes naturally involves realizing something else could have been done which was better...which leads to regret...which leads to lack of peace. So in finding one's way back to peace, one must first encounter a great deal of mire and quicksand, ego and entrapment to learn something in the end. Peace and learning are partners I think, but there is a healthy and vibrant complementarity between the two -- one being an achieved state, the other being one of growth and flux, suffering and struggle.


So, I'm not sure I could or WOULD opt for a continuous state of "bliss"...not that I would have a ghost of a chance of such an endeavor being realized anyway...


Ok, so I'll have to PM you then?


For now, it's for me to pull a HF and log off before anyone can see that I've even been on. LOL. Since this sure isn't a propos of a proper salutation to everyone now that I'm (provisionally)...sorta...kinda...back.

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I am so glad to see you.


Reading this post made me even more excited to go back then I was. It also made me a little more homesick then I've been. As time goes on I think more and more about going back permanently. Honestly... if I could pack up all my friends, my job and my girlfriend and take them with me I would be there now. (My girlfriend would go willingly, that I know.) Everyone/thing else is a different story.


I wouldn't want a continuous state of bliss either if it was offered to me. It would get boring. We need pain in our lives in small doses. Without it there is no pleasure.

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Glad to see you too, on here -- green "online" status, buddy. It just is so weird how you can leave a place and within a couple of weeks, it feels surreal that it even happened. I can't believe I was THERE!


Well, I don't want to make you more homesick than ever, but of course then I could ramp it up some and it would make for such an excellent climax when you get there, no?


I hear ya -- on packing up my things. Well, then...it's not out of the question for you to go, as anything is possible. That's what I told myself as the plane hit the runway here last night. That if we simply put it "out there" that we REALLY want something...the wheels start to move in mysterious ways. Hey look, I never thought I'd have a chance to even be there...but somehow, it happened. You never know how things will proceed and that's the exciting part of life, I think. The thickness of the plot!


The thicker. The better. I like mine so thick though you could pretty much cut it with a knife. Maybe that's a little too much.


Oh, but I just had to add this -- in Denmark, there were a LOT of guys that looked like you! And I thought, "It must be the bone structure over here, very classic sort of 'delicate/chiseled' male features", with that sort of angelic but pouty look...especially the metalheads, which were aplenty! HA! Ok, now that I've given everyone a visual, I'll just say for now that I'm so glad for you that you'll be getting a chance to go back there. And what a great thing that you know the main, most important thing of all would go with you wherever you wanted to be.


I just can't believe I missed Yngwie in Sweden while there, drat.


So true. We've got to have the contrast of opposites to really appreciate anything else. I have also noticed that pain and pleasure increase in direct and equal proportion to one another.

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^ My girlfriend made a comment about that too. We were in Oslo, not Denmark, but you know what I mean.


We were at this place I used to hang out at all the time when I was younger where all the metalheads go. And she was like "If I have one more drink I might not be able to spot you in the crowd, then I'll end up going home with someone else." Something like that. We were both way passed sober at that point.

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Finally got my internet back...


My girlfriend was talking to some of her co workers about the upcoming trip. This girl she works with told her no matter what, when she's over there DO NOT wear sneakers. My girl asked why not, and was told "Because if they see you wearing sneakers they know your an American... and you will be so ****ed."


Yes... I grew up in Europe and that's exactly what we do. We are always watching for some stupid American to come walking by in sneakers so we can all rise as one and slay them. *sarcasm, incase it isn't obvious*

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The other night my girl and I went to see Type O Negative with a few friends of ours. Among this group of friends, my friend Paul and his pregnat wife Amanda. Amanda is about seven months pregnant and really hating the way she looks right now.


A month or so ago My girl was doing a photo shoot with her friend Hali and Paul and Amanda stopped over. While they were here My girl and Hali came back from the shoot, and they were all gothed up, looking amazingly sexy. Well, Amanda was feeling so down on herself and her big pregnant stomach that she went in the bathroom and cried.


So, Thrusday night before the Type O show my girlfriend was planning on getting dressed up all sexy, but then she decided to dress completely frumpy in jeans and a baggy shirt and she just wore her hair don with very little makeup. She did this because it's been Amanda's dream to see Type O for a really long time, and my girl didn't want to make her feel insecure by looking completely hot. (Just my opinion, my girl always looks hot, even when she first wakes up in the mornging, but that's just my opinion.)


So, Paul and Amanda show up, and Amanda was all dressed up in brand new clothes, and her hair was all spiked up and she was all made up and everything. When we got there we ran into a bunch of people we know and all these ladies my girlfriend was talking to were telling Amanda how she was the cutest pregnant lady they had ever seen, etc.


Why am I posting this? Because my girl's kindness amazes me. Most of the world could learn from someone like her. And she does stuff like this all the time for people. It's not like one random act of kindness and the rest of the time she's selfish and mean like the rest of us. She is easily the least selfish person I know.

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