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can you move your period up?

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I'm on birth control and my wedding is april 19th. I just looked at when my period will land in april and it will end on the 19TH! (hopfully) I always have vaginal discomfort when my period ends and I don't think thats good when your losing your virginity! so my question is this, my pills are 21 pills and 7 sugar pills. Will it work if I start my sugar pills early, like on the 18th or 19th day so that it will end earlier? (to get an earlier period so it will end sooner) like maybe a few days before my wedding?) or will that not work? I'm gonna call my advice nurse but I wanted to know if anyones tried it and if it's worked.


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Sweety, while I know this is a great place to come for advice you post somewhat the same question every few days. And each time someone tells you that you need to talk with your doctor about this. He/she is the only one who can really give you a straight forward answer concerning your Birth control and periods. I'm not trying to be mean or attack you just letting you know, that things like this can only be answered by your doctor.

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Sweety, while I know this is a great place to come for advice you post somewhat the same question every few days. And each time someone tells you that you need to talk with your doctor about this. He/she is the only one who can really give you a straight forward answer concerning your Birth control and periods. I'm not trying to be mean or attack you just letting you know, that things like this can only be answered by your doctor.


I wouldn't even rely on my very best friends when it comes to my health (even less so a bunch of virtual strangers).


Don't mess with this and consult your physician.

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I have heard of this being done for honeymoon, special vacations, etc. But I agree with the others who strongly advised to get individual advice from a physician because everyone's body is different and manipulating your cycle in this way may not be advisable for your body, etc.

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Sweety, while I know this is a great place to come for advice you post somewhat the same question every few days. And each time someone tells you that you need to talk with your doctor about this. He/she is the only one who can really give you a straight forward answer concerning your Birth control and periods. I'm not trying to be mean or attack you just letting you know, that things like this can only be answered by your doctor.

sweetie, if you read my post you'd see that I AM going to ask the doctor, but I said I wanted to hear YOUR experiences with it. And no I don't ask the same question every few days. If you don't like it then stay out of my threds.

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You can skip the sugar pills entirely and just start a new pack on the day you would have taken the first sugar pill. I do this every month because I hate getting my period and my doctor has totally OK'd it. The only complaint is that if you do it for a few months in a row, your cycle will get screwed up and you'll have some spotting for a few weeks, which is annoying! But it sounds like you're just doing it for a one-time thing so it should be no issue for you.

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You can skip the sugar pills entirely and just start a new pack on the day you would have taken the first sugar pill. I do this every month because I hate getting my period and my doctor has totally OK'd it. The only complaint is that if you do it for a few months in a row, your cycle will get screwed up and you'll have some spotting for a few weeks, which is annoying! But it sounds like you're just doing it for a one-time thing so it should be no issue for you.

hhmm....really? I'm just scared that if I skip the sugar pills I'll start spotting and that will ruin the whole point! I asked my doctor is I should skip it and she was like "you can, but you didn't hear that from me" so I don't know what that meant. I'd probably only do it if I knew for sure that there would be no bleeding at all that month! but I guess there's no way to tell huh?

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but I guess there's no way to tell huh?


Not really because every women reacts differently. One time my doctor had me quit the pills early (11 days into the pack) as soon as I quit taking the active pills I started my period.


During my wedding I had the same problem as you. All I did was take an "extend" it by skipping the sugar pills and going into the next pack for just a week. Then I let my body do it's thing, which it did. No spotting happened when I skipped.

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hhmm....really? I'm just scared that if I skip the sugar pills I'll start spotting and that will ruin the whole point! I asked my doctor is I should skip it and she was like "you can, but you didn't hear that from me" so I don't know what that meant. I'd probably only do it if I knew for sure that there would be no bleeding at all that month! but I guess there's no way to tell huh?


That's weird that she said that! My doctor has told me so many times that it's just fine. I don't think you will spot. I can't say for sure, but from my experience, you won't! And even spotting beats a full-on period, haha

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hhmm....really? I'm just scared that if I skip the sugar pills I'll start spotting and that will ruin the whole point! I asked my doctor is I should skip it and she was like "you can, but you didn't hear that from me" so I don't know what that meant. I'd probably only do it if I knew for sure that there would be no bleeding at all that month! but I guess there's no way to tell huh?


i think you need a new doctor, this one sounds kind of unprofessional. what does that mean, 'you didn't hear it from me?' that's crap.


i know that this is a big topic in the field of women's health - do women actually NEED to have their periods. some say yes, some say no. you aren't even trying to get rid of your period, you're just trying to shift it for your wedding day, that is understandable. i don't know your medical history, but if there is no problem with your health, doing so should be fine, i don't understand why your doctor says, 'you didn't hear it from me!' who ELSE are you supposed to get medical advice from if not your doctor?


find a new doctor.

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Like others have said, it shouldn't be a problem. If you are otherwise healthy, I've had multiple doctors tell me it's not dangerous. What I would recommend, however, is stopping in the middle of your current pack (or next one, if you're close to the end). Your period should start within a few days and then you can just act like it's a "normal" period and start the next pack like you normally would. Skipping the sugar pills won't work if it's a multi-phasic (if the pills are different colors-not including the sugar pills), but stopping in the middle should. My periods were horrible and my doctor tried putting me on a 4/year schedule and it didn't work, but stopping in the middle of a pack altered it for one of my vacation trips.

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really? why would that make you extra fertile?


I don't think it makes the person "extra fertile" just - able to conceive.


I think that you need to take a more relaxed mindset. The point is not the wedding night - you'll probably be exhausted! - but the marriage and the hopefully many days and nights you will have to enjoy being with your "first" - the best part of weddings and the wedding nights are the stories of how things seemed to go "wrong" (not in any terrible way, in an unfortunate, murphy's law way) but how you two had a blast despite all the glitches.


Or, if it is that crucial to you, decide not to have the party on the 19th (I know, that's very inconvenient but this seems crucial to you) and have a private ceremony a few days later when the "timing" works better. Or, wait to consummate - in the grand scheme of things, what's a few days?


I understand how important this is to you but the stressing over it might even impact how much you enjoy your first time - and who needs that kind of sabotage?

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