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Got dumped again...please help.

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I'm sorry you're feeling so awful.


There will be another one, even though that's no doubt the furthest thing from your mind (maybe). A better one, one with some character and backbone who isn't such a flake.


You mentioned that is you in your avatar. I should think you'd have men lined up right outside your door! Take heart, it'll get better. Hugs.

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Aw, buba... hurting again; that blows. You obviously feel very deeply and you got taken in by the worst kind of fiend -- the kind who tells you he's in love with you and then proves it to be nothing but a lie by wandering off with the next thing that catches his eye. How perplexing, how reality-jarring to fall in love with a wolf in poet's clothing.


At the same time, though, I suppose it could be said that you're lucky; lucky that his true nature became apparent before your lives were inextricably entwined and lucky that you're free for a real Prince Charming to find you and show you that it's not all an illusion and that there are men who know how sacred and serious it is to take someone's heart into their hands. None of these thoughts may be of much comfort to you now, but they do illustrate the fact that you have everything to look forward to.


And hey, in the meantime you have us to vent with. That's something, hmm?

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Somebloke, thank you for comforting my broken heart...

Yes, I trusted him...he used to tell me that I am a dream come true...even asked me to run off to Vegas and merry him, heh...well, it was probably a joke, but he was amazing with his affection...I loved every minute of it...

Yesterday he said that he has no feelings for me any longer, but has lots of them for this new girl. It hurts like hell.

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Well, I'm sorry buba, but this guy is even a bigger loser than I thought. Why would he feel the need to tell you he has all these feelings for this other woman?


All I can point out is how lucky you are to have found out early on. Can you imagine marrying some guy like this only to be tossed aside ten years down the road, when it might not be as easy to find another guy? (I only say this because mine left me when I was in my mid 30s and this was my thinking at the time and still is. Had he left me now, I would have been incredibly more devastated).


Hang in there. He did you a favor by showing you who is really is. Good riddance to bad rubbish!

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Yesterday he said that he has no feelings for me any longer, but has lots of them for this new girl.


To be honest, it doesn't sound like his 'feelings' go much beyond "I want!" despite any smooth talking that he may be capable of. True love isn't quite as mobile and transferable as he makes it out to be. He may be the type that pulls up stakes every so often and moves on before a proper analysis can be made and his act is determined to be a self-serving charade.


I reiterate my former observation that you're in a better position now than you were with him. You deserve the real thing, buba.

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Oh you poor thing. You didn't do anything wrong.


I know how you feel, because similar things happened to me. I went through a very bad breakup about 1.5 years ago, and I got involved with few men who were very romantic and seemed very into me in the beginning. Two of them decided to get back together with their ex-girlfriends and neither of them had guts to tell me that on a phone. They stop calling me all the sudden, and 1-2 weeks later I got lame emails. So coword.


But you know what? You are BETTER OFF without them. Trust me on this. I was so sad, down and blamed on myself, but I realized that I didn't do anything wrong. I've been going out with my current boyfriend for about 4 months (known him for a year) and he is sooooooo much better than them! After all, I'm glad that things didn't work out with those cowards. Oh for the record, the cowards tried to contact me again several months after he dumped me because things didn't work out with their ex! haha.


You deserve a man who only looks at you and treats you right.

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buba, I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. My gf broke up with me 1 month ago and i am still trying to take the pain.


I would try to be calm and act as if you have gotten over him. Make the encounter short and brief. You can cry all you want after the encounter but hold your tears (if any) when you see him.

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