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Valentines Day!

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It is a money making scheme. And let me tell you something from experience: don't miss it! If you don't feel like supporting the commercial side of the holiday, take her to a park and grill her hamburgers (climate permitting), take a shop class and weld her a sculpture. Don't blow it off for idealistic reasons, you can do romantic things that don't feed the machine.

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If you do two minutes of research on the internet you will see that not just companies make money on valentine's day - many individuals also do. Sure, like any other holiday some take advantage of it to make money. I celebrate it when I have an SO but I am mellow about it these days and have been for a long time - no grand expectations!

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Do people actually celebrate Valentines Day? Or do you think its just another money making scheme for companies?


when there's someone special in my life i do.


and always gotta send my mother something of course.


Of course its overcomercialized all that, but who cares? Its not like they're forcing you to go plop a grand on some ugly piece of jewerly. I bet lots of women would be just as happy with a handmade frame and a picture or something.

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Yeah i like it! When i've got a SO that is. If single - it sucks! I'm sure depression rates increase around mid-february becuz ppl feel worthless if they're single at valentines day, and all the restaurants are filled with hot happy couples...


But yeah, when i've got a SO i enjoy it v much! If single... i hate hearing about it tbh.


It is a nice Valentines day, because it allows for romance and time put aside to just be together that is hard to find normally. Its just about you 2. And its a time for romance and love to perhaps move to the next level. Perhaps to say those three little words (no not ''i hate you''!~)

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Yes, it is a commercial holiday and I don't buy into the hype around it. But I use it as it should be used: Just another excuse to tell my g/f I love her. I don't buy tons of sappy Valentine's Day cards or chocolates or anything, but everyone likes to be told they're loved. Usually it's a nice dinner either at home, or out, or at a picnic. A hike, bike ride, whatever. Doesn't mean you have to go buy Hallmarks' products!

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