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Male Midlife Crisis in Late 30's


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Probably a mid life crisis but what most people make the mistake in doing during this time is mistaking material goods and high euphoric trysts like sex with as many as they can find etc will fill that void and this doesn't last because these are not really the things the mind is craving during this time.


The mind is craving a reason for "being". A man or woman, especially as they get older, like to feel they are making a mark in the world. Many people begin to feel empty when that doesn't seem to be happening.


As cliche'd as it sounds i think you will find more about who you are by giving to others. I would suggest figuring out the things you enjoy and incorporating those activities into making a difference in someone ELSE's life.

It is strange how sometimes we learn most about ourselves by our ability (or inability) to help others.


The days i feel the most fulfilled ironically are the days I did little for myself but a lot for other people. It makes me feel I am making my mark in the world, even if just a small one. It makes a person want to wake up in the morning.

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As cliche'd as it sounds i think you will find more about who you are by giving to others. I would suggest figuring out the things you enjoy and incorporating those activities into making a difference in someone ELSE's life. It is strange how sometimes we learn most about ourselves by our ability (or inability) to help others.


This is very good advice. However I already do that and quite frankly I'm sick of it. For once, I'd like people to offer me the care and support that I constantly offer others without me having to look or ask for it.

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This is very good advice. However I already do that and quite frankly I'm sick of it. For once, I'd like people to offer me the care and support that I constantly offer others without me having to look or ask for it.


The crisis can be likened to a parent pushing the child into less dependency and the child wishing to remain dependent. It is pushing the child out of the childhood nest of neediness. Rather than trying to climb back into the nest, the 'child' needs to turn 180 degrees and fall out of this neediness.


A fully mature adult does not need to be cared for and supported.

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