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Anyone here smoke shisha?


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Never personally done it, but isn't it just flavored tobacco? I would imagine that might make it a touch addictive, but the friends I have who smoke shisha don't seem to need their fix daily. It's more of a social thing for them, I think (they're from the ME/South Asia - really popular over there!)


Sorry, just realized this probably isn't particularly insightful. Oh well!

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I enjoy it very much.


The flavor should be fruity and smooth, not irritation or burning in your throat, if not, the coal is too hot and needs to be moved to the side a little. If you have trouble getting smoke, the tobacco maybe too tightly packed or the seal on the hose not true.


PS: no highs with tobacco, although people often use hookah to smoke pot or hash in the middle east

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It's mild and pleasant.

A goo of molasses, fruit and a small bit of tobacco heated by a charcoal lump. It's hardly as fierce as the cigars I was smoking.


Unlike anything I ever smoked, and I've tried plenty of odd things.

Of course smoking is naughty, but I tend to be curious.

The charcoal is some Egyptian stuff that's working well.

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I would think anything you smoke is somehow damaging to the lungs. They really aren't for absorbing anything but oxygen - and that can sometimes be toxic too.


I have never smoked a hookah before but I did find this info.I am sure you probably have read this....



Today's media sometimes suggests that hookah can be a more health threatening activity than smoking cigarettes. Research suggests that a session of hookah tobacco smoking (tobacco molasses) which lasts 45 minutes delivers slightly more tar and carbon monoxide (around 5-10%) than a packet of cigarettes.[8] This study has, however, come under criticism for using unrealistically high temperatures for the tobacco (600-650 degrees C) and using arbitrary figures for tar filtration rates.[citation needed] This could possibly have skewed results, as the carcinogenic and toxin levels of smoke increases dramatically with temperature (Wynder 1958). Common practice is to keep temperatures to degrees which do not "char" the hookah; that is within a temperature range of 100-150 C. (Chaouachi K: Patologie associate all'uso del narghile). The effects of these lower temperatures on tar are inconclusive, though Chaouachi indicates the tar would be less harmful.


Some hookah tobaccos claim to contain 0.0% Tar, but this is misleading due to the fact that tar is created when tobacco burns.

However there is a notable difference in areas of carbon monoxide absorption, in that while cigarettes have a notable effect on the small respiratory tracts rather, shisha smoking mostly affects the major airways (Bakir 1991, Kiter). This means a lessened FEV vs FEV1/FVC ratio compared to cigarettes, which is believed to be less harmful for the airways long-term.

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Read that passage, and I don't disagree, but I'm an explorer of sorts. I may just dabble in this to see what it's about.


The cafes charge 15 bucks to smoke one of these, and for 60 bucks I got a hookah and a kilo of various shisha. It's a bit cumbersome to become a habit. I can always make a lamp out of it.


Beats watching Idol.

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Read that passage, and I don't disagree, but I'm an explorer of sorts. I may just dabble in this to see what it's about.


The cafes charge 15 bucks to smoke one of these, and for 60 bucks I got a hookah and a kilo of various shisha. It's a bit cumbersome to become a habit. I can always make a lamp out of it.


Beats watching Idol.


I know my friends have a beautiful hookah that her husband picked up in India. It is more a showpiece than a Alice in Wonderland smoker. LOL


And hey Idol isn't all that bad....at least it keeps the lungs clean.


I say try it and if that isn't your bag than like you say make a lamp out of it.

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I know my friends have a beautiful hookah that her husband picked up in India. It is more a showpiece than a Alice in Wonderland smoker. LOL


And hey Idol isn't all that bad....at least it keeps the lungs clean.


I say try it and if that isn't your bag than like you say make a lamp out of it.


You lecture about smoking and then say Idol isn't all that bad, whoops, someone just lost credibility. My lungs maybe fine, but my ache to shoot myself in the head after being subject to idiocy certainly doesn't diminish.

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You lecture about smoking and then say Idol isn't all that bad, whoops, someone just lost credibility. My lungs maybe fine, but my ache to shoot myself in the head after being subject to idiocy certainly doesn't diminish.



Well if you are that judgemental and want to count and/or discount my credibility based on a television show I may or may not watch then that is up to you. Its a sad fact and quite judgemental. I don't think I have ever attacked someone over such a thing. I don't think I was lecturing. I actually just copy n pasted what I found on shisha.

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Hey, I understand the taboo on smoking well and agree that it's lame to smoke anything, but my health is a balance of mental vs physiological.


Simon and pop music marketing is also debatably lame. I tend to watch House... whacko on another level.

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dako, my buddies and I do hookah every now and then. I did not think anyone on this site did!


Anyways, they have their own setup at their place, and we've been doing it for quite some time now. I dont believe that this can cause any serious damage to your insides. I dislike smoking in general, but this is the only type of smoking I do. The only thing I can see is maybe some long term effects on your lung capacity/functionality down the road, but unless you consume it heavily it shouldn't be bad.

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Well if you are that judgemental and want to count and/or discount my credibility based on a television show I may or may not watch then that is up to you. Its a sad fact and quite judgemental. I don't think I have ever attacked someone over such a thing. I don't think I was lecturing. I actually just copy n pasted what I found on shisha.

Its called sarcasm.


He asked for first hand experience, not a cut and paste on the evils.

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